属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-网络商业及网络安全 电子心脏病
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国第41任总统乔治·H.W.布什逝世 享年94岁(1
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-苹果的未来 不得不进行的改革
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-替代医疗 往好处想
1 | 注意听某人的心脏跳动. | hear (listen to) a heartbeat of sb | |
2 | 自动减颤器通过短暂简单的电击缓解心的纤颤,并使其恢复正常的心跳的一种带电装置 | An electrical device used to counteract fibrillation of the heart muscle and restore normal heartbeat by applying a brief electric shock. | |
3 | 最新开发的6缸发动机为SLK 350配备了尤其强健的“心脏”,可以提供200千瓦的功率及350牛顿米的扭矩。 | The newly developed six-cylinder engine gives the SLK 350 a particularly powerful heartbeat , delivering 200 kW with an impressive torque of 350 Nm. | |
4 | 最新开发的6缸发动机为SLK 350配备了尤其强健的“心脏”。 | The newly developed six-cylinder engine gives the SLK 350 a particularly powerful heartbeat . | |
5 | ||1:“心血”漏洞增加了黑客套取存储在服务器上的数据的可能性。||2:OpenSSL有一个名为“心跳”的功能,允许加密链接一端的电脑随机发出一条信息,确认另一端的电脑是否仍然在线。||3:研究人发现,一个熟悉“心血”漏洞的黑客,可以通过复制这个信号来盗取远程计算机上的所有数据。 | ||1:The flaw makes it possible for hackers to trick a server into spewing out data held in its memory.||2:OpenSSL has a feature known as a “heartbeat ” that allows a computer at one end of an encrypted link to send occasional signals to the computer at the other end of it, to check that it is still online.||3:The researchers discovered that a hacker with knowledge of the bug could replicate this signal and use it to steal all manner of data from a remote computer. | |
6 | ||1:对州议员来说,破坏早期堕胎权也有风险。||2:佐治亚州上周成为今年第四个通过心跳法案的州,长期以来一直非常保守。||3:但正如民主党在11月中期选举中取得的进展所证明的那样,佐治亚州正变得更加多样化和城市化。||4:最近的一项民意调查发现,该州反对心跳法案的选民多于支持该法案的选民。 | ||1:Undermining early abortion rights can be risky for state lawmakers, too.||2:Georgia, which last week became the fourth state this year to pass a heartbeat bill, has long been deeply conservative.||3:But it is becoming more diverse and urban, as the inroads made by Democrats in November’s midterms attest.||4:A recent poll found that more voters in the state opposed the heartbeat bill than supported it. | |
7 | ||1:乔治·赫伯特·沃克·布什在成为总统后或在此之前,无论去哪儿,通常带着签字笔和便签。||2:他就用这两样写小纸条。||3:有些写着“谢谢你”;另一些潦草却不失礼貌,试图向别人说明自己的观点;还有一些只是写着“很高兴见到你”之类的客套话。||4:为抚平1992年比尔·克林顿轻松击败他后的绝望伤痛,到了撰写总统回忆录的时候,他却出版了600多页的书信集。||5:有的表达对新生的孙子孙女的宠爱;还记录了1943年,身为年轻海军的老布什担心当时还是女友的芭芭拉“太有吸引力”,怕不能在她身边的时候抛弃自己;有的写给四个年轻的儿子,试图解释水门事件;将1992年向日本首相吐痰的经历尴尬解释为“最糟糕的经历”。||6:他承认有些写的很荒唐。||7:但也是当时的一种真实记录。||8:正如他所言,“都是心跳时刻。” | ||1:Wherever he went, as America’s president or before it, George Herbert Walker Bush usually carried a felt-tipped pen and a supply of notecards.||2:On these he wrote letters.||3:Some were thank-yous; others a clumsy, but courteous, attempt to get his views across to other people; yet others just a “good to see you” kind of thing.||4:When the time came to write his presidential memoirs, to salve some of that desperate hurt after Bill Clinton thrashed him in 1992, he published instead 600-plus pages of correspondence.||5:They ranged from doting letters to newborn grandchildren to his worries, as a young seaman in 1943, that his girlfriend Barbara, “so darn attractive”, would drop him while he was away; from his attempt to explain the Watergate scandal to his four young sons, to his mortified account of throwing up in 1992 on the Japanese prime minister, “the damnedest experience”.||6:He admitted that some of the letters were nutty.||7:But they were also of the moment.||8:As he said, “It’s all about heartbeat .” | |
8 | ||1:与现有的产品一样,苹果为设计这款手表做出了很大努力。||2:它的后板装有感应器,可以测量出佩带者的生命特征;作为一种新的信息表达方式,人们可以将心率数据发送给其他的手表用户。||3:但是它的售价为349美元起,而且只能与iphone联合使用,这使得它难以敌对其他名贵手表。 | ||1:As with Apple’s existing products, much effort went into the watch’s design.||2:Its backplate contains sensors that measure the user’s vital signs; and people can send their heartbeat to other watch-wearers—as a new sort of expressive message.||3:But starting at $349, and only usable in conjunction with an iPhone, it looks unlikely to be a serious competitor to other expensive watches (see article). | |
9 | 来自路德维希马克西米利安慕尼黑大学的卡琳.梅斯诺在《哲学会报》上发表的一份论文称安慰疗法同样可以影响控制诸如心跳,血压,消化等等这些无意识功能的自主神经系统。 | A paper in Philosophical Transactions by Karin Meissner of Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich concludes that placebo treatments are also able to affect the autonomic nervous system, which controls unconscious functions such as heartbeat , blood pressure, digestion and the like. | |
10 | “对消费者而言,这显然是最佳的选择,”他声称,“苹果也将全心全意欢迎。” | "This is clearly the best alternative for consumers, " he declares, "and Apple would embrace it in a heartbeat . " | |
11 | Heartbeat的配置是当主节点偶然宕机时切换到备份节点。 | Heartbeat is configured to switch over to the backup node if the master node happens to go down. | |
12 | heartbeat总是优先选择主系统,只要有可能,就先从那里开始运行。 | Heartbeat will always give preference to the primary system and will start to run there if possible. | |
13 | RUP提到的迭代节奏到构建阶段还是活跃着的,并且该频率与测试人员有特别的关系。 | The RUP-inspired "rhythm of the iterations" is in full swing by Construction phase, and this heartbeat has particular relevance to testers. | |
14 | VCS的设计,要求在节点之间至少有两个可用的有心跳能力的链路用于防止网络故障。 | The design of VCS requires that a minimum of two heartbeat -capable channels be available between nodes to protect against network failure. | |
15 | 把脉经济的首批此类数据表明,心跳正在加速。 | The first monthly measures of the economic pulse show that the heartbeat is picking up. | |
16 | 抱着“心动十分”抱枕($44.99),你可以清晰地听到它传来的怦怦心动的声音。 | The My Beating Heart Pillow ($44. 99) reproduces the sound of a heartbeat when you hug it. | |
17 | 本文介绍的是在使用heartbeat的冷备份配置中的WebSphereApplicationServer和ND的HA实现。 | This article shows the HA implementation for WebSphere Application Server and ND in a cold standby configuration using heartbeat . | |
18 | 本系列的第一篇文章介绍了HA概念以及如何安装和配置heartbeat。 | The first article in this series introduced you to HA concepts and how to install and configure heartbeat . | |
19 | 标记表示关于heartbeatGC中整合的GC时间量的计时信息。 | The tag represents timing information about the GC quanta rolled up in the heartbeat GC. | |
20 | 表示的是指示信号事件发生的事件代码。 | Represents the event code indicating that a heartbeat event occurred. | |
21 | 此群集使用检测信号来检测节点是处于激活状态还是没有响应。 | The cluster uses heartbeat to detect whether a node is alive or not responding. | |
22 | 大量饮用咖啡会导致神经过敏症,焦虑症以及加快心率,也可能导致心痛。 | Large consumptions of coffee can cause nervousness, jitters and a racing heartbeat . It can also cause heartburn. | |
23 | 大量饮用咖啡能造成神经过敏、心神不宁和心跳加快。 | Large consumptions of coffee can cause nervousness, jitters and a racing heartbeat . | |
24 | 但是如果我不得不在糖和人工甜味剂之间做出选择,我会选择糖! | But if I had to make a choice between sugar and artificial sweeteners, I’d choose sugar in a heartbeat ! | |
25 | 但是现在最新的调查显示,他的医生可能是错误的-咖啡可能和他的心律不齐问题一点关系也没有。 | But the latest research suggests his doctors may have been wrong - and coffee may have had nothing to do with his irregular heartbeat . | |
26 | 当某一系统只能通过磁盘心跳线被访问时。 | When a particular system is visible through disk heartbeat only. | |
27 | 当我所有的梦想都随着心跳渐行渐远 | When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away | |
28 | 迭代开发是团队工作的重中之重。 | Iterations are the heartbeat of your team. | |
29 | 毒液中含有一种缩氨酸能够平复由压力引起的心率不齐。 | It contains a peptide that can calm an irregular heartbeat brought on by stress. | |
30 | 对我来说,那些电影证明了,在现时的速食娱乐片世界里,还有一些电影是有情感的。 | For me, those films proved that amongst all this popcorn entertainment, there are things out there with a heartbeat . |