1 | 然而,即使排除掉那些草率和错误地被标定为种族动机的犯罪,确实也有许多黑人对白人进行攻击就是因为他们是白人。 | Yet even after discounting crimes that are hastily and erroneously tagged as racially motivated, many blacks do attack whites because they are white | |
2 | 食物分配不平衡,烹饪不到家,吃得匆忙,损害了身体的健康。 | The ill-balanced, illcooked, hastily eaten fare hurt physical fitness | |
3 | 说话间,卡德鲁斯这才看清了他所接待的这位旅客的相貌身份,他赶紧说,“请多多原谅,先生! | I make no doubt a glass of good wine would be acceptable this dreadfully hot day." Then perceiving for the first time the garb of the traveller he had to entertain, Caderousse hastily exclaimed: "A thousand pardons! | |
4 | 说着,海黛就站起身来,把她自己紧紧地裹在她那件白底缀珍珠和珊瑚的克什米尔呢子披风里,当第四幕开始的时候匆匆地走出了包厢。 | So saying, Haide arose, and wrapping herself in her burnoose of white cashmire embroidered with pearls and coral, she hastily quitted the box at the moment when the curtain was rising upon the fourth act | |
5 | 他把书胡乱塞进内兜,脚趾尖撞在破脸盆架上,朝着那股气味的方向奔出屋子,以慌慌张张的白鹳般的步子,匆忙冲下楼梯。 | He fitted the book roughly into his inner pocket and, stubbing his toes against the broken commode, hurried out towards the smell, stepping hastily down the stairs with a flurried stork’s legs | |
6 | 他匆匆吞下了食物。 | He swallowed the food hastily . | |
7 | 他匆忙地把饭吃了下去。 | He swallowed the food hastily . | |
8 | 他匆忙换了题目。 | He shifted hastily away from the subject. | |
9 | 他匆忙转换一个新的话题。 | He shifted hastily to a new subject. | |
10 | 他的书我看过,但浮光掠影,印象不深。 | I have read his book, but only hastily and casually, and it didn’t make a deep impression on me. | |
11 | 他的一位担任教职的兄弟,就是年长的约翰,威尔逊,观察到了丁梅斯代尔先生在智慧和敏感退潮之后陷入的状态,慌忙迈步上前来搀扶他。 | One of his clerical brethren-it was the venerable John Wilson-observing the state in which Mr. Dimmesdale was left by the retiring wave of intellect and sensibility, stepped forward hastily to offer his support. | |
12 | 他干得正起劲时,听到国王来检查宝库了,赶紧藏了起来 | When the little tailor was in the full swing of his work, he heard the king coming to inspect his treasure-chamber, and crept hastily into a hiding-place. | |
13 | 他赶紧把烟头在脚跟下捻灭。 | He hastily ground the cigarette out beneath his heel. | |
14 | 他还匆忙地在哈勒姆组织了一次活动宣布,因克林顿时代推广的"勤劳所得的税收优惠"政策,约500万上班族每年各有高达5000美元的收入不用申报上税。 | And he hastily arranged a harlem event to broadcast word that roughly 5 million working people have as much as 5,000 a year in unclaimed money coming to them thanks to the Clinton-era expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit | |
15 | 他急忙从他的床上抓过被单,把他自己裹了起来。 | He hastily seized the coverlet of his bed, and wrapped it round him | |
16 | 他急忙地离开了此地。 | He left here hastily | |
17 | 他们好象都是马马虎虎派来的人,集合仓促,训练不足,装备也糟糕。 | They seem to have been badly selected, hastily mustered, inadequately trained and poorly equipped | |
18 | 他有一副匆忙穿上衣服的人的松散杂乱的神态。 | He had the disheveled air of a man who had dressed hastily | |
19 | 他又连忙点起了他的蜡烛。 | He hastily relighted his candle | |
20 | 听到这一声很不客气的命令,庇皮诺便把火把举起来直逼到腾格拉尔的脸上,腾格拉尔吓得忙向后退,以免烧焦眼睫毛。 | At this rather impertinent order, Peppino raised his torch to the face of Danglars, who hastily withdrew that he might not have his eyelashes burnt | |
21 | 突然或匆匆建造某物. | Build sth suddenly or hastily | |
22 | 我就服从多数。唐云山又是抢着说,眼光在吴王二人脸上兜一个圈子,就打开他的文书皮包,取出一个大封套来。 | interjected Tang Yun-shan hastily . "I’ll accept the decision of the majority." Then, with a rapid glance at his companions’ faces, he opened his briefcase and took out a large folder | |
23 | 我们和班卓在一起待了很长时间,情绪才安定下来。然后我们把它抱到它生前最喜欢在那里奔跑的林子里,埋葬了它,用松树枝铺在坟上,将花靠在匆匆制作的十字架上。 | We stayed with Banjo for a long while before composing ourselves and carrying him into the woods where he so loved to run. We buried him, covered his grave with pine bows and placed flowers against a hastily made cross. | |
24 | 我真不明白,什么原因使你这么匆匆忙忙地放弃 | I really fail to understand what actuated you to give up such a promising post so hastily | |
25 | 沃思的孙子劳伦斯·基尔尼,为拥有仅有的25份复印件中的一份而感到骄傲。 | It was hastily altered, and Worth’s grandson, Lawrence Kierney, is the proud possessor of one of only 25 copies made | |
26 | 吴荪甫的脸色突然变了,转过去对吴为成他们看了一眼,就点了一下头。费小胡子却看着心跳,觉得吴荪甫这一下点头比喝骂还厉害些 | Wu Sun-fu scowled as he glanced at Wu Wei-cheng and nodded curtly. At this brief nod Fei Little Beard’s heart missed a beat, for it hurt him more than a good dressing down would have done. He hastily tried to explain it all away | |
27 | 吴芝生急急忙忙问,嘴里还在嚼点心。 | asked Wu Chih-sheng hastily through a mouthful of dumpling | |
28 | 先思考后说话;发音要准确,说起话来不要太急,而要有条有理、清清楚楚。--华盛顿 | Think before you speak; pronounce not imperfectly, nor bring out your words too hastily , But orderly and distinctly.--G. Washington | |
29 | 小偷匆忙割断船上的锚缆。 | The thief hastily cut the boat loose from its anchor | |
30 | 休会的议员被匆匆召回议事。 | Parliament was hastily recalled from recess. |