属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-埃博拉病毒 防控刻不容缓
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-杜威路博国际律师事务所 砰然毁灭
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-新任联邦储备局长 鸽派主政
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-律师事务所 砰然毁灭,轻轻消亡?
1 | 这一切肯定会使他们更快取得最后胜利。 | All this will undoubtedly hasten their final victory. | |
2 | 做梦以后若不马上把梦境形诸言词很快就会忘得干干净净。 | Dreams quickly evaporate unless we hasten to put them into words. | |
3 | ||1:第二件事是需要受训人员来管理治疗中心并开始工作。||2:管理不善以及不到位的感染防控可能加剧疾病的传播。||3:这两件事都亟待解决,并阻止埃博拉病毒的几何级数增长。||4:今年八月,据世界卫生组织估计,需要用9个月花费4.9亿美元的资金才能控制在埃博拉病毒。||5:先在估计这一金额将升至10亿美元。||6:全世界对此观望的时间越长,那么想要控制疫情将耗费更多的人力物力。 | ||1:The second need is for trained staff to run the treatment centres and work in them.||2:Poorly run ones with weak infection controls may hasten the spread of the disease.||3:Both are needed soon, as the cost of halting Ebola’s spread is also rising exponentially.||4:In August the World Health Organisation estimated that it would take nine months and cost $490m to contain Ebola.||5:Now it reckons the cost has risen to over $1 billion.||6:The longer the world prevaricates, the harder and costlier it will be to contain this outbreak. | |
4 | ||1:在购物时间表上,返校季对美国零售商来说是仅次于圣诞节的重要时期。||2:这时候运动装搭配印有超级英雄图案的背包以及时尚的青少年所爱的金属色牛津鞋都将大卖。||3:但是卖场之外的一些事件让商人们分心。||4:7月,一家加拿大零售连锁店哈德逊湾表示将会收购以24亿美元的价格收购美国高档百货公司萨克斯百货。||5: 接着8月13日,激进投资者比尔·阿克曼退出了彭尼的董事会。彭尼是一家相对低端的零售公司,阿克曼在该公司催促其临时老板Mike Ullman退出未果后离开。 | ||1: IN THE shopping calendar, the back-to-school period ranks behind only Christmas in importance to American retailers. ||2: It is a time for outfitting tots with superhero rucksacks and fashion-conscious teens with “metallic” oxford shoes. ||3: But events off the sales floor have distracted merchants from the tinkling of tills. ||4: In July Hudson’s Bay, a Canadian department-store chain, said it would buy Saks, an upmarket American one, for $2.4 billion. ||5: Then on August 13th Bill Ackman, an activist investor, quit the board of J.C. Penney, a less luxurious retailer, after a failed attempt to hasten the departure of its interim boss, Mike Ullman (see article). | |
5 | 即便银行继续提供贷款,条件也会十分严苛,但这无疑会加快公司的衰退。 | Loans may be called in at once, or continued only under onerous conditions that can hasten the decline. | |
6 | 去年她公开推进利率趋零以促进就业降低失业率,使这一货币政策比联邦计划的时间要长,即便这一行动使通胀率高于2%。 | She pushed publicly last year to hold interest rates near zero for longer than the Fed then planned, to hasten the fall in unemployment, even if that caused inflation to rise briefly above 2%. | |
7 | 如果离开的员工过多,企业可能会违背贷款合约,而银行可能会要求企业把合伙人数控制在最低数量,甚至要求该公司立即清偿贷款。即便银行继续提供贷款,条件也会十分严苛,但这无疑会加快公司的衰退。 | If enough people leave, the firm may break loan covenants with its banks, which can require it to have a minimum number of partners. Loans may be called in at once, or continued only under onerous conditions that can hasten the decline. | |
8 | 拜访别人时要短,时间长了似冬天。如果你怕遭人烦,谈完事后赶紧还。 | Visits should be short, like a winters day , Lest you are too troublesome hasten away. | |
9 | 北方的小镇正逐渐失去活力,政府缩减开支和年轻人失业率都将会加剧经济衰退。 | Towns in the north are "dying, " and government spending cuts and youth unemployment will hasten the decline, he said. | |
10 | 本系列文章的前两篇文章提供了为PHP应用程序提速的技术。 | The previous two articles in this series present techniques to hasten your PHP applications. | |
11 | 不错,不错,我知道你是一个好儿子。那么去吧,去看你的父亲去吧。 | Yes, yes, I know how good a son you are, so now hasten away to see your father. | |
12 | 戴比尔斯认为,中国市场就是一股新力量,将会加速其位于博茨瓦纳和南非的最大钻矿的衰竭。 | De Beers sees Beijing as a new force that will hasten the decline of its largest mines in Botswana and South Africa. | |
13 | 当地的收入仍然不足以使中央银行匆忙出手调高利率。 | Still, the gain in the local unit won’t be enough to prompt the central bank to hasten to raise interest rates. | |
14 | 当前的混乱也许甚至会加快巴西获得投资级评价的进程 | current turmoil may even hasten Brazil’s attainment of investment-grade status | |
15 | 对寻找高利润的需求可能会加速在英国市场的一次新的风险借贷热潮。 | The need to find big profits somewhere may hasten a new rush into risky lending in the British market. | |
16 | 对于公共政策方面,由于人们的恐惧已经早于核泄露突破了仙台的防护墙,改变不可避免。 | As a matter of public policy, however, the fear escaping through the containment walls in Sendai will only hasten the inevitable. | |
17 | 而蛋白粉是一种常用的塑形食品。它能帮助人们在锻炼之后,快速回复肌肉的力量。 | Whey protein is more of a general fitness supplement and helps hasten the recovery of muscles after a workout, he said. | |
18 | 发挥高校优势加速推进辽宁老工业基地振兴 | Bring the university’s advantages into full play, hasten to advance the Old Industrial Base in Liao Ning to develop vigorously | |
19 | 改革户籍制度促进农村富余劳动力转移 | Innovation in Household Register System to Hasten the Transfer of Excessive Country Labours | |
20 | 国家药监局决定加快实施药品GMP和GSP工作进程 | National Bureau of Drug Surveillance decided to hasten the process of implementation of GMP and GSP | |
21 | 还有许多措施可以用来加快私人部门的去杠杆化和强化金融系统。 | Much more could also be done to hasten deleveraging of the private sector and strengthen the financial system. | |
22 | 加快建设光纤通信主干网 | Hasten the Construction of Main Network of Optical Fiber Communication | |
23 | 加快建筑市场机制的建立和完善依法强化建筑市场监督 | Hasten the establishment and improvement of the construction market system, and tighten the construction market supervision according to law | |
24 | 加快农村信息化促进农业现代化策略研究 | Strategies to Hasten Rural Informatization and Agriculture Modernization | |
25 | 加快医药教学素材库建设促进医药教学现代化 | Hasten the construction of the medical teaching material reserve, promote the modernization of medical teaching | |
26 | 假设什么都不做会加速衰退,而衰退是不可接受的。 | The premise is that doing nothing will hasten recession. And recession is unacceptable. | |
27 | 借鉴国外经验促进我国冷弯钢板桩生产的发展 | Reference Foreign Experience to Hasten Development of Piling Beam Formed by Cold Bending in China | |
28 | 具备条件的商业银行应该加快‘走出去’步伐,在国际竞争中提升竞争能力。 | banks that have the ability should hasten their pace in ’going abroad’ and increase their international competitiveness. | |
29 | 具有讽刺意味的是,它将加速中国将大堆资金移交给外国基金管理公司的步伐。 | The irony is that it will hasten China’s push to hand bucket loads of money to foreign fund managers. | |
30 | 乐观者希望对朝投资可以促使其打开国门,并促进政治改革。 | Optimists had hoped that this might help open the country and hasten political change. |