1 | 黑体:印刷字体学的名词,指笔划较标准的字体为粗的字体。 | Bold: Typographic term for a heavier than standard weight of a type face. | |
2 | 后来发现天然氧中含有少量的比丰度最大的同位素稍重的另外两种同位素,于是16便代表自然界存在的氧的三种同位素原子质量的平均值。后来又建立了以碳-12作标准的新的标度。依据这个新标度,原先的化学原子量数值只需作很小的变动。 | Oxygen, however, contains small amounts of two isotopes that are heavier than the most abundant one, and 16 is actually a weighted average of the masses of the three isotopes of oxygen. Therefore, the standard was changed to one based on carbon-12. The new scale required only minimal changes to the values that had been used for chemical atomic weights. | |
3 | 滑翔器:没有动力能持续飞行的重于空气的航空器。 | Glider: Nonpowered heavier -than-air craft capable of sustained flight. | |
4 | 奸淫不满十四周岁的幼女的,以强奸论,从重处罚 | Whoever has sexual relations with a girl under the age of 14 is to be deemed to have committed rape and is to be given a heavier punishment. | |
5 | 将含矿冲积物在装有水的淘沙盘中不断摇动,较重的矿粒沉底,而较轻的颗粒则被洗掉。这种原始的砂矿开采形式至今还在一些地方用来淘金。 | When the mineral-bearing alluvium is shaken in the water-filled pan, the heavier particles sink to the bottom while the lighter ones are washed away. This primitive form of placer mining is still used in some places for panning gold. | |
6 | 较重的物质可在水中与较轻的物质分离,砂矿开采正是利用这个原理。 | Placer mining is based on the fact that heavier substances can be separated from lighter ones in water. | |
7 | 教唆不满十八周岁的人犯罪的,应当从重处罚。 | One who instigates a person under the age of eighteen to commit a crime shall be given a heavier punishment. | |
8 | 今天的午间交通高峰似乎比平时来得早些。 | Today’s heavier noontime traffic seemed to be building up earlier than usual | |
9 | 金属皂比钠重,可溶性不高。在硬水冷凝过程中产生的凝结物是肥皂中的脂肪酸产生的钙盐或镁盐。重金属皂常被用于动物脂肪润滑剂、替代凝胶加稠剂以及被用于绘画中。凝汽油剂是一种铝皂。 | Soaps of metals heavier than sodium are not very soluble; the curdy precipitate made by soap in hard water is the calcium or magnesium salt of the fatty acid in the soap. Heavy-metal soaps are used in lubricating greases, as gel thickeners, and in paints. Napalm is an aluminum soap. | |
10 | 巨大角斑羚呈浅红褐色,颈部灰黑色,全身有垂直的白色斑纹,角比大角斑羚的更笨重,分叉更多。 | The giant, or Derby, eland is reddish brown with a blackish neck and vertical white stripes and horns heavier than those of the common eland | |
11 | 具有殴打、侮辱情节的,从重处罚 | In circumstances where beating or humiliation are involved, a heavier punishment is to be given. | |
12 | 可是什么也没有,只见那只墩实的恶犬被拴在一条比原先更粗的链子上。 | But no, there on a heavier chain stood the barrel-chested villain. | |
13 | 老师不愿再加重学生们的负担。 | The teachers are unwilling to impose heavier load upon their students | |
14 | 镭的所有同位素都是放射性的。在自然界镭不存在游离状态,但存在于天然矿石中,如沥青铀矿,是更重元素(包括铀)放射性衰变的产物。 | All its isotopes are radioactive. Radium does not occur free in nature but occurs in natural ores such as pitchblende as a disintegration product of radioactive decay of heavier elements, including uranium. Chemically it is highly reactive and has valence 2 in all of its compounds. | |
15 | 利用、教唆未成年人走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品,或者向未成年人出售毒品的,从重处罚 | Those who utilize or urge youngsters to engage in smuggling, trafficking, transporting or manufacturing drugs or selling drugs to youngsters are to be punished in a heavier manner. | |
16 | 另一个独特之处是用陈年葡萄酒勾兑。雪利酒在发酵后,用浓度高的白兰地来增加酒精含量,一般为16~18%。雪利酒主要用作开胃酒,某些更甘甜醇厚的雪利酒则用作甜食佐餐酒。 | Also unique is the solera system of blending wines of many vintage years. Sherry is fortified after fermentation with high-proof brandy to 16-18% alcohol. It is served primarily as an aperitif, though sweeter, heavier sherries are used as dessert wines. | |
17 | 每年几百亿元价格补贴,越背越重。 | The burden of tens of billions of yuan’s worth of price subsidies provided annually by the state is getting heavier all the time. | |
18 | 哪一个较重? | Which is heavier ? | |
19 | 枪声越来越紧。 | The firing got heavier and heavier | |
20 | 轻的稀土金属,从铈到铕的前一半序列,比重元素具有更为复杂的晶体结构。 | The lighter rare-earth metals, from cerium to europium in the first half of the series, have more complex crystal structures than the heavier elements | |
21 | 轻量级拳手体重在126到135磅(57-61公斤)之间的职业拳手,其体重重于次轻量而轻于次中量级的拳手 | A professional boxer weighing more than126and not more than135pounds(approximately57-61kilograms,heavier than a featherweight and lighter than a welterweight. | |
22 | 轻压力的压脚适用于薄型面料;重压力的压脚适用于厚型面料。 | Light pressure is needed for lightweight fabrics and increased pressure is necessary for heavier weights. | |
23 | 球形发动机的连接系统有时要比圆柱形发动机的重些。 | Attachment systems can sometimes be heavier for a spherical motor than for a cylindrical one | |
24 | 去商店买东西把她搞得筋疲力尽;在回家的路上,她每走一步,就感到手里的篮子又重了一点。 | Her shopping had tired her and her basket had grown heavier with every step of the way home. | |
25 | 如果把少许土壤放进一杯水中,就能够把这些东西分离开来。石粒比较重,所以沉到杯底;腐殖质是由较轻的东西(如皱烂的叶)构成的,于是漂浮在表面。 | If you put some soil in a glass of water, you can separate these things. The rock, which is heavier , falls to the bottom of the glass. The humus, which is made of lighter things, like crumpled leaves, floats on top. | |
26 | 如果另一种夸克是 | If the quark is one of the heavier , unstable types, it quickly transforms itself back into an ordinary quark, a process that often produces an additional lepton | |
27 | 纱线越细,要求的捻度就越大。粗重的纱线可以使用较低的捻度,但强度较大。 | As the yarn becomes finer, it requires more twist; heavier yarns can have very low twist and be durable. | |
28 | 社会环境的改变,如太平盛世,工作繁忙,电子传媒与网际网络的盛行,都影响了各语文的写作之风。 | The written word, in any language, has been affected by the change in society. Changes like peace and prosperity, heavier work commitments, the proliferation of the electronic media and the Internet. | |
29 | 深色烈性的兰姆酒,传统产于牙买加,利用空气中的酵母孢子,在简易壶里蒸馏,沉淀后陈酿5~7年。兰姆酒可直接或混合饮用,用在甜点酱汁和其它菜肴中。 | The heavier dark rums, traditionally of Jamaica, employ yeast spores from the air and are distilled in simple pot stills before being blended and aged five to seven years. Rum is drunk straight or mixed and is used in dessert sauces and other dishes. | |
30 | 生产、销售本节第一百四十一条至第一百四十八条所列产品,构成各该条规定的犯罪,同时又构成本节第一百四十条规定之罪的,依照处罚较重的规定定罪处罚。 | The production and selling of products prescribed under articles 141 and 148 of this Section that constitutes an offense under these articles and article 140, shall be convicted and punished under provisions carrying a heavier penalty. |