属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第76期:应该在黑色星期五那天去购物吗
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-无疆界之战 Battling borderless
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-讣告:著名评书艺术家单田芳逝世 享年84岁(3)
1 | 在闹哄哄的半个钟头内. | in a hectic thirty minutes | |
2 | 在这令人兴奋的几个月内,理论家也在忙碌不息。 | Theorists had been busy, too, during these hectic months | |
3 | 这间房里有一张长沙发和两把椅子,坐垫的绵缎已经破旧不堪了…,全凭这些陈设发出初见面假殷勤的光彩,显出一股匆忙的、憔悴的、敷衍性的欢迎,招待这位新来的住客。 | The furnished room received its latest guest with a first glow of pseudo-hospitality, a hectic , haggard, perfunctory welcome which came from the ragged brocade upholstery of a couch and two chairs…. | |
4 | “我应该在黑色星期五那天去购物吗?虽然看上去闹哄哄的,可是折扣真的太吸引人了!” | "Should I go shopping on Black Friday? It seems hectic but the deals are amazing!" | |
5 | ||1:目击者的证词在法庭上倒是很好使,但是到了科学家那里却不管用了。||2:罗伯特·莱恩斯深知这一点,因为他自己就是一名科学家,还是名不错的科学家。||3:在研制雷达、声纳和超声波装置的过程中,他不仅做了必要的试验,还提供了必需的实验证据。||4:但是当一个灰色发亮的圆丘突出于尼斯湖面之时,他就只是一个兴奋的水怪目击者了——兴奋得喉咙都哽住了,径直朝那个方向跑去,眼睛紧贴着单筒望远镜观瞧,后又换上双筒望远镜。||5:科学在这个时候不情愿地退居到了次席。 | ||1:Eyewitness evidence may be all very well in a court of law, but it cuts no ice with scientists.||2:Robert Rines knew that perfectly, because he was a scientist himself, and a good one.||3:In his work to develop radar, sonar and ultrasound he performed all the necessary tests and provided all the proofs required.||4:But when a shining grey hump appeared from the waters of Loch Ness, bringing a hectic lump to his throat and causing him to run across the road, jamming first a telescope and then binoculars to his eyes, he was simply a man who knew he had seen a monster.||5:Science trailed uncomfortably behind. | |
6 | ||1:要想知道世界制药行业发展趋势如何,只要看看位于孟买一条繁忙的街道旁的一座叶状的综合大楼便可略知一二。||2:这座大楼的一侧驻扎着美国雅培公司,目前正忙于仿制药品的开发。||3:该公司于2010年以37亿美元收购了印度制药公司皮拉马尔(Piramal)旗下的品牌仿制药业务,因而拥有了生产仿制药的特权。||4:大楼的另一侧是致力于开发新药的皮拉马尔公司。||5:美国公司欲在印度销售廉价的仿制药,而印度公司则计划将新药出售给美国市场。||6:如果不是各自都对这种转换如此兴奋,人们或许认为这两家公司可能正面临着身份危机。 | ||1: TO GET an idea of where the world’s pharmaceutical industry is heading, a leafy complex tucked off a hectic road in Mumbai provides a clue. ||2: In one part of the building, Abbott, an American firm, is developing generic drugs ||3: a privilege it won when it bought the copycat business of Piramal, an Indian firm, for $3.7 billion in 2010. ||4: In the other part of the building Piramal is developing new drugs. ||5: The American firm wants to sell cheap generics in India; the Indian firm plans to sell original drugs in America. ||6: One might think that they were having an identity crisis, if each were not so excited by the switch. | |
7 | ||1:这些新作品通常都很累人:托马斯·艾德思的《法伊尔法克斯颂歌》中,独奏高音B调,在朱迪思·威尔的《耶路撒冷的光明》中,忙乱的奏奏停停;在哈里森·伯特威斯的《微光》中,忙乱的跺脚。||2:相当有敌意的信件送到了音乐指挥的办公室。||3:有人建议把他关起来。||4:不过,反驳那些反对的人并不难。||5:新颂歌实际上是旧颂歌的现代版本: 当时人们跳舞、庆祝或者反思的声音,有时尖锐或笨拙,但带着原始的虔诚。 | ||1:These new pieces were often taxing: a high B for solo treble in Thomas Adès’s "The Fayrfax Carol", hectic stops and starts in Judith Weir’s "Illuminare, Jerusalem", stamping in Harrison Birtwistle’s "The Gleam".||2:Quite hostile letters came into the director of music’s office.||3:One suggested that he should be locked up.||4:Countering those who objected was not too hard, though.||5:The new carols were actually modern versions of the old: the voices of people of the time dancing, celebrating or reflecting, sometimes stridently or clumsily, but with raw devotion. | |
8 | 20世纪末,中国掀起一股狂热的消费主义之风,但单田芳有意塑造古雅形象。 | In the hectic consumerist China of the late 20th century he cut a deliberately quaint figure. | |
9 | (初次发现黄金后那些紧张忙碌的日子); | those hectic days after the first discovery of gold | |
10 | [color=#ff0000]同皇室人员交往可能是新泽西的新王子这忙乱的七天时间的一个恰当的结尾。 | Mixing with royalty is perhaps a fitting end to a hectic seven days for New Jersey’s new prince. | |
11 | Michael同时也意识到了再休闲时期制定最忙碌的工作计划的重要性。 | Michael also recognises the importance of building in leisure time into even the most hectic of work schedules. | |
12 | 城市及道路建设快速的步伐,加上保守秘密的文化,使得中国的地图粗略且不可靠。 | The hectic pace of urban construction and road building combined with a culture of secrecy makes Chinese maps unreliable and vague. | |
13 | 城市居民将此归因为他们忙碌的生活,其中38%的人自称是太累或压力太大。 | City dwellers put this down to their hectic lives, with 38 per cent claiming to be too tired or stressed. | |
14 | 大一的新生开学第一周一定是很忙碌的,每件事对他们都是陌生的。 | The first week of college is always hectic for freshmen. Everything is new to them. | |
15 | 但不知道为什么,他又挤出时间把忙碌的时间表安排得更紧凑。 | But somehow, he’s found time to cram even more into his hectic schedule. | |
16 | 但是在繁忙的现代生活中,我们经常把看重的是吃什么,而不是我们消费食物的方式。 | But in our hectic modern lives, we often put more focus on what to eat, rather than the manner in which we consume our food. | |
17 | 但似乎在白天我们兴奋的潜意识也会影响我们的疲倦程度。 | But our hectic subconscious seemingly affects our exhaustion levels during the day, too. | |
18 | 当前的冠军是20岁的S·卡辛克,他是一位高中毕业生,曾在班加罗尔短期工作过,但发现城市生活过于繁忙和昂贵。 | The current champion is S. Karthik, 20, a high school graduate who worked briefly in Bangalore but found city life too hectic and expensive. | |
19 | 当日交投活跃,股票转手市值达 800 万元。 | Shares worth $8 million changed hands during a day of hectic trading. | |
20 | 当生活繁忙的时候,个人发展通常是优先待做的事情清单上第一个被划掉的。 | Personal development is often one of the first things to get marked off the priority list when life gets hectic . | |
21 | 对中印关系而言,2011年是紧张忙碌而成果丰硕的一年。 | 2011 is a hectic and productive year for our bilateral relations. | |
22 | 而官方媒体急于将国内局势描绘成“正常”的做法,更是显得欲盖弥彰。 | The hectic manner in which the state media seek to portray the situation as normal merely affirms the disarray. | |
23 | 而社交网站和手机短信让青少年的社会活动变得更加繁忙。 | Thanks to social media websites and cell phones brimming with text messages, teens’ social lives are increasingly hectic as well. | |
24 | 而我觉得理论上的情况之所以没有出现,全拜那杯啤酒所赐,他让老大的精神一直处于亢奋状态,这是一个奇迹。 | And I think the theory of no reason why, all thanks cup of beer has done, he let the spirit of the lead has been hectic , which is a miracle. | |
25 | 繁忙的时间表,截止日期,金融债务,还有关系问题,都完全可以使你的生活苦恼不堪。 | Hectic schedules, deadlines, financial liabilities and relationship issues can haze your life completely. | |
26 | 放贷很可能以不那么狂热的节奏扩大,同时资产恶化将不可避免地加剧。 | Lending is likely to expand at a less hectic pace, while asset deterioration will inevitably rise. | |
27 | 很明显德国司法机关和精神病管理当局让这个人出来很糟糕,我意识到他过于躁动不安。 | Clearly the German legal and psychiatric authorities had badly let this man down. He was too hectic , too much of a handful, I reflected. | |
28 | 还把自己以前“酷酷”的生活讲述给他们,让他们引以为戒。 | He nudges them to pipe down and study. He offers his own "hectic " life as a cautionary tale. | |
29 | 家庭气氛有些激烈,如果不组织好就能导致情绪化。 | Your home environment may be hectic , which could result in emotional upset if you aren’t well organized. | |
30 | 结果造成日常工作压力很大、十分忙乱,而且没有章法。 | The resulting daily routine is pressured, hectic and fragmented. |