1 | 九天三茅司命仙灯仪 | Lantern Ritual of the Three Mao Brothers, Immortal Controllers of Destinies of the Nine Heavens | |
2 | 九天司命三茅应化真君 | Three Mao Brothers, Perfect Sovereigns of Salvation in Correspondence, Controllers of Destinies of the Nine Heavens | |
3 | 九天欻火律令大神炎帝邓天君 | Heavenly Sovereign Deng, Emperor of Fire and Great Spirit of Statutes and Ordinances in Charge of the Prompt Fire of the Nine Heavens | |
4 | 九天应元雷声普化天尊 | Heavenly Lord of Universal Transformation Whose Voice of Thunder Resonates With the Origin of the Nine Heavens | |
5 | 九天应元雷声普化天尊玉枢宝经 | Precious Scripture of the Jade Pivot Preached by the Heavenly Lord of Universal Salvation Whose Voice of Thunder Resonates With the Origin of the Nine Heavens | |
6 | 九天应元雷声普化真王 | Perfect King of Universal Transformation Whose Voice of Thunder Resonates With the Origin of the Nine Heavens | |
7 | 看了一眼这个痛苦的孩子,熟悉都市生活的卓别林本能地仰起头,似乎要向扔垃圾的房主和上苍打听孩子到底是从哪儿来的。 | Taking one glance at that miserable child, streetwise Charlie instinctively looks up as if to quiz both the refuse-throwing householders and the heavens above as to just exactly where this baby has come from | |
8 | 老山羊从前后左右打量着狼,看到那家伙鼓得老高的肚子里有什么东西在动个不停。“天哪,”它说,“我的那些被它吞进肚子里当晚餐的可怜的孩子,难道它们还活着吗?” | She looked at him on every side and saw that something was moving and struggling in his gorged belly. Ah, heavens , she said, is it possible that my poor children whom he has swallowed down for his supper, can be still alive. | |
9 | 老天啊,赐予我耐心吧! | Heavens , give me patience! | |
10 | 老天爷!因为我讨厌英文才选攻理科,而现在我得读所有这些英文的专门刊物! | Good heavens ! I major in science because I hate English and now I have to read all these technical journals in English! | |
11 | 吕布把弓扔在地上,笑着说:"看来老天也不愿意让你们打仗啊!"就这样,吕布以他精湛的箭法平息了一场厮杀。 | Lu dropped his bow and laughed, saying, "You see, even the heavens wish that you stop fighting." With his excellent archery, Lü averted a fight between the two sides. | |
12 | 每当此时,感受他们彼此的恩爱,我都会上千次地问:天啊,为什么疗养院里不为夫妇安排双人床呢?他们这一生都睡在一起,而在疗养院里,他们却要睡单人床。 | Observing this act of love, I would think for the thousandth time, Good heavens , why don’t nursing homes have bouble beds for married couples? All their lives they have slept together, but in a nursing home, they’ re expected to sleep in single beds. | |
13 | 每个人都抬起头看我。“我能爬那些石头墙吗?”立刻,屋内的女士们异口同声地说:“天哪,不行!”她们惊慌地叫道,“你会伤着的!” | Everyone looked up. “Can I climb the stone walls?” Instantly a chorus went up from the women in the room. “Heavens , no!” they cried in dismay. “You’ll hurt yourself!” | |
14 | 美国日前公布的一项民意调查结果显示美国的富翁们大都原意花上大笔的钱去尝试太空旅行,比如支付10万美金在太空进行仅15分钟的航行。 | Rich Americans are willing to take conspicuous consumption to new heights by spending big bucks to fly into space, including paying $100,000 for a 15-minute trip into the heavens , according to a poll released on Monday | |
15 | 那年秋天,一个天气阴沉、昏暗而又寂静的日子,低压的云层笼罩着大地。整整一天,我独自骑着马,在一条异常沉闷的乡间小路上行进 | During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung up pressively low in the heavens , I had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country | |
16 | 那女人注意到了特丽莎的泪水,差点冒起火来:“天呐,不要跟我说你要为一条狗嚎掉一条命呵!” | The woman noticed Tereza’s tears and nearly lost her temper:“Good heavens ! Don’t’ tell me you’re going to bawl your head off over a dog!” | |
17 | 那一小块园地,上有天空,不是已足供他用来反复景仰上帝的最美妙的工作和最卓绝的工作吗? | Was not this narrow enclosure, with the heavens for a ceiling, sufficient to enable him to adore God in his most divine works, in turn? | |
18 | 男男女女已出门在外面走动。走在广阔的蓝天下,沐浴着早上的阳光,清新的空气扑面而来,除了绝望无路的人,什么害怕担心有立足之地呢。 | In the sunshine of the morning, beneath the wide, blue heavens , with a fresh wind astir, what fears, except the most desperate, can find a harbourage? | |
19 | 你就是那个躲在幕后与我不共戴天的死对头! | Oh, heavens --you are, then, some secret, implacable, and mortal enemy! | |
20 | 哦,天哪! | Oh heavens ! | |
21 | 清澈的泉水虽然还保留着一部分媚人的魅力,但也只能反映出低沉的天空落下的一些幽光。 | Still the clear fountain retained a portion of its charmed influence, but it reflected only the somber gloom that fell from the impending heavens | |
22 | 确切地说,赫利奥斯只是天宇中掌管太阳的神,白天看得见,晚上则消失在夜色中。 | helios, on the contrary, remained, properly speaking, only the orb of the sun which is visible in the heavens by day, and disappears by night in a regular course | |
23 | 身即腾腾处世间,心即逍遥出天外-唐代道教山水悟道诗的审美之乐 | Physical Body is Located in the Earthly World, the Soul Lies beyond the Heavens : Aesthetic Delights from Landscape Poetry of Daoism in Tang Dynasty | |
24 | 圣祖上灵高道九天司命保生天尊大帝 | Great Emperor and Heavenly Lord, Controller of Destinies and Protector of Life of the Sage Patriarch’s Highest Numinosity and of the Great Dao’s Nine Heavens | |
25 | 石猴学走学爬。拜了四方,从眼内发出两道金光,直射到天庭,惊动了玉皇大帝。 | After it learned how to crawl and walk it bowed to each of the four quarters. As its eyes moved, two beams of golden light shot towards the heavens . The Jade Emperor was alarmed. | |
26 | 随后,一部分红热的蒸汽和灰尘柱上升几千英里后进入太空,绝大部分物质在几个小时内落回到地球上,将天堂变为地狱。 | Then, a column of red-hot steam and dust soared thousands of miles into space and most of it fell back toward Earth within a few hours, turning the heavens into hell. | |
27 | 他们并肩长大了起来,就象两棵在地下根须纠缠,空中丫枝交错,花香同时升上天空的树一样。 | they had grown together like two trees whose roots are mingled, whose branches intertwined, and whose intermingled perfume rises to the heavens | |
28 | 他一边寻思着就睡着了,直到日上三竿才醒来。 | But in the midst of his thoughts he fell asleep, and did not waken until the sun was high in the heavens | |
29 | 他在精灵的王国里好像只呆了一个小时,可实际上大概五个多小时都过去了:入静时日头正高,此时月光已在河面上泛着鳞光。 | He seemed only to have been an hour in the Land of the jinn, but it must have heen five hours or more, for the sun was high in the heavens when he fell asleep, and now the moonlight was sparkling on the waters of the river | |
30 | 倘若每个人都要绝对地自己照管自己的财产,而且在过了足够长的时间后又变得极起衰老,那么他的财产就会像他的精力和意志一样消逝掉。他和他的财产就会完全化为乌有,不知去向。 | If each individual were left absolutely to the care of his own interests, and were given time enough in which to grow exceedingly old, his fortune would pass as his strength and will. He and his would be utterly dissolved and scattered unto the four winds of the heavens . |