属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN ISO 6044-1986
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 6044-1985
1 | 在自由搏击比赛中,以下行为被认为是犯规:打击对手脊椎部分,掌掴对方脸部,吐吐沫,咬人,用掌根、手肘或膝盖打击对方,当对手已经单膝跪地或倒下仍然打击对手。 | The following items are considered fouls in a kickboxing Bout:striking to the spine area,slapping,spitting and Biting,palm heel strikes,elbows,knee strikes, striking opponent when he has slipped or fallen t0 one knee 0r more. | |
2 | 造船.悬臂起重机吊杆底脚装置.主要尺寸 | Shipbuilding; fork-type heel fittings for ships` derrick booms; main dimensions; identical with ISO 6044, edition 1985 | |
3 | 造船和海上建筑物.悬臂起重机吊杆底脚装置.主要尺寸 | Shipbuilding and marine structures; Derrick boom heel fittings; Main dimensions | |
4 | 造船及海上结构物 吊杆根部叉头 主要尺寸 | Shipbuilding and marine structures; Derrick boom heel fittings; Main dimensions | |
5 | 这个可怜的疯子这一来倒把他的疯病治好了,他从监狱生活里解脱出来啦。” | this burn in the heel is decisive. The poor fool is cured of his folly, and delivered from his captivity. | |
6 | 这是一个正在竞走中的女运动员的形象,作品的题目叫《走向世界》 | The picture on the next page depicts the sculpture of a female heel -and-toe walking athlete, titled Walking into the World. | |
7 | 珍妮是个邋遢女人,她和丈夫两人都穿得破破烂烂的。 | Jane is a slut,both she and her husband are always out at heel . | |
8 | 整个国家都处在暴君独裁的蹂躏下。 | The whole country was under the heel of a tyrannical dictatorship. | |
9 | 治疗在于穿用加托或不加托的特制平足鞋来恢复足弓和足跟的正确位置,并加强肌肉的力量,使足弓和足跟保持于改正后的位置。疼痛严重或容易疲劳的病例可用扁平足托。 | Treatment to correct arch and heel position employs proper shoes and muscle strengthening; arch supports are indicated only for severe pain or excessive fatigue. | |
10 | 足:解剖学术语,指陆生脊椎动物腿末端用以站立的部分,包括踝关节以下跟、弓、趾以及其中的跗骨、跖骨和指(趾)骨,主要功能是行动。 | Foot: End part of the leg, consisting of the heel , arch, and toes, on which a person stands. Its major function is locomotion. |