1 | PowerPC的应用开发以及各种人机交互技术在未来软件和硬件产品中的应用等 | PowerPC application and development, man-machine interaction technologies in future hardware and software applications, etc | |
2 | 按其操作部件的特点、数目、互连、及主要特性所定义的计算机系统或网络的布局。更明确地说,术语“配置”可以指的是硬件配置或软件配置。 | The arrangement of a computer system or network as defined by the nature,number,the interconnection,and chief characteristics of its functional units.More specifically,the term configuration may refer to a hardware configuration or a software configuration. | |
3 | 把磁盘划分为若干扇区的磁盘系统。扇区可以通过硬件来标志,称之为硬扇区。扇区也可以通过软件来标志,称之为软扇区。硬扇区划分法是早期使用的,是利用软盘上一些实在的孔来实现的。 | Magnetic disk systems that are divided into sectors around the disk. These sectors may be marked either by the hardware , called the hard sector, or the software (the soft sector). Hard sectoring is older, consisting of actual holes in the diskette | |
4 | 白宫昨天宣布说那只船装载着坦克部件、炸弹和其他重型武器。 | The White House said yesterday that the ship was laden with tank parts, explosives, and other military hardware . | |
5 | 包括有关控制用计算机的软件,但不包括控制用计算机的硬件平台 | (including the related Control Computer software but excluding the Control Computer hardware platform) | |
6 | 保证高速缓存一致性的工作由硬件和操作系统共同分担。 | He job of cache coherency is done partially by the hardware and partially by the operating system. | |
7 | 出售各种单位价值较低的商品的企业,例如,杂货店、水果店或金属器具商店最适于采用定期盘存制。 | The periodic inventory system is likely applied to a business that sells a variety of merchandise with low unit price, such as a drugstore, groceries or hardware store. | |
8 | 存储硬件的用途是为计算机指令和数据提供一定格式的存储方法。这种格式的存储方法比较持久或不易丢失 | The purpose of storage hardware is to provide a means of storing computer instruction and data in a form that is relatively permanent , or nonvolatile | |
9 | 存储硬件的作用与办公室文档系统的作用相同。但不同的是存储硬件所存放的数据是一些电磁信号,或者是一些激光蚀刻光点,而且一般均存储在磁盘或磁带上,而不是在纸上。 | Storage hardware serves the same basic functions as do off-ice filing systems except that it stores data as electromagnetic signals or laser-etched spots,commonly on disk or tape, rather than on paper. | |
10 | 单是一台计算机本身,它是没有智能的,只能称它为硬件。 | By itself, a computer has no intelligence and is referred to as hardware . | |
11 | 当它被响应时,不管计算机正在做什么,配件都自动地把控制传送给操作系统。 | When an interrupt is sensed, no matter what the computer may be doing, hardware automatically transfers control to the operating system | |
12 | 地方五金商店不能与那些削价商行相竞争。 | Local hardware stores cant compete with discount outlets. | |
13 | 电动控制五金-用于百叶、帷幕及窗帘 | motorized hardware -blinds,shades,draperies | |
14 | 电脑技术从硬件到软件的各个方面都变得较为便宜了。 | Computer technology in all its phases from hardware to software has become less expensive. | |
15 | 对不昂贵的部件的极易获得已经产生了一个硬件仿效时代,所仿效物包含了从主机到个人电脑的所有硬件(商务周刊) | Ready availability of inexpensive components has created an age of metoo hardware in everything from mainframes to personal computers(Business Week) | |
16 | 对计算机程序或硬件部件中可检查出来的错误进行检测和判定的过程。 | The process of locating and explaining detectable errors in a computer routine or hardware component | |
17 | 对硬件而言,一种子系统(如内存)或外部设备(如终端)可代替原先指定的设备的能力。 | Of hardware , the ability of a subsystem (e.g. memory)or an external device (e.g. terminal)to be substituted for the originally designated equipment | |
18 | 附加码,附加代码,附加程序用于虚拟硬盘功能的一连串机械码指令 | A sequence of machine code instructions used to simulate hardware functions. | |
19 | 高速、高容量光纤网络的硬件部件 | Hardware components for high-speed, high-capacity optical networks | |
20 | 官方文件显示,美国还可能在一份武器交易中,秘密安排将坦克及其他军事装备运抵伊拉克:美国的坦克被运往埃及,埃及的坦克被运往伊拉克。 | Official documents suggest that America may also have secretly arranged for tanks and other military hardware to be shipped to Iraq in a swap dealAmerican tanks to Egypt, Egyptian tanks to Iraq | |
21 | 光纤光缆接头第1部分:总规范构件和配件 | Splices for optical fibres and cables--Part 1: Generic specification--Hardware and accessories | |
22 | 机器、抽水机和五金工作室 | Machine, Pump and Hardware Shop | |
23 | 基础设施包括如建筑物工作场所和相关的设施、过程设备包括硬件和软件、支持性服务如运输或通讯。 | Infrastructure includes, as applicable buildings, workspace and associated utilities, process equipment (both hardware and software), and supporting services (such as transport or communication). | |
24 | 计算机安全学中用于对抗对计算机系统进行攻击的任何方法(物理的、硬、软件的、人员管理的、操作步骤的等)。 | In computer security, any method (physical, hardware , software, personnel, procedural, etc.)used to counteract a threat to the system | |
25 | 计算机的工作就是通过计算机的软件组,充分利用计算机的各种资源,并指挥硬件实现无所不能的奇妙用途。 | The work of a computer is just making full use of various resources by software set in the computer, and directing the hardware to realize marvelous omnipotent functions | |
26 | 计算机网络的通信技术用来将电力系统模型与控制中心模型相联接。电网离线仿真系统(POS)共享DTS的硬件,共享DTS的网络、数据和框架资源。 | The communication technique of computer network is used to link the power system model with the control center model. The network off-line simulating system shares the hardware with DTS and also shares the network, data and the frame resource with DTS. | |
27 | 将输入/输出缆线与计算机连接。重新启动计算机。在发现新硬件向导中,单击下一步。选择搜索适于我的设备的驱动程序(推荐)。 | Connect the I/O cable to the computer. Reboot the computer. In the Found New Hardware wizard, click Next. Select Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended). | |
28 | 就计算机内存和硬件的代价而言,数码相机拍摄的照片与最便宜的傻瓜相机相比,粒子显得太粗 | The price of computer memory and hardware meant that pictures taken on digital cameras looked grainy against the cheapest point-and-shoot | |
29 | 就某个硬件或软件(产品)来说,将其修改以满足特定用户的需要。 | With respect to a unit of hardware or software, to adapt it to meet the needs of a particular user | |
30 | 军事装备是军队使用的机器和设备,比如坦克、飞机和导弹。 | Military hardware is the machinery and equipment that is used by the armed forces, such as tanks, aircraft, and missiles. |