属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 31
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-俄罗斯干涉美国大选 各自为战(1)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-前苏联的末途 The end of the Sovie
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-前苏联的末途 行尸走肉
1 | 因为日子将到,要毁灭一切非利士人,剪除帮助推罗,西顿所剩下的人。原来耶和华必毁灭非利士人,就是迦斐托海岛余剩的人。 | Because of the day which is coming with destruction on all the Philistines, cutting off from Tyre and Zidon the last of their helpers : for the Lord will send destruction on the Philistines, the rest of the sea-land of Caphtor. | |
2 | 游乐义卖会的组织人和她的一群助手. | The fete organizer and her retinue of helpers | |
3 | 在战争时期,Frank为飞机制造零件。那时,他有两个帮手。 | During the war Frank used to make spare parts for airplanes. At that time he had two helpers . | |
4 | 真主在古兰经中说道:在世时没有信道,临死时仍不信道的人,即使以满地的黄金赎罪,也不被接受。这等人将受痛苦的刑罚,他们绝没有任何援助者。 | God has said in the Quran:Those who have disbelieved and died in disbelief, the earth full of gold would not be accepted from any of them if one offered it as a ransom. They will have a painful punishment, and they will have no helpers . | |
5 | 志愿的帮手(如在义卖会、义卖场等) | Voluntary helpers ,eg at a fete,bazaar,etc | |
6 | 周围一切帮助他的和他所有的军队,我必分散四方(方原文作风),也要拔刀追赶他们。 | and all his helpers round about him and all his armies I will send in flight to every wind; and I will let loose a sword after them. | |
7 | 助手名单中提到了他。 | He was given a mention in the list of helpers . | |
8 | 1:5月23日,前美国中情局局长John Brennan在出席美国众议院情报委员会听证会时公开声明如是说道,他还表示他曾看到过一份有关俄罗斯官员与特朗普竞选团队在私下接触的情报。但他无法判断俄罗斯间谍组织是否成功地吸纳了美国人。 | ||1:So declared John Brennan, former director of the CIA, at a hearing of the House Intelligence Committee on May 23rd, adding that he had seen intelligence of “contacts and interactions between Russian officials and US persons involved in the Trump campaign,” leaving him with “unresolved questions” about whether Russian spooks successfully recruited American helpers .|| | |
9 | ||1:他几乎是不顾一切地去做,因为他那鲜艳的长袍到处为他打着招牌,他和助手们溜进了贫困的棚户区,鼓励工人们组织起来。||2:最终,切石工、建筑工和砖窑工人成立了工会;与此同时,他在法庭上与雇主较量。||3:他解救的工人总共约17.8万人,其中约2.6万名是儿童,他们要么接受新工作培训,要么第一次开始上学。||4:尤其是在他开过几次工人会议后,人们喊出的“革命!革命!”。这句话似乎更像是政治性的,而不是牧师式的。 | ||1:Almost recklessly, because his bright robes advertised him everywhere, he and his helpers slipped into the wretched shanty-villages to encourage the labourers to organise.||2:Eventually unions were created for stone-cutters, builders and brick-kiln workers; meanwhile, he battled employers in the courts.||3:Those workers he managed to rescue—around 178,000 in all, roughly 26,000 of them children— were trained for new jobs or sent, for the first time, to school.||4:Much of this, especially the shouts of “Revolution!” after some of his worker meetings, seemed more political than priestly. | |
10 | 1980年1月,德米特里·杜德科神父遭逮捕。他的朋友开始祈祷,西方国家表示抗议。不过在六个月之后,德米特里·杜德科神父不再是之前德米特里·杜德科神父:“洗心革面”之后的他成了一位热忱的爱国志士。他在电视广播中的表态令人震惊:承认与外国势力里勾外连,以反对前苏联政府。更不堪的是,他还揭发了自己的朋友和战友。 | In January 1980 Father Dmitry was arrested. His friends prayed; the West protested. But he emerged six months later, a changed man: a zealous, repentant patriot who, in a sensational television broadcast, admitted to working with foreign powers against the Soviet state. Worse, he denounced his friends and helpers . | |
11 | 1980年1月,德米特里杜德科神父遭逮捕。他的朋友开始祈祷,西方国家表示抗议。不过在六个月之后,德米特里杜德科神父不再是之前德米特里杜德科神父:“洗心革面”之后的他成了一位热忱的爱国志士。他在电视广播中的表态令人震惊:承认与外国势力里勾外连,以反对前苏联政府。更不堪的是,他还揭发了自己的朋友和战友。 | In January 1980 Father Dmitry was arrested. His friends prayed; the West protested. But he emerged six months later, a changed man: a zealous, repentant patriot who, in a sensational television broadcast, admitted to working with foreign powers against the Soviet state. Worse, he denounced his friends and helpers . | |
12 | 1981年开始,随着越来越多的志愿者开始帮忙进行扫描取代打字,大量的电子书产生了。 | Then from 1981, with a growing band of volunteer helpers scanning, rather than typing, a flood of e-texts gathered. | |
13 | Rails的helpers,类似于清单8中的帮助器,使简化和重用视图结构变得简单。 | Rails helpers , similar to the helper you see in Listing 8, make it easy to simplify and reuse portions of views. | |
14 | RoR是一个model-view-controller框架,也就是说,它可以用脚手架(scaffolding)和其他辅助方法来消除程序中的重复任务。 | RoR is a model-view-controller framework, meaning that it uses scaffolding and other helpers to eliminate repetitive tasks in programming. | |
15 | 阿奎诺估计,香港的菲佣每年汇回国内的款项约为1.44亿美元。多数香港菲佣的月收入仅有大约450美元。 | Mr Aquino estimates that the Hong Kong’s Filipino domestic helpers , most of whom earn only about $450 a month, send home about $144m a year. | |
16 | 搬运工大卫和他的帮手把家具放到一辆卡车上,运到新家。 | David, the removal man, and his helpers have put the furniture in a big lorry to take it to the new flat. | |
17 | 不管哪种情况,您都可以利用这些帮助工具,来确保文档就绪时附加事件。 | In either case, you can leverage these helpers to make sure your events attach when the document is ready. | |
18 | 布局脚本应通过视图helper进行筛选,否则几乎肯定要做错。 | Layout scripts should be positively riddled with view helpers , or you’re almost certainly not doing it right. | |
19 | 草扎的刷子装上一个长把,在石灰桶里蘸一蘸,开始他的粉刷。 | He found two helpers and a pale of lime white. He tied a long bar to a straw brush and dipped the brush in the lime white. | |
20 | 当她必须搬到楼下时,我退了休的哥哥搬到了楼上,找人照顾她。 | When she had to move downstairs, my retired brother moved in upstairs, found helpers and cared for her. | |
21 | 当然并不是每个孩子都能帮得上别人的忙,但就他们对所学习知识的真正了解,父母是无法同他们相比的。 | Not all friends will be able to help but those who truly understand the material will probably be better helpers than parents. | |
22 | 该条例其他措施还包括向被起诉的援助者提供法律援助、政府慰问见义勇为者以表达城市感激之情等。 | Other measures include offering legal aid to helpers who are sued and official visits to Good Samaritans to express the city’s appreciation. | |
23 | 冈萨雷斯和他的俄国同伙建立了一套极为先进的系统,用于入侵、下载信用卡号码。 | Gonzalez and his Russian helpers are said to have set up a sophisticated system for hacking into and downloading credit card numbers. | |
24 | 给厨房助手提供指导,包括厨工,厨什和管事员 | Provides direction to the Kitchen helpers , including Cooks, Kitchen Attendants and Stewards | |
25 | 更多地,政治家们,没有给非洲总部提供它运作需要的智力支持:训练良好的民间帮手。 | Rather, the politicians have failed to provide Africom with the main resource it needs to operate intelligently: trained civilian helpers . | |
26 | 海地人民和他们的外国帮手必须尽快找到一个方法,使短期的生存问题和长期的发展问题得到平衡。 | Haitians and their outside helpers must urgently find a way to balance short-term survival and longer-term development. | |
27 | 几乎所有的框架都包含将您限制在框架中的帮助工具。 | Virtually every framework includes some helpers that will couple you to the framework. | |
28 | 家政服务人员要求提高待遇,而失业者则呼吁政府创造更多就业机会。 | Domestic helpers protested for higher pay while the unemployed called for the government to create more jobs. | |
29 | 尽管你可能正读着这周的报纸,它们对我们还是利大于弊的。 | In spite of what you’re reading in the papers this week, they are more helpers than hurters. | |
30 | 例如,您可自动加载所需的模型和任何帮助程序或库。 | For example, you can autoload the model and any helpers or libraries you need. |