1 | 1950年代,美国科学家在氢的同位素氘和氚的混合物中引导聚变反应生成较重的氦原子核,从而制造出了氢弹。虽然在太阳和其它恒星中聚变是很普遍发生的,但人工核聚变却非常难以控制。 | In the early 1950s American scientists produced the hydrogen bomb by inducing fusion reactions in a mixture of the hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium, forming a heavier helium nucleus. Though fusion is common in the sun and other stars, it is difficult to produce artificially and is very difficult to control. | |
2 | 1950年以后出现了一种更大更重的摩托车,主要用于旅游和运动竞赛。 | After 1950 a larger, heavier motorcycle was used mainly for touring and sport competitions. | |
3 | 把年轻干部放到第一线压担子,这个路子对 | It is right to place young cadres in the forefront of the modernization drive, giving them heavier responsibilities. | |
4 | 白洋布一种平坦的白色棉布,比细棉布粗一些 | A plain white cotton cloth,heavier than muslin. | |
5 | 被判处有期徒刑以上刑罚的犯罪分子,刑罚执行完毕或者赦免以后,在五年以内再犯应当判处有期徒刑以上刑罚之罪的,是累犯,应当从重处罚 | A criminal element who has been sentenced to a punishment of not less than fixed-term imprisonment and who, within five years after his punishment has been completely executed or he has received a pardon, commits another crime for which he should be sentenced to a punishment of not less than a fixed-term imprisonment is a recidivist and shall be given a heavier punishment. | |
6 | 并非所有的金属都比水重 | All metals are not heavier than water. | |
7 | 长胖或增加若干体重 | Grow fatter or heavier (by the specified amount) | |
8 | 大多数的固体比液体重。 | Most solids are heavier than liquids. | |
9 | 大量化合物都有望得到、其中许多化合物正在生产。目前我们正在探索如何从石油的重质馏分中提炼数量可观的产品。 | A wide range of compounds is possible, many are being manufactured, and we are now progressing the stage in which a sizable group of products is being prepared from the heavier fractions of petroleum. | |
10 | 大象和马哪个重 | Which is heavier , an elephant or a horse? | |
11 | 但是,经过蒸馏处理的大多数原油,包括比重较大、粘度更大的原油,一般都分离为较轻组分和残渣,或者更多称作常压重油。 | However, the majority of crude oils, and this applies to the heavier , more viscous petroleums, which are processed by distillation, are usually separated into the lighter fractions and the bottom or. as it is more generally called, the reduced crude. | |
12 | 当他们在湖上划动小船时,与小公主和士兵在一条船上的那个王子说:“怎么会是这样啊!好像这船今天特别重似的,我尽力划动,船却没有平时前进那么快,我都累坏了。”小公主说:“这只是天气有点暖和,我也觉得非常热。” | Then her prince said, "I can’t tell why the boat is so much heavier to-day; I shall have to row with all my strength, if I am to get it across." "What should cause that," said the youngest, "but the warm weather? I feel very warm too." | |
13 | 当我们快到芝加哥的时候,路上的交通变得更加拥挤。 | As we got towards Chicago traffic became heavier . | |
14 | 氘和氚结合,形成氦,另有一个中子。轻的元素之间的核反应形成较重元素的过程,同时释放巨大的能量。1939年贝特提出,太阳以及其它恒星输出的能量是氢原子核之间发生聚变反应的结果。 | Process by which nuclear reactions between light elements form heavier ones, releasing huge amounts of energy. In 1939 Hans Bethe suggested that the energy output of the sun and other stars is a result of fusion reactions among hydrogen nuclei. | |
15 | 第六十五条在列车内,抢劫旅客财物,伤害旅客的,依照刑法有关规定从重处罚。 | Article 65 Any person who, on board a railway train, robs any other passenger of his or her belongings or hurts any other passenger shall be given a heavier punishment in accordance with relevant provisions of the Criminal Law. | |
16 | 第五十二条利用残疾人的残疾,侵犯其人身权利或者其他合法权利,构成犯罪的,依照刑法有关规定从重处罚。 | Article 52 [Administrative Punishment and Criminal Liability] Whoever infringes upon the right of person or other lawful rights of disabled persons by taking advantage of their disabilities, and which constitutes a crime, shall be given a heavier punishment in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law. | |
17 | 法律、行政法规规定应当从重处以海事行政处罚的其他情形。 | Other situations where heavier maritime administrative punishment shall be given as provided for by laws and administrative regulations. | |
18 | 犯罪分子具有本法规定的从重处罚、从轻处罚情节的,应当在法定刑的限度以内判处刑罚。 | Where the circumstances of a criminal element are such as to give him a heavier punishment or a lesser punishment under the stipulations of this law, he shall be sentenced to a punishment within the legally prescribed limits of punishment. | |
19 | 方形衬线:有寸线字体的一种。衬线的粗幼和字体主要笔画相等或更粗。 | Square serif: Typeface with serifs the same weight or heavier than the main letter strokes. | |
20 | 放射性元素以自发地衰变成不同的元素。所有比铋还重的元素的同位素都是放射性的;有些存在于自然界中,是因为它们的半衰期很长。 | The radioactive forms break down spontaneously into different elements (see radioactivity). Isotopes of all elements heavier than bismuth are radioactive; some occur naturally because they have long half-lives. | |
21 | 飞机:用螺旋桨或高速喷射发动机推进和藉空气升力支持的各种重于空气的定翼航空器。 | Airplane: Fixed-wing aircraft that is heavier than air, propelled by a screw propeller or a high-velocity jet, and supported by the dynamic reaction of the air against its wings. | |
22 | 飞机各种能够飞行的带翼交通工具,通常比空气重,用喷气式发动机或螺旋桨驱动 | Any of various winged vehicles capable of flight, generally heavier than air and driven by jet engines or propellers. | |
23 | 该隐对天主说:“我受不了这个惩罚。今天你把我从这里赶走,不让我再出现在你面前,我将成为一个流浪汉,到处漂泊,遇见我的人都可能杀死我。” | cain said to the Lord, My punishment is heavier than I can bear;thou hast driven me today from the ground, and I must hide myself from thy presence. I shall be a vagrant and a wanderer on earth, and any one who meets me can kill me | |
24 | 高级打字纸:轻身的书写和印刷用纸的一类。作书信、联单文件等用。定量从45到63克每平方米不等。用相同材料造成较重纸张则称为高级书写纸(俗称二呈纸),较轻者则称为打字纸。 | Bank: Grade of lightweight writing and printing paper used for correspondence, multi-part sets, etc. made in a range of substances from 45 g/sq.m. Heavier weights of otherwise similar material are called bonds, while lighter weights are called Manifolds. | |
25 | 高级书写纸:定量从63克到120克每米平米之间的印刷和书写纸张,俗称二号纸。常作信笺,发票等用。 | Bond: Range of heavier substance printing and writing papers often used for letterheads, invoices, etc. Usual range is from 63 g/sq.m to 120 g/sq.m. | |
26 | 更为活跃的是氢的较重同位素,氘和氚。 | More reactive are the heavier isotopes of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium | |
27 | 更重的原子如钛原子(它对原子能释放也起着很重要的作用),是用人工方法从铀中制造出来的。 | Heavier atoms, such as those of plutonium, also important for the release of atomic energy, have been made artificially from uranium | |
28 | 国家机关工作人员利用职权犯前三款罪的,依照前三款的规定从重处罚 | Where an employee of a state organ abuses his authority to commit any of the three aforementioned crimes, he is to receive a heavier punishment in accordance with the stipulations stated in the three preceding paragraphs | |
29 | 海事行政违法行为的当事人有下列情形之一的,应当从重处以海事行政处罚 | Where a party committing an illegal act against maritime administration is in any of the following situations, that party shall be given a heavier maritime administrative punishment | |
30 | 海水比淡水重,因此压力也来得大。 | The sea water is heavier than the freshwater, so its pressure is greater, too |