属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-贝约 我至高无上
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国军队 变化的力量
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-唱片业 环球公司的赌博游戏
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-新国会 上面施工下面堵塞
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-证券化 重新启动
1 | 在我工作的时候别妨碍我. | Don`t hamper me when I`m working. | |
2 | 在野餐用的大篮子里有许多苹果。 | There are some apples in a picnic hamper . | |
3 | 这些问题的出现严重阻碍了企业的发展。 | The emergence of such problems seriously hamper the development of enterprises. | |
4 | 直接阻碍改革的深入和经济的发展,影响党和群众的关系。 | directly hamper the deepening of the reform and economic development and impair the relationship between the Party and the masses . | |
5 | ||1:并不是巧合,因为这三个国家均是拉丁美洲少数几个总统拥有近乎绝对统治权的国家。||2:厄瓜多尔总统拉斐尔·科雷亚将是下一个委内瑞拉总统乌戈·查韦斯。他和尼加拉瓜总统丹尼尔·奥尔特加部署了大多数选举席位以便遏制司法独立、控制媒体以及遏制反对派的行动。||3:除了获取权利的路线不同,他们的权利范围与该地区19世纪的独裁者有极大的相似之处。这些独裁者的专制统治在巴拉圭作家奥古斯托·罗亚·巴斯托斯的经典小说的标题中体现的淋漓尽致—《我,至高无上》。 | ||1:Not coincidentally, these countries are among a handful in Latin America in which presidents now exercise near-absolute power.||2:Mr Correa, the late Hugo Chávez in Venezuela and Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega deployed their electoral majorities to crush the independence of the judiciary, curb the media and hamper opposition.||3:In the extent of their power, if not in the route by which they obtained it, they resemble the region’s 19th-century dictators—whose absolutism is captured in the title of a classic Paraguayan novel by Augusto Roa Bastos called “Yo, el Supremo”. | |
6 | ||1:但是军队最明显的改变是非常直截了当的:英国可能在近期不会再加入大型的境外战争。||2:这可能会影响新兵征募。这也会将那些参加过实战的军人和未参加过的分开来。||3:这就是为什么军官非常热衷于参加剩下的战斗的原因。||4:赫尔中尉说,“和我一起训练过的战友都是很有能力的,但是不幸的是,他们不能在合适的时间去到合适的地方,因而无法参加实战”。||5:而且,他认为自己目前的宿舍比之前的人更为舒适。||6:他感到遗憾的是,自从他从严峻的前线基地回到堡垒军营以后,他竟然可以去商店买冰淇淋吃了。 | ||1:But the most obvious change to the armed forces is a straightforward one: Britain will probably not be engaged in a major foreign war in the near future.||2:That may hamper recruiting. It will also divide those entitled to wear operational-services medals and those who are not.||3:This is why officers are keen to get whatever residual action they can.||4:“There were very competent guys who I went through training with who were just unfortunate, they didn’t go to the right place at the right time and they didn’t get an operational tour,” says Lieutenant Hill.||5:Still, he knows his billet is more comfortable than his predecessors endured.||6:He regrets the fact that, since he is based in Camp Bastion rather than an austere forward base, he can go to a shop and eat an ice cream. | |
7 | ||1:有人预计,做出这样的让步,会阻碍环球公司计划通过这项交易实现盈利的目的。||2:同时,不管9月份欧盟会公布怎样的裁决结果,环球唱片公司都需要支付花旗集团(Citigroup)17.5亿美金。||3:这样的形势,就使得环球的法国老东家—威望迪集团(Vivendi)处在了一个难堪的境地。因为它必须安抚好那些脾气越来越暴躁的股东们,告诉他们百代加入所产生的协同效应,将为集团带来预计1亿英镑的收入。 | ||1: Some expect such concessions to hamper the label’s plans to make money from the deal. ||2: Universal has to pay Citigroup $1.75 billion in September regardless of the outcome. ||3: This puts Vivendi , Universal’s French parent, in an uncomfortable position, as it must reassure its increasingly tetchy shareholders that the £100m in predicted synergies will come to pass. | |
8 | ||1:在合作有望成功的地方,若清单不足,且出现放弃者,那么对峙的可能性将无限放大。麦凯恩先生和博纳先生顶着各自成员施加的压力,想方设法,阻止《平价医疗法案》的实施以及总统有关移民问题的执行力。他们将竭尽全力,通过给法案—总统另行签署—附上附文,达成此目标。同时,检验总统在保存这两样他认为最重要的成就时愿意付出多少。||2:下周众议院投票通过关于“基石输油管计划”(把石油从加拿大焦油砂运送到墨西哥湾岸区炼油厂的输油管)的建设,届时他们可能开始行动。白宫说,总统将会否决这项法案。输油管一事,成为解答为何对这个新国会期待越高失望越大的最佳解释。||3:“基石输油管计划”,一旦建成,可能会略微增加二氧化碳排放量,尽管其整体效果还有待考究。该计划也不会带来太多经济利润:输油管不大可能创造大量工作岗位;而且石油每桶价格在50美元,在经济上也许不太可行。||3:然而,民主党人常常却将“基石输油管计划”看成是对美国面临的环境问题的最大威胁;共和党,恰恰相反则认为这是治理任何“小病”的“一剂良药”,无论是经济低速增长还是就业问题。 | ||1:If the list of things where co-operation is possible is short and comes with many disclaimers, the opportunities for confrontation are numerous. Both Mr McConnell and Mr Boehner are under pressure from their members to find ways to hamper the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the president’s executive action on immigration. They will try to do so by attaching riders to bills that the president would otherwise wish to sign, testing how much he is willing to lose in order to preserve two of the things that he sees as big achievements. ||2:This is likely to start in the coming week, when the Senate votes to approve the construction of Keystone XL, a pipeline that would take oil from Canada’s tar sands to refineries on the Gulf coast. The White House has said that the president will veto the bill.The pipeline is a good illustration of why hoping for too much from this Congress will bring disappointment. ||3:Keystone XL, if built, may contribute to a slight increase in CO2 emissions, though its overall impact will be hard to discern. Nor will it provide much economic benefit: the pipeline is unlikely to create a large number of jobs, and with oil at $50 a barrel it is probably not viable economically. ||4:Yet Democrats often act as if Keystone XL were the most important environmental threat facing America, whereas Republicans offer it as a fix for any number of ailments, from slow growth to unemployment. | |
9 | 这将会限制风险的直接转移,但是,鉴于之前的经验,防患于未然可能会比较明智。 | That will hamper the desirable transferring of risk but, given recent history, it is probably prudent to put a little sand in the gears. | |
10 | “一些公司不了解其投资战略的实际容纳能力,资产越多只会对投资和交易方式造成束缚。” | "Some firms have no appreciation of the capacity that their strategy has, and more assets will only hamper the way they invest and trade. " | |
11 | iBasket看起来就看衣物篮,实际上它是隐藏得非常完美的洗衣机。 | The iBasket looks just like a laundry hamper , but it’s also a cleverly concealed little washing machine. | |
12 | RBI可以尝试通过直接购入政府债券来抵消,但这可能反而会束缚其支持卢比的措施。 | The RBI could try to offset this by buying government bonds directly, but that might in turn hamper its efforts to support the rupee. | |
13 | 按条件收费将会动摇平等地位,成为公平司法服务的障碍。 | Conditional fees will upset equality of arms, and hamper fair access to justice. | |
14 | 奥巴马深知派遣更多的部队会阻止为减少美军身体和精神上的压力所作出的努力。 | Mr Obama knows that sending many more troops will hamper efforts to reduce the physical and mental strain on the American forces. | |
15 | 毕竟,太过焦虑会影响发挥。 | Too much anxiety, after all, can hamper performance. | |
16 | 不要穿越受灾区域去看热闹,这样只会妨碍救援行动。 | Do not go sightseeing through areas of damage. You will only hamper the relief effort. | |
17 | 不愿(或无力)进行如此规模的借贷,将进而阻碍美国货币政策的有效性。 | Unwillingness (or inability) to borrow on such a scale will, in turn, hamper the effectiveness of US monetary policy. | |
18 | 长城汽车避开了妨碍其竞争对手的一些问题,比如设计抄袭,并选择进入SUV这一细分市场。 | Great Wall avoided some of the issues that hamper its peers, including copycat designs, and has chosen a niche market in SUVs. | |
19 | 撤出援助将是一种鲁莽的行为,无论如何在短期内都会阻碍抗击贫困的战斗。 | Withdrawing aid would be a blunt tool and, at any rate in the short run, would hamper the battle against poverty. | |
20 | 除了关注的隐私外,间谍软件会妨碍计算机的性能。 | In addition to privacy concerns, spyware can hamper your computer’s performance. | |
21 | 此项收购后,随之而来的政治活动或将使国外大型并购遇阻。 | With it came a lesson in the politicking that can hamper big foreign acquisitions. | |
22 | 单片机应用系统抗干扰技术的应用 | Resistant hamper technology on single-chip microcomputer use | |
23 | 但分析师仍认为,失业率居高不下,收入增长缓慢且信贷紧张,这些因素都将阻碍成长势头。 | But analysts still reckon high unemployment, coupled with low income growth and tight credit, will hamper growth. | |
24 | 但更重要的是,地震会对日本刚刚抬头的经济造成不良的影响。 | But what’s more important is that this quake could hamper Japan’s overall economy which just started showing some positive signs. | |
25 | 但是,这将会导致各种各样的文化冲突,这些冲突足以破坏联想的竞争力。 | But that led to all kinds of cultural conflicts, which were severe enough to hamper the ability of the company to compete. | |
26 | 但是压力过大、过度抑郁等情况会抑制新生神经元的生长。 | But some conditions, such as excessive stress and depression, hamper the growth of newborn nerve cells. | |
27 | 但是用过度指令性的规则将互联网固化在当前的状态必将打击创新。 | But overly prescriptive rules that fossilise the internet in its current form could indeed hamper innovation. | |
28 | 但新的联邦预算从该代理机构的保护费用上削减12%,这将阻碍在土壤方面付出的努力。 | But the new federal budget deal cuts 12 percent from the agency’s conservation spending, which could hamper soil efforts. | |
29 | 弹性机构铰接副处过大间隙的存在加速了杆件的疲劳与磨损,严重地影响了机器的动态特性机构。 | The excessive pair clearance can introduce harmful vibration and noise, and seriously hamper the machine dynamic performance. | |
30 | 到下午的时候,我已经用尽了所有的子弹,并且饥饿难当,我坐下来,打开自带的一个小型的便携野餐篮。 | By the afternoon I had used up all my shot, and, being hungry I sat down and opened a small portable hamper that I carried with me. |