1 | 《雇佣条例及外籍家庭佣工雇佣契约指南──外籍家庭佣工及其雇主须知》 | Guide to the Provisions of the Employment Ordinance and the Employment Contract--What Foreign Domestic Helpers and their Employers Should Know, A | |
2 | 《雇用外籍家庭佣工实用指南──外籍家庭佣工及其雇主须知》 | Practical Guide for Employment of Foreign Domestic Helpers --What Foreign Domestic Helpers and Their Employers Should Know | |
3 | 大卫因怕基士的儿子扫罗,躲在洗革拉的时候,有勇士到他那里帮助他打仗。 | Now these are the men who came to David at Ziklag, while he was still shut up, because of Saul, the son of Kish; they were among the strong men, his helpers in war. | |
4 | 但经济发展暨劳工事务部门却拒绝证实政府未来考虑向雇主征收外籍佣工税。 | But the Economic Development and Labor Affairs department refuses to confirm the government’s consideration of levying tax on employers of foreign domestic helpers | |
5 | 海外女佣雇主协会主席容马珊儿 | The Hong Kong Employers of Overseas Domestic Helpers ’ Association chairman Betty Yung Ma Shan-yee | |
6 | 家暴事件中助人工作者的专业判断与和谐价值观的关联 | The Professional Helpers ’ Judgments and Their Views of Harmony in Family Violence Situation | |
7 | 她以茶点接待每天来帮忙的人群,向他们下指示,这些人有的是自愿,有的是被迫而来。 | She entertained a daily gathering of helpers , voluntary and conscripted, to tea, cake and instruction | |
8 | 救援者飞奔而来。 | The helpers came in a scud. | |
9 | 来自12个国家的130名男女圣诞老人和他们的助手聚集丹麦。他们戴着白胡子、红帽子,穿着红长袍,忍受着酷暑的煎熬,终于结束了有关圣诞老人到底来自哪个北欧国家的辩论。 | Sweating it out in the summer heat in white beards and red hats and robes, 130 Father and Mother Christmases and Santa’s helpers from 12 countries put an end to debate about which Nordic nation was their real home. | |
10 | 麦西哈曾说:“以色列的后裔啊!你们当崇拜真主--我的主,和你们的主。谁以物配主,真主必禁止谁入乐园,他的归宿是火狱。不义的人,3绝没有任何援助者 | The Messiah said, “Children of Israel, worship God, my Lord and your Lord. Whoever associates partners in worship with God, then God has forbidden Paradise for him, and his home is the Fire (Hell). For the wrongdoers,3 there will be no helpers .” | |
11 | 美国卡车司机、汽车司机、仓库工人和佣工国际工人兄弟会 | International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America | |
12 | 那时神的灵感动那三十个勇士的首领亚玛撒,他就说,大卫阿,我们是归于你的。耶西的儿子阿,我们是帮助你的。愿你平平安安,愿帮助你的也都平安。因为你的神帮助你。大卫就收留他们,立他们作军长。 | Then the spirit came on Amasai, who was chief of the captains, and he said, We are yours, David, we are on your side, O son of Jesse: may peace be with you and peace be with your helpers ; for God is your helper. Then David took them into his army and made them captains of the band. | |
13 | 你使利未支派近前来,站在祭司亚伦面前好服事他, | Make the tribe of Levi come near, and put them before aaron the priest, to be his helpers , | |
14 | 起居照顾及家务助理员协会主席郑清发 | Chairman of the Personal Care Workers and Home Helpers Association | |
15 | 强盛的勇士要在阴间对埃及王和帮助他的说话。他们是未受割礼被杀的人,已经下去,躺卧不动。 | The strong among the great ones will say to him from the underworld, are you more beautiful than any? go down, you and your helpers , and take your rest among those without circumcision, and those who have been put to the sword. | |
16 | 且如他所说:在世时没有信道,临死时仍不信道的人,即使以满地的黄金赎罪,也不被接受。这等人将受痛苦的刑罚,他们绝没有任何援助者。 | And as He has said:Those who have disbelieved and died in disbelief, the earth full of gold would not be accepted from any of them if it were offered as a ransom. They will have a painful punishment, and they will have no helpers . | |
17 | 人手不够,就到杜姑老爷公馆里去叫。 | If you’re shorthanded, go and get some helpers from Mr. Tu Chu-chai’s place | |
18 | 神必不收回他的怒气。扶助拉哈伯的,屈身在他以下。 | God’s wrath may not be turned back; the helpers of Rahab were bent down under him. | |
19 | 他打发帮忙的人离开,每个人便分头去干自己的事了。 | He dismissed his helpers and everyone dispersed about his business | |
20 | 他们的名字,属流便的,有示丢珥的儿子以利蓿。 | These are the names of those who are to be your helpers : from Reuben, Elizur, the son of Shedeur; | |
21 | 他们就是造成这一切后果的人:国际犹太人集团和帮助他们的人。 | They are the people whom we have to thank for all this: international jewry and its helpers | |
22 | 它们也与它同下阴间,到被杀的人那里。它们曾作它的膀臂,在列国中它的荫下居住。 | and they will go down with him to the underworld, to those who have been put to the sword; even those who were his helpers , living under his shade among the nations | |
23 | 烫伤住院病人及其施救者对紧急处理之正确性及其相关因素探讨 | Accuracy and Related Factors of Emergency Management in Hospitalized Scald Burn Patients and Their Helpers | |
24 | 头一夜,我们两个人想单独和婴儿们呆在一起,我们把热心帮忙的人都请走了。但是第二天一早我们又把他们请了回来。 | That first night, wanting to be alone with each other and the babies,we shooed all our eager helpers away. But by the next morning we were clamoring for them to come back! | |
25 | 王夫人等日日忙乱,直到十月将尽,幸皆全备 | For Lady Wang and her helpers the days passed in a flurry of preparations until, towards the end of the tenth month, all was ready. | |
26 | 我返回了教学岗位。我不在家时,是那些充满奉献精神的朋友、亲戚和能干的帮手来照看好这四个孩子。 | I have gone back to teaching. Devoted friends and relatives and fully qualified helpers take good care of the quads while I am away. | |
27 | 我们名单上的几个自愿帮忙的人因事或家庭困难而不得不离开了。 | Several voluntary helpers whom we had on our list have had to fall out because of business or domestic difficulties | |
28 | 我在埃及中使火着起。帮助埃及的,都被灭绝。那时,他们就知道我是耶和华。 | and they will be certain that I am the Lord, when I have put a fire in Egypt and all her helpers are broken. | |
29 | 我找到几个助手散发传单. | I rustled up a few helpers to hand out leaflets. | |
30 | 押沙龙献祭的时候,打发人去将大卫的谋士,基罗人亚希多弗从他本城请了来。于是叛逆的势派甚大。因为随从押沙龙的人民,日渐增多。 | and absalom sent for ahithophel the Gilonite, one of David’s helpers , from Giloh his town, while he was making the offerings. and the design against David became strong, for more and more people were joined to absalom. |