属类:文学表达-外国名著-Tess of the D’Urbervilles
1 | 因出事故而束手无策 | Rendered helpless by an accident | |
2 | 由于你谋杀了那个手无寸铁的妇女,你将被绞死。 | For the murder of that helpless woman, you shall hang by the neck until you are dead. | |
3 | 在伊斯兰教中,仅仅为我们的父母祈福是不够的,我们必须发挥无限的怜悯之心,衷心记住当我们还是孩子时,他们为我们所做的更甚于他们为自己所做的。母亲特别值得尊重。 | In Islam, it is not enough that we only pray for our parents, but we should act with limitless compassion, remembering that when we were helpless children, they preferred us to themselves. Mothers are particularly honored. | |
4 | 在自由搏击比赛中,如果一位选手被打得摇摇晃晃,头部也挨了几次打击,虽然能站住,但已不能灵活移步,更不能保护自己,裁判会对他数八秒,或者裁判认为有必要就中止比赛。 | In a kickboxing bout,if a fighter looks helpless and receives several blows t0 the head but continues t0 stand,not move and not defend himself,the referee will give the fighter a standing 8 count and if the referee feels it is necessary,may stop the fight at that time | |
5 | 这个刀把上留下了凶手的天生标记,这是用那位无力自卫、善良无辜的老人的鲜血印下来的,这位老人很爱你们。 | Upon this haft stands the assassin’s natal autograph, written in the blood of that helpless and unoffending old man who loved you | |
6 | 这两次大浪的冲击,后一次几乎要了我的命,因为海浪把我向前推时,把我冲撞到一块岩石上,使我立即失去了知觉,动弹不得。 | The last time of these two had well near been fatal to me; the sea having hurried me along as before, landed me, rather dash’d me against a piece of a rock, and that with such force, as it left me senseless, and indeed helpless , as my own deliverance | |
7 | 这年轻健壮的身体在安睡,是那样无依无靠,他不禁满心怜爱,真想保护她安全。 | The young, strong body, now helpless in sleep, awoke in him a pitying, protecting feeling | |
8 | 这些迷路的徒步旅行者感到绝望。 | The lost hikers felt helpless . | |
9 | 正当人类认为自己无所不能时,却发现自己受制于某种不可知的力量,而陷于无助。 | Just when Man thinks he can do everything,he finds himself helpless in the clutch of some unknown force. | |
10 | 最后,父亲的去世,全家被逐出家门,这件事终于决定了苔丝的命运。作为对无依无靠的母亲和妹妹们的最后无可挽救的补偿,她屈服了,以平静地听天由命的心情,走上了不可避免的道路。 | Finally her father’s death, resulting in the eviction of her family from their home, precipitates Tess’s doom, and as a last desperate reparation to her helpless mother and sisters she yields, with a fatalistic calm, to the inevitable |