属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-埃博拉病毒 防控刻不容缓
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-沙特跟老美 别扭扭
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧元区改革: 中肯的提议(1)
1 | 不停顿地持续下去;坚持. | To continue without halting ; persevere. | |
2 | 干某事犹豫不决. | do sth in a halting way | |
3 | 国务院办公厅关于停止发展多层次传销企业的通知 | Circular of the General Office of the State Council Concerning Halting the Development of Pyramid Retailing(September 22, 1995) | |
4 | 孩子初学走路时那蹒跚的几步. | A toddler’s first few halting steps | |
5 | 结结巴巴地说 | Speak in a halting voice | |
6 | 她的言谈中已经出现了停顿,口齿不清的现象,这就是她的不祥之兆,尽管当时我并不知道。 | Already there had crept into her speech a halting lisping quality that though I did not know it, was the shadow of her future | |
7 | 老人家蹒跚的脚步显出她体质衰弱。 | The old woman’s halting steps revealed the feebleness of her constitution. | |
8 | 那男孩因害羞说起话来结结巴巴。 | Shyness made the boy speak in a halting manner | |
9 | 是故卷甲而趋,日夜不处,倍道兼行 | Thus, if you order your men to roll up their buff-coats, and make forced marches without halting day or night, covering double the usual distance at a stretch | |
10 | 说话吞吞吐吐. | speak in a halting voice | |
11 | 所谓反冒进,不但是停止发展,而且是成批地强迫解散(或者“砍掉”)了已经建成的合作社,引起了干部和农民群众的不满意。 | Opposition to the alleged rash advance meant not only halting the expansion but compulsorily dissolving (or "axing")large numbers of co-operatives already set up, thus rousing dissatisfaction among the cadres and peasant masses | |
12 | 他说的这些话既杂乱无章、吞吞吐吐,又? | What he had to say was confused, halting , and verbose | |
13 | 他说话吞吞吐吐。 | He speaks in a halting voice | |
14 | 他用踌躇的肯定词“是的”限制了他的强调语气。 | He moderates his assent with the halting affirmative | |
15 | 它具有一个详细的工作计划领域,包括对抗恐怖主义阻止武器扩散,战区导弹防御系统等等。 | It has a detailed work programme covering areas like the struggle against terrorism, halting weapons’ proliferation, theatre missile defence and so on. | |
16 | 文字别扭拙劣可能是由于不善于遣词造句,导致语句疙里疙瘩,缠夹不清,不能流畅自如。 | The awkwardness may be due to simple clumsiness in handling words and constructing sentences so that there is a halting , tangling movement in the writing instead of an easy, agreeable flow | |
17 | 因害羞那姑娘说话结结巴巴。 | Shyness made the girl speak in a halting manner. | |
18 | 与联合国讨论油价未果而决定停止石油出口的伊拉克,周日宣布要自订油价。伊拉克表示他们有信心马上就可打破僵局。 | Iraq said Sunday it was free to set the price of its own oil after halting crude exports following a pricing row with the United Nations,but added it was optimistic the impasse would soon be resolved. | |
19 | 最后,经过一番努力,他终于心情紧张结结巴巴地说。 | At last, with an effort, he began to speak in a halting , nervous way | |
20 | 最后,只剩下我的那位说英语的朋友。他用不连贯的英语试图和我交流。 | Finally, there was just my English-speaking friend. In halting English he struggled to communicate. | |
21 | 作为一个负责任的公司,通用汽车关注假冒汽车零配件问题源于诸多考虑。 | GM is focused on halting the counterfeiting of auto parts. | |
22 | ||1:第二件事是需要受训人员来管理治疗中心并开始工作。||2:管理不善以及不到位的感染防控可能加剧疾病的传播。||3:这两件事都亟待解决,并阻止埃博拉病毒的几何级数增长。||4:今年八月,据世界卫生组织估计,需要用9个月花费4.9亿美元的资金才能控制在埃博拉病毒。||5:先在估计这一金额将升至10亿美元。||6:全世界对此观望的时间越长,那么想要控制疫情将耗费更多的人力物力。 | ||1:The second need is for trained staff to run the treatment centres and work in them.||2:Poorly run ones with weak infection controls may hasten the spread of the disease.||3:Both are needed soon, as the cost of halting Ebola’s spread is also rising exponentially.||4:In August the World Health Organisation estimated that it would take nine months and cost $490m to contain Ebola.||5:Now it reckons the cost has risen to over $1 billion.||6:The longer the world prevaricates, the harder and costlier it will be to contain this outbreak. | |
23 | ||1:这类帮助并不特意藐视美国的期望,但只要沙特与别国利益一致,与美的摩擦就会产生。||2:例如在叙利亚,沙特与中情局联盟给反政方提供援助这一计划就一致给沙特佣兵眼中的美国刺儿刺儿的不安再添堵。||3:沙方抱怨这样犹豫不决的援助助长了拥有更常规资金和武器资源的伊斯兰极端分子的勇气,也削弱了美方支持的政治反对派。||4:去年8月,叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德被发现手染鲜血以毒气处理数以百计的国人,沙特看到了一个绝妙的机会来进行更有力的打击。||5:而相比之下,奥巴马退缩了,明显满意于消除阿萨德化武的小小目标。 | ||1:Much of this aid does not necessarily flout America’s wishes but, even where interests coincide, friction can arise.||2:Such as in Syria, where joint Saudi-CIA plans to supply anti-government rebels have consistently stumbled against what Saudi operatives view as quibbling American qualms.||3:The halting nature of such supplies, the Saudis complain, has emboldened Islamist extremists who have more regular sources of funding and weapons and weakened the American-backed political opposition.||4:Last August, when Syria’s president, Bashar Assad, was caught red-handed gassing his own people in their hundreds, the Saudis saw a golden opportunity to strike hard.||5:Mr Obama instead shrank back, apparently satisfied with the narrower aim of eliminating Mr Assad’s chemical weapons. | |
24 | 其他各区进展,尤其是银行改革进展似乎停滞不前。 | In other areas, notably banking reform, progress is likely to be halting . | |
25 | 然而只是堵住了洪水防止了眼前的灾难并不完美。 | Yet simply halting floodwaters and preventing short-term damage is not enough. | |
26 | 他可能会加速沃尔玛网络业务的进程。 | He may speed Walmart’s halting American effort. | |
27 | “美国联邦政府有机会解决债务危机么?中国决策者拥有同样的机会才能阻止财富和资产泡沫破裂。” | "Chinese policymakers have about as much chance of halting the property and asset bust as the Fed had of stopping the subprime crisis. " | |
28 | LILO在此处停止表示第二阶段引导加载程序不能被执行。 | LILO halting at this point indicates the second stage boot loader could not be executed. | |
29 | Q将使用P的停机预测来引发一场糟糕的逻辑混乱。 | that will use P’s predictions of halting success to stir up a terrible logical mess. | |
30 | 按下了某个紧急停机按钮,所有机械设备停止 | One of the two emergency stop butons was pressed, halting all mechanical devices |