属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 20462-1-1988
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 20472-1-1988
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 20463-1-1988
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 20453-1-1988
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 20452-1-1988
1 | (跳远落坑时)先用脚跟后过渡到前脚掌 | heel -ball-toe motion | |
2 | [谚]祸不单行。 | One woe doth tread upon another’s heel . | |
3 | “好,随你的便吧。”他会说,接着脚跟啪地一响转回身去,留下特丽萨在那里发愁,不知她是不是已经和他永远闹翻了。 | “Well, go on, then,”he would say, and with a flip of his heel would turn back, leaving Theresa to wonder whether she had alienated him forever, or no | |
4 | 阿基里斯只有脚后跟会受伤害。 | achilles was vulnerable only in his heel | |
5 | 把...碾在脚下 | grind something under one’s heel | |
6 | 笨重的高跟鞋 | clunky high-heel shoes. | |
7 | 编织短袜时把脚的后跟织成圆形 | Turn a heel in knitting a sock. | |
8 | 扁平足:先天性或后天性足纵弓平坦的一种外科病。足和足跟向外侧旋转,足弓消失,形成八字脚。 | Flatfoot: Congenital or acquired flatness of the arch of the foot, in which the foot and heel usually also roll outward, resulting in a splayfooted position. | |
9 | 不一会儿,火苗成了星星点点,渐渐地熄灭了,上校把香烟扔在了地板上,用后脚跟碾灭,随后抓起照片放在自己的胸前。 | The colonel dropped the cigarette to the floor and ground it out with his heel , then clutched the photograph to his breast, removed a pistol from his pocket, placed the barrel in his mouth and pulled the trigger | |
10 | 船向左 [右] 舷倾斜 | heel to port [ starboard ] | |
11 | 船向左舷倾斜 | Heel to port [starboard] | |
12 | 带绞接尖轨的简易矿用道岔.半径30m.斜度1:6.轨距600mm.组装 | Simple points for underground tracks with loose heel switch; 30 m radius, 1 : 6 inclination, 600 mm gauge; compilation | |
13 | 带绞接尖轨简易矿用道岔.半径50m.斜度1:7.轨距600mm.组装 | Simple points for underground tracks with loose heel switch; 50 m radius, 1 : 7 inclination, 600 mm gauge; compilation | |
14 | 带绞接尖轨简易矿用道岔用转辙器.半径30m.斜度1:6.轨距600mm | Switches for simple underground track points with loose heel switch; 30 m radius, 1 : 6 inclination, 600 mm gauge | |
15 | 带铰接尖轨的简易矿用道岔用转辙器.半径为20m.坡度1:5.轨距600mm | Switches for simple underground track points with loose heel switch; 20 m radius, 1 : 5 inclination, 600 mm gauge | |
16 | 德国人民被德国军人阶级践踏,军人阶级解体之日也将是德国农民、工匠和商贩欢欣解放之日。 | The German people are under the heel of this military caste, and it will be a day of rejoicing for the German peasant, artisan and trader when the military caste is broken | |
17 | 冻疮皮肤(尤指踵部)上由于受冻而引起的皲裂或发炎的部分;冻的脓疱溃烂 | A chapped or inflamed area on the skin,especially on the heel ,resulting from exposure to cold;an ulcerated chillblain. | |
18 | 拱形物;(尤指)足底弓. | Thing shaped like an arch,esp the raised part of the foot between the sole and the heel | |
19 | 国际标准化组织(ISO)随之也在一些成员国家的推动下,着手从事这项工作, | ISO (the International Organization for Standardization), at heel , also took the mission in the field, | |
20 | 后来,这般时髦社会的人们,渐渐地明白了自己实在被这达布林的流氓所嘲弄了,于是来了一个反动。蔑克里斯这个字成为最下流、最被轻视的字了。 | Then gradually smart society realized that it had been made ridiculous at the hands of a down-at-heel Dublin street-rat, and revulsion came. Michaelis was the last word in what was caddish and bounderish. | |
21 | 简易的矿用道岔.半径为20m.斜度为1:5轨距为600mm带绞接尖轨的组装 | Simple points for underground tracks with loose heel switch; 20 m radius, 1 : 5 inclination, 600 mm gauge; compilation | |
22 | 她把那张照片扔在地上,用脚踩,以发泄对他的恨。 | She threw the photograph down and ground it under her heel to show her hatred of him | |
23 | 她嗔怨地白了斯鲁特一眼,转过身就走了。 | With a reproachful look at Slote, she turned on her heel and went out | |
24 | 她望着他那棕色的脸,矫健的身材,蓬乱的头发和那敏捷的步伐。 | She looked at his brown face, his lithe build, his shock of hair, and the quick heel -and-toe way that he walked | |
25 | 烤肉像牛肩排或后臀肉这种含骨烤肉每份食物为3\4磅(未烹调的),像后腰通脊肉或臀根部肉这种无骨烤肉,每份食物为l\2磅(未烹调的)。 | Roasts Allow 3\4 pound (uncooked)per serving for bone-in roasts such as blade chuck roasts or rump roasts and 1\2 pound (uncooked)per serving for boneless roasts such as sirloin tip or heel of round. | |
26 | 懒惰是他的唯一致命弱点 | Laziness is his Achilles’ heel . | |
27 | 马蹄底部的角质层 | A horny growth on the heel of a horse’s hoof. | |
28 | 没有教养的, 没有礼貌的, 粗野的 | hairy about [at, in] the heel [fetlocks] | |
29 | 每个人都必须服从,否则会丢掉性命的。 | Everyone must come to heel or he will lose his life | |
30 | 莫干丞的一对老鼠眼睛在屠维岳脸上钉了一下,又缩缩颈脖,摆出了“那我就不管”的神气,转身就走了出去,把那房门很重的碰上。 | Mo Kan-cheng fixed his beady eyes on Tu Wei-yueh’s face for a moment, then hunched up his shoulders; pulling a face as much as to say, "I should worry!" he turned on his heel and went out, slamming the door behind him |