属类:文学表达-外国名著-A Tale of Two Cities
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-国营航空公司 不舒适的代名词
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-自由交换 美墨两国的经济隔阂比墙还厚(下)
1 | 这个男孩不敢争辨,赶紧出去了。 | The boy hastened out, not daring to argue | |
2 | 这位先生赶快为夫人开了门。 | The gentleman hastened to open the door for the lady | |
3 | 这些消息很快传到了伦敦。曼奈特医生带着女儿露西赶往巴黎,因为他相信他在巴士底狱长期被监禁的经历会博得法国人民的同情,从而能有助于搭救他的女婿。 | These tidings soon reached London, and Doctor Manette, with his daughter Lucie, hastened to Paris, for he felt sure that his long confinement in the Bastille would win for him the sympathy of the French people and thus enable him to save his son-in-law. | |
4 | 这一事件加速了该俱乐部的解体。 | The incident has hastened the disintegration of the club. | |
5 | 这种区别在一个君主立宪政府的背景之下是非常普遍的。我完全懂得。” | These are distinctions very suitable under a constitutional government.he saw that he was no match for Monte Cristo in an argument of this sort, and he therefore hastened to turn to subjects more congenial.I understand perfectly. | |
6 | 朱诺见到自己的情敌如此尊荣,大为恼火,急忙去找海洋神老特堤斯和俄刻阿诺斯。 | Juno was in a rage to see her rival so set in honor, and hastened to ancient Tethys and oceanus, the powers of ocean, and in answer to their inquiries, thus told the cause of her coming | |
7 | ||1:近期马来西亚航空的遭遇值得同情。||2:今年,马航相继发生了两起灾难:航班MH370在印度洋上空失踪,以及航班MH17在乌克兰东部遭到击落。||3:但这些悲剧事件仅仅是加快了深陷泥潭的马航回归到全面国有控制的步伐而已。||4:8月8日,国家主权财富基金提出以从私人持股者手中购入30%的马航公司股份,进而对该航空公司实施重建计划。||5:然而,导致马航深陷经营危机的原因或许根本不值得怜悯。||6:就像诸多国营航空公司一样,马航也理所当然地处于亏损状态。 | ||1:MALAYSIA AIRLINES deserves sympathy.||2:This year Flight MH370 disappeared over the Indian Ocean and MH17 was shot down over eastern Ukraine.||3:But these tragedies merely hastened the struggling airline on its route back into full government ownership.||4:On August 8th the country’s sovereign-wealth fund offered to buy the 30% of shares in private hands in order to restructure the airline.||5:The root cause of Malaysia’s troubles should elicit far less pity.||6:Like many national carriers, it was losing money as a matter of course. | |
8 | ||1:抗议气候变化运动的进行引起了批评者们的轻蔑言辞。||2:例如,意大利语中就有gretini:据说是桑伯格女士的盲目追随者(-ini是一个小后缀,与cretini这个词相呼应,英语是“idiots(白痴)”。||3:丹麦语言委员会和丹麦国家广播公司选择了一个类似的词作为他们2019年的年度词汇:klimatosse,英语为“climate fool(气候傻瓜)”,丹麦右翼政治家皮娅?克亚斯高对她的政党在选举中的糟糕表现不屑一顾。||4:作为丹麦人,她急忙补充说,她的政党本身就关心气候,但是投票给其他政党的“klimatosser(气候傻瓜)”显然不关心其他事情。 | ||1:The march of the climate-protest movement has led to the coining of disparaging terms by its critics.||2:Italian, for example, has gretini: allegedly mindless followers of Ms Thunberg (-ini is a diminutive suffix, and the word echoes cretini, or “idiots”).||3:The Danish Language Council and Denmark’s national broadcaster jointnot ly chose a similar term as their Word of the Year for 2019: klimatosse, or “climate fool”, used dismissively by Pia Kjaersgaard, a right-wing Danish politician, to explain her party’s poor election performance.||4:Being Danish, she hastened to add that her party is itself concerned about the climate, but that the klimatosser who voted for other parties apparently care about nothing else. | |
9 | 自动化则加速了长久以来工业领域就业的下滑,这一现象在发达国家很常见,即便是如德国这样的出口大国。 | Automation hastened the persistent long-term decline in industrial employment that is familiar in all rich economies— even in export powerhouses such as Germany. | |
10 | 1923年的地震及其经济后果加速了军事制度的建立和战争。 | The 1923 quake and its economic consequences hastened military rule and war. | |
11 | C及其类似语言中的“编码、编译、链接、运行”周期缩减成了更为紧凑的“编写脚本、运行”。 | The "code, build, link, run" cycle of C and its ilk is reduced to a hastened "script, run. " | |
12 | 此次金融危机加速了这一转变,因为中国的表现相对优于其它国家。 | The financial crisis has hastened this shift as China has performed relatively better than other countries. | |
13 | 此外,奥巴马政府加速确认盖特纳的声明反映了总统的立场。 | Moreover, the Obama administration hastened to confirm that Geithner’s statement reflected the position of the president. | |
14 | 大伙赶紧各尽所能,来捉进欢乐的气氛。 | Each one hastened to contribute his quota toward the general optimism. | |
15 | 但2名疑为国保人员的到来和突如其来的断电使得讨论提前结束。 | The arrival of two suspected security agents and an unexpected power cut at the venue hastened proceedings to a close. | |
16 | 当然,所有接受访问的人都马上澄清这些回答只是基于假设,而不限于个人亲身经历。 | Everyone hastened to clarify that these answers were based on hunches, not experience. | |
17 | 当是,他认为,“人为角度上是不可能的”,雷曼兄弟的破产,也可能加速了这场危机的最终解决。 | But, he says, "it wasn’t humanly possible. " Lehman’s collapse may even have hastened the ultimate resolution of the crisis. | |
18 | 第二天上午,他赶快到罗新斯去拜会。 | On the following morning he hastened to Rosings to pay his respects. | |
19 | 而且这个大学急于扩大其主要的金融援助计划,并将其重新命名为总统巴拉克·奥巴马学者计划。 | And the university hastened to expand its main financial-aid program and rename it the President Barack Obama Scholars Program. | |
20 | 发达国家经济陷于困境无疑促进了全球经济势力的重心向新兴经济体偏移。 | The rich world’s woes have clearly hastened the shift in global economic power towards the emerging markets. | |
21 | 过道里已没有人,他冲到楼梯口。 | There was no one in the corridor. He hastened to the stairs. | |
22 | 她母亲赶忙向她解释,浑身上下都透露出笑意来。 | Her mother hastened to explain, smiles breaking from every inch of her person. | |
23 | 卡梅伦贸然行使否决权,很可能加速了这样一个集团的形成,损害英国的利益。 | By precipitately wielding his veto, Mr Cameron may well have hastened the formation of such a bloc, to the detriment of British interests. | |
24 | 看着她那乌云密布的脸,我赶紧使用灵丹妙药:“我爱你!” | Seeing dark clouds cover her face, I hastened to resort to the usual panacea "I love you. " | |
25 | 科学发现的交流通过特殊、专门的公开发表加速传播。 | The exchange of scientific discoveries was hastened trough special publications. | |
26 | 可能是这种触犯众怒的做法加速了1988年杂志第一次真正意义上的倒闭。 | That kind of provocation may have hastened the magazine’s first, true death in 1988. | |
27 | 雷曼兄弟的破产可能加快了解决危机的杀手锏的出现。 | Lehman’s collapse may even have hastened the ultimate resolution of the crisis. | |
28 | 帕潘德里欧上一次冒险可能已经加速了他的下台。 | Mr Papandreou’s last gamble may have hastened his demise. | |
29 | 虽然主管督导及催促,仍无法进行工作。 | Unable to complete task although be supervised and hastened by supervisor. | |
30 | 所以,他就急急忙忙地赶来,心里模模糊糊地想着怎样才能帮助她们——尤其是要帮助她们中间的某一个人。 | So he had hastened on, with a dim idea of how he could help them - one of them in particular. |