属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-本周政治要闻 墨西哥一监狱发生争斗49名犯人死亡 教皇
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-美国正式退出中导条约 称俄罗斯要负全部责任
1 | 这种小资产阶级的个人主义者,当然不愿意歌颂革命人民的功德,鼓舞革命人民的斗争勇气和胜利信心。 | Of course, such petty-bourgeois individualists are unwilling to eulogize the deeds and virtues of the revolutionary people or heighten their courage in struggle and their confidence in victory | |
2 | ||1:美国和台湾都断言中国大陆在中国南海永兴岛(Woody Island)(台湾和越南也声称对该岛屿的所有权)部署地对空导弹。||2:若此为真,此争议海域的军事局势则将更加紧张。世界上三分之一的贸易经由此海域。||3:中国外交部长王毅称,该断言是西方媒体在“制造新闻”。 | ||1:Both America and Taiwan alleged that China has placed surface-to-air missiles on the South China Sea’s Woody Island, which is claimed also by Taiwan and Vietnam.||2:If true it would heighten military tensions in the disputed sea, through which a third of world trade passes.||3:China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, called the allegation an invention of the Western media. | |
3 | ||1:在英国海滨一间偏远的家舍,女主人凯特和丈夫迪利迎来了一个意外访客:安娜;勾起了三人20年前在伦敦嬉游冒险的回忆。||2:但是记忆这个恶作剧鬼,满是自私自利的念头和操纵人心的捏造。||3:三人似乎曾经过从甚密;然而却无法言明究意有何共同经历。||4:他们的记忆彼此重叠,却又各执一词,让人费解。||5:克里斯汀.斯考特.托马斯和利娅.威廉姆斯在不同场次的演出中会互换角色,以凸显该剧的主题:感觉的威力与脆弱;不过迪利一角,始终由鲁弗斯扮演。 | ||1:At a remote farmhouse on the English seaside, Anna pays an unexpected visit to Kate and her husband Deeley, seemingly to reminisce about all of those adventures they shared in London 20 years ago.||2:But memory can be a funny thing, full of selfish needs and manipulative fictions.||3:These three figures seem to know each other intimately, but it is not clear what history they actually share.||4:Their recollections overlap but also confuse and compete with each other.||5:To heighten the sense that this is a play about the power and frailty of perception, Kristin Scott Thomas and Lia Williams switch roles for different performances, though Rufus Sewell stays anchored as Deeley. | |
4 | 而且它还加大了世界各国之于美国金融动荡的风险敞口。 | They also heighten the world’s exposure to American financial stumbles. | |
5 | 根据一项新的研究,每天喝罐苏打水会增加患前驱糖尿病的风险,是出现成熟2型糖尿病前的“警报信号”。 | According to a new study, drinking a can of soda every day can heighten a person’s risk of developing prediabetes, a "warning sign" condition that appears before full-blown type 2 diabetes. | |
6 | 联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯在纽约联合国总部表示,他对该条约的到期表示担忧。古特雷斯周四对记者表示:“这可能会加剧,而不是降低核导弹构成的威胁。” | At United Nations headquarters in New York, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that he was concerned about the treaty’s expiration. "This will likely heighten , not reduce, the threat posed by (nuclear) missiles," he told reporters on Thursday. | |
7 | AHP根据表格提供在分析过程判断一致性的能力:这有助于减少异常并增加客观性。 | AHP brings an ability to judge consistency in analysis process to the table: This helps reduce anomalies and heighten objectivity. | |
8 | Blonna说。缺少睡眠,饮用咖啡都可能增加压力,而锻炼身体和一顿丰盛的早餐则可能减压。 | Lack of sleep and many cups of coffee can heighten stress, whereas a great workout and a big breakfast may buffer it. | |
9 | Morinformsystem-Agat公司是Sizzler导弹的幕后研发公司,它所设计的一个产品可能会加剧这样的恐惧。 | A product designed by Concern Morinformsystem-AGAT, the Russian company behind the Sizzler, may heighten such fears. | |
10 | 按科技强军要求提高思想政治工作效益 | Heighten the Real Effects of Ideological and Political Work Required in Strengthening the Army Through Science and Technology | |
11 | 不管预期要带来的影响是怎样的,用这种科技就能加深电影给人的影响。 | This technology can be used to heighten , no matter what the intended emotional effect. | |
12 | 常德方言表程度加深的形式和手段 | The Structures and Means to Heighten Degrees in Changde Dialect | |
13 | 从实际出发切实提高入世应对能力 | From Practical Point of View Heighten Respondent Ability to Entry into WTO | |
14 | 从心理语言学的角度谈如何提高学生的听力理解 | Heighten Students’Listening Comprehension in View of Psycholinguistics | |
15 | 当局向所有乘客派发健康提示卡,以提高他们对该疾病的警觉。 | Health alert cards are distributed to all passengers to heighten the awareness of the disease. | |
16 | 低爆速细长型震源药柱提高地震勘探分辨率 | Heighten Seismic Prospecting Resolution with Explosive Source of Low Blasting Speed and Slender Shape | |
17 | 对提升昆明文化产业竞争力的思考 | Pondering on How to Heighten the Competitiveness of Kunming Cultural Industry | |
18 | 对以后更好地应用双正压无创通气治疗COPD、提高患者生活质量有重大意义。 | It had important meaning to use double positive pressure no hurt ventilate to treat COPD, and heighten patients live quality. | |
19 | 对于所有中国企业而言,经济放缓将加剧竞争,并导致企业重组。 | For all companies in China, the slowdown will heighten competition and lead to rationalisation. | |
20 | 该扩散单元可提高采用点光源的背光模块的出光均匀度。 | The diffusing unit can heighten light emitting degree of uniformity of the backlight module adopting point light sources. | |
21 | 改良胸骨抬起术治疗小儿漏斗胸 | Improving Sternum Heighten Operation Applied to Treat Funnel Chest of Young Children | |
22 | 跟骨下异物置入增高术后并发症的探讨 | Clinical reaserch the complications caused by heighten operation by implanting the foreign matter under the calcaneum | |
23 | 关注现代经济伦理提高教学科研水平 | Pay Attention to Modern Economy Ethics and Heighten the Level of Teaching Scientific Research | |
24 | 广告公司则不断寻求新技术以更好地加强对国际互联网用户的行为监测。 | Ad companies are constantly looking for new techniques to heighten their surveillance of Internet users. | |
25 | 国家质量奖提高了美国经济的全球竞争力--波多里奇奖综述 | The National Quality Awards Heighten the Global Competitive Ability of the American Economy--A summary of Baldrige Award | |
26 | 合理利用外资提高我国产业竞争力 | Reasonably Use of Foreign Investment to Heighten Industrial Competitive Force of Our Country | |
27 | 很棒的v动画和声音能够提高兴趣,但是不要用的太多使观众分心。 | Animations and sounds, used well, can heighten interest, but don’t distract the audience with too much of a good thing. | |
28 | 加快技术创新步伐,提高烧碱装置竞争能力 | To quicken the steps of creating new techniques and heighten the competitive capability of caustic soda devices | |
29 | 加强党的执政能力建设是提高青年干部整体素质的关键 | Enhancing the Party’s governance capability building is the key to heighten the whole quality of the young cadres | |
30 | 加强管理、提高绩效,促进地方科学基金的完善和发展 | Strengthen management and heighten contributions to promote provincial scientific fund perfection |