属类:法学专业-中国法律-外商投资产业指导目录( 2004 年修订)
1 | “毒刺”导弹主要用于战地前沿或要地的低空防御,可以击落低空飞行的飞机、直升机和巡航导弹。 | ’stinger’ missiles are primarily used for low-altitude air defense in battlefront or for defense of important places. The missile can shoot down low-flying aircrafts, helicopters and cruise missiles | |
2 | 10 .民用直升机设计与制造(中方控股) | (10)Design and manufacture of civil helicopters (Chinese partner shall hold the majority of shares) | |
3 | 2001年12月,以色列的坦克、直升机袭击了他在拉马拉的总部。 | Israeli tanks and helicopters attacked his headquarters in Ramallah in December, 2001. | |
4 | LM135半导体温度传感器在直升飞机测温上的应用 | Application of LM135 Semiconductor Temperature Sensor to Helicopters ’ Temperature Measurement | |
5 | 阿富汗空军正用直升机向被围城镇提供补给。 | The Afghan air force was using helicopters to supply the besieged town. | |
6 | 巴勒斯坦安全人士说,在地面上,以色列装甲部队在直升机的支援下今晚进入约旦河西岸的巴勒斯坦自治镇哲宁。 | Palestinian security officials said that on the ground, the Israeli armored forces, supported by helicopters , entered the Palestinian self-rule town of Jenin on the West Bank of the Jordan River tonight | |
7 | 爆破专家、士兵和紧急医疗人员纷纷赶往现场,直升机则在正在对六百名观礼来宾发表演说的尤瑞比头上盘旋。 | Experts in bombs, soldiers and first aid personnels all rushed to the scene, while helicopters hovered above Uribe who was giving a speech to the 600 audience attending the ceremony | |
8 | 不管是战壕雨衣、短大衣还是风衣,至少是个管用的遮蔽(b纽约时报)政治家喜欢以直升飞机、毁坏和时髦的防风茄克衫为主要特征的照片(b旧金山记事) | Whether a trenchcoat,balmacaan or windbreaker,it is a coverup that makes sense(bNew York Times)Politicians love photo opportunities featuring helicopters ,devastation and nifty windbreakers(bSan Francisco Chronicle) | |
9 | 不管是战壕雨衣、短大衣还是风衣,至少是个管用的遮蔽(纽约时报)政治家喜欢以直升飞机、毁坏和时髦的防风茄克衫为主要特征的照片(旧金山记事) | Whether a trenchcoat,balmacaan or windbreaker,it is a coverup that makes sense(New York Times)Politicians love photo opportunities featuring helicopters ,devastation and nifty windbreakers(San Francisco Chronicle) | |
10 | 不同粘弹减摆器连接的直升机地面共振分析 | Analysis of Ground Resonance for Helicopters with Different Elastomeric Lag Damper Connections | |
11 | 雏鹰-100直升机复合材料部件研究中几个问题及其解决方法 | Several Issues Concerning Composite Parts of LE-100 Helicopters and Resolution Methods | |
12 | 蜂鸟是飞禽类的直升飞机. | Hummingbird s are the helicopters of the bird world. | |
13 | 各式各样的车辆,特别是穿越寂静的村庄的集装箱卡车,从头顶飞过的飞机和直升机 | Vehicles of all kinds, especially large container trucks thundering through quiet villages, planes and helicopters flying overhead | |
14 | 急重症儿童直升机转诊之研究分析 | Characteristics of Pediatric Patients Transported by Helicopters to a Medical Center in Taiwan | |
15 | 紧耦合多飞行机器人悬停配平计算分析 | Equilibrium Computation of Close-coupling Multiple Helicopters in Hover Condition | |
16 | 近年来,墨西哥政府为扫毒部队装备了先进的直升机、快艇、雷达、空中预警设备和由电脑进行监控分析的移动检查仪。 | In recent years, Mexico’s anti-drug troops have added advanced helicopters , speedboats, radars, aerial pre-warning equipment as well as computer controlled mobile monitor and analyzing equipment | |
17 | 经过特别警告巴格达不得在伊拉克任何地方使用毒气和作战飞机(这些警告鼓励了少数民族叛变)以后,当伊拉克继续用作战直升机对付叛军时,布什却半途而废未加制止。 | After having pointedly warned Baghdad not to use poison gas or combat aircraft anywhere in Iraq, warnings that had encouraged the rebellion, Mr.Bush pulled up short when Iraq continued to fly combat helicopters against the insurgents. | |
18 | 美目政府自己可以出动坦克和直升飞机,用武力对付"大卫教",却对中国政府依法取缔"法轮功"说三道四,颠倒黑白。 | "While the U.S. government used armed force, including tanks and helicopters to crack down on the ""Dravidians"", it is making irresponsible remarks and confounding black and white with respect to the banning of ""Falun Gong"" cult by the Chinese government in consistence with the law." | |
19 | 某型武装直升机激光对抗训练模拟系统方案的实现 | Realization of the Plan of a Training Simulation System of Armed Helicopters with Laser Technology | |
20 | 随着50年代和60年代间装备地对空导弹,诸如此类的重型高炮便退役了,不过轻型雷达制导的自动高炮仍然能有效地防御低空飞行的飞机和直升机。 | With the introduction of guided missiles in the 1950s and ’60s, heavy antiaircraft guns were phased out, though lighter radar-guided automatic guns remained effective against low-flying aircraft and helicopters . | |
21 | 所制成的复合材料可以用来制作直升飞机的电机叶片、喷气发动机的压缩机叶片、高尔夫球杆、自行车零件、滑雪板以及机器零件。 | The resulting composites are used in rotor blades for helicopters , compressor blades in jet engines, golf club shafts, bicycle parts, skis, and machinery parts. | |
22 | 他对于小报刊登有关他失败婚姻的耸人听闻的报导无比愤怒,所以禁止记者们到《水的世界》剧组采访。可是他们还是来了--有的坐直升飞机,有的从水下潜泳,有的乘快艇。 | He became so irate at the tabloids running stories about his failed marriage that be banned journalists from the Waterworld set. Yet still they came-in helicopters , scuba gear and speedboats. | |
23 | 台湾重新向美国提出购买三十部战斗直升机,以加强军事实力抗衡中国。 | Taiwan has renewed its request to buy 30 advanced combat helicopters from the United States to boost its defences against the mainland. | |
24 | 我们像拍苍蝇似地猛击敌直升飞机。 | We swat the enemy helicopters out of the sky like flies | |
25 | 无人直升机的动态逆模糊集成控制 | Dynamic Reverse and Fuzzy Integrated Control of Unmanned Helicopters | |
26 | 五架救援直升飞机迅速向返回舱飞去并于6点36分发现了返回舱。他们说杨利伟感觉良好,返回舱的情况看上去也很正常。 | Five rescue helicopters raced towards the capsule and found it at 6:36 am. They said Yang felt good and the conditions with the capsule also seemed normal. | |
27 | 伊拉克使用苏制米格式飞机、法制海市蜃楼式飞机、巴西造乌鲁图装甲运兵车和苏制T一72型坦克来对付伊朗的美制F一4式飞机、英制首领式坦克和意大利造的吉努克型直升飞机。 | Iraq has been using Soviet MIG jets, French Mirage jets, Brazilian Urutu armored personnel carriers, and Soviet T-72 tanks to fight Iran’s American F-4 jets, British Chieftain tanks and Italian-built chinook helicopters | |
28 | 用来转移伊拉克官员的直升机 | helicopters to transport Iraqi officials | |
29 | 载回船只和直升飞机正向溅落区进发。 | Recovery ships and helicopters are headed for the splashdown area | |
30 | 在罗斯福大道,上下班时间通勤人士坐在车里寸步难移,羡慕地仰望眷上升机。别气馁,交通拥塞空中也有份。 | To those rush hour-commuters who sit immobilized in traffic on the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Drive,gazing enviously at the helicopters above,take heart.Gridlock has gone airborne. |