属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-陨落之星 Falling star
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-陨落之星 Falling star
1 | 巴黎公社将永远作为新社会的光辉先驱受人歌颂。 | The Paris Commune will be for ever celebrated as the glorious harbinger of a new society. | |
2 | 布谷鸟预告春天的来临. | The cuckoo is a harbinger of spring. | |
3 | 敞开嗓门吧,春天甜美的使者! | Exert thy voicesweet harbinger of spring | |
4 | 杜鹃报春. | The cuckoo is a harbinger of spring. | |
5 | 工人的巴黎及其公社将永远作为新社会的光辉先驱受人敬仰。……那些杀害它的刽子手们已经被历史永远钉在耻辱柱上,不论他们的教士们怎样祷告,也不能把他们解脱。 | Working men’s Paris,with its Commune,will be for ever celebrated as the glorious harbinger of a new society…Its exterminators history has already nailed to that eternal pillory from which all the prayers of their priests will not avail to redeem them. | |
6 | 景气不好、通货膨胀可能是经济衰退的预兆。 | Stagflation can be a harbinger of economic depression. | |
7 | 恐怕我还不是个传布佳音的天使。 | I am afraid I am not altogether a harbinger of good | |
8 | 鲁迅将永远作为中国新文化运动的光辉先驱受人歌颂。 | Lu Xun will be for ever celebrated as the glorious harbinger of a new Chinese cultural movement | |
9 | 俏也不争春,只把春来报 | Sweet and fair, she craves not spring for herself alone; to be the harbinger of Spring she is content. | |
10 | 事实上,酚醛----其正式的化学名称是聚甲苯甲醛甘醇酐----只是预示了塑料时代的到来。 | In truth, bakelite whose more chemically formal name is polyoxybenzylmethylenglycolanliydrid----was just a harbinger of the age of plastics | |
11 | 武村正义藏相领导着联合政府的第三方新党魁党,这是由自民党分裂出来的左翼小派别组成的,它在最近的上议院选举中,只得到了2%的选票。 | Finance minister Masayoshi Takemura leads the third coalition partner in the government, the New Harbinger Party, a relatively minor, left-leaning splinter group from the LDP which polled only 2 percent of the vote in recent upper house elections | |
12 | 雄鸡报晓。 | The cock is the harbinger of dawn. | |
13 | 这种情况令人感觉是一个阳光灿烂而又有点气闷的夏天,明媚的风光是一场遥远的雷阵雨的前兆。 | One was put in mind of a brilliant, slightly stifling summer day whose beauty is the harbinger of a distant thunderstorm | |
14 | 知更鸟是春天的报信者。 | The robin is a harbinger of spring | |
15 | 最中肯的就业前景预告 | the best harbinger of future hiring prospects | |
16 | “全资拥有一家子公司,我才能看到巨大的商机。”在3月9日的产业盛会上,对冲基金经理人菲利普·法尔科恩(Philip Falcone)如此说道。然而现在他的理念已变得毫无意义。3月14日,先驱资本合作公司持有96%股份的无线网络运营商LightSquared申请破产保护。 | “Buying 100% of companies, that’s where I think a great opportunity is.” So said Philip Falcone, a hedge-fund manager, at an industry bash on May 9th. His opinions will count for less now. On May 14th LightSquared, a wireless venture 96%-owned by Harbinger Capital Partners, his fund, filed for bankruptcy. | |
17 | ||1:大多数被流放的君主难以保守他们的尊严:总会有那么个无礼的,渺小而又天真的法庭在那里等待着他们。||2:但这不是哈普斯堡的风格:他的家族仍和其他欧洲皇室保持着密切的联系,只是他的事业来的更为重要。||3:首先他得从循环讲座中把家庭财富挣回来,而这多亏了他的博学和智慧。||4:他和妻子——Regina公主住在巴伐利亚湖边的别墅,育有7个孩子(5个漂亮的女儿和2个年幼的儿子)。||5:真正的政治生涯从“鸦片”开始,正如他所热衷称呼的那样,对政治上瘾了。||6:1979年成为了欧洲议会的一员,那会儿这个组织还只是个耍耍嘴皮子的地方,他们将他的加入视为天降大任的一个预兆。 | ||1:Exiled monarchs mostly find it hard to keep their dignity: absurdity, and a court full of creeps and fantasists, are never far away.||2:That was not the Habsburg style: his family maintained cordial relations with Europe’s other émigré royals, but his business was more serious.||3:First he had to restore the family fortune on the lecture circuit, which well rewarded his erudition and wit.||4:He brought up seven children (five glamorous daughters, then two much-awaited sons) with his wife Princess Regina at a lakeside villa in Bavaria.||5:Real politics followed: “opium”, as he fondly called it.||6:He became a member of the European Parliament in 1979 when that body was just a talking shop, seeing it as a harbinger of bigger things to come. | |
18 | ||1:记者们每天都在跨越地区界限报道。||2:陈永洲的文章或许是惹恼了湖南省的官员,所以他们决定亲自动手。||3:头版的请愿与其说是推动新闻自由的先驱,不如说是地方争斗的一部分。||4:不过自由派(包括被刑拘的记者)将会尽全力斗争。||5:这标志着没人敢畅所欲言的中国媒体大环境正在改变。 | ||1:Reporters are pushing the boundaries every day.||2:Mr Chen’s articles probably annoyed Hunan officials who took matters into their own hands.||3:The call for his release is more likely to be part of a local spat than a harbinger of broader press freedom.||4:But liberals (and detained journalists) will take what they can get.||5:It is a sign of the changing world of China’s media that anyone dares to speak out at all. | |
19 | ||1:美国证券交易委员会(SEC)给菲利普·法尔康和他经营的对冲基金公司Harbinger开出了高达1800万美元的罚单,原因是他挪用客户的现金去支付税单。||2:更重要的是,法尔康不得不承认违约行为,这也是证交会出台减少与被告交易的政策以来第一个承认不法行为的被告;此前,被告总是不承认其不法行为或者不认罪。 | ||1:The Securities and Exchange Commission fined Philip Falcone and Harbinger , the hedge fund he runs, $18m for his misuse of clients’ cash to pay a tax bill.||2:More importantly, Mr Falcone had to admit to wrongdoing, the first such admission under the SEC’s policy of reducing the number of deals it cuts with defendants in which they neither admit nor deny guilt. | |
20 | 然而前景看起来并不是那么乐观。法尔科恩先期已尝试性在LightSquared投入290亿美元,这笔投资额几乎占了他旗下基金的40%。在2008年,先驱资本(Harbinger Capital)所管理的基金达到了一个巅峰——260亿美元,然而由于后期的亏损以及投资者的陆续撤资,这个数字很快缩水成30亿美元。 | The future looks dark. Mr Falcone has ploughed around 2.9 billion dollar into LightSquared, and it now accounts for around 40% of his fund. At its peak in 2008 Harbinger Capital managed 26 billion dollar, but that figure has plunged to 3 billion dollar due to losses and investor withdrawals. | |
21 | Discovery或许将成为另一波冲击西方医疗保健行业(及其他高级服务业)领导地位的先兆。 | Discovery may be a harbinger of another wave which challenges the West’s lead in health care and other sophisticated services. | |
22 | harbinger这个词的来源和“先行者”是联系在一起的。 | The etymology of the word harbinger is tied up in that "forerunner" meaning. | |
23 | WilliamRen周一表示,报道没有“适当”引述他的讲话,但他拒绝详细阐述与Harbinger的谈判。 | Mr Ren said on Monday he had not been quoted "properly, " but would not elaborate on the discussions with Harbinger . | |
24 | 巴西近期调高汽车进口关税之举,就是未来种种摩擦的先兆。 | As a harbinger of future skirmishes, Brazil recently slapped tariffs on imported cars. | |
25 | 餐饮开支的削减只是一个更广泛成本削减的先兆,DeepFried已经听闻整栋大楼都将用于转租。 | The food cuts could be a harbinger to further cost-cutting; Deep Fried has heard that the building might be put up for sublease. | |
26 | 此类争端预示着一种比人们假定的旧势力与新兴强国之间对峙更为复杂的全球格局。 | They are a harbinger of a global geometry more complex than the assumed standoff between status quo and emerging powers. | |
27 | 大使指出。“中国近期食品价格的波动预示着一系列事件。” | "The recent food price hikes in the country are a harbinger of what may be lying ahead. " | |
28 | 带来了崭新的一天。 | Harbinger of a new day. | |
29 | 当然,对我个人而言,知更鸟(robin)才是“报春使者”。 | Of course to me it’s a robin that’s the "harbinger of spring. " | |
30 | 而这每一个示例都只是今年的趋势的一个预兆,所有类别的数据都会被应用程序即时组装在一起。 | Yet, each is just a harbinger of what’s to come this year, as data of all sorts is assembled instantly by compelling applications. |