属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-驼鹿和人 Of moose and men
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-历史及其悲哀之处 History and its wo
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-电影与电视 删减血腥镜头(下)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国和二战 特殊的关系
1 | 唐代饮食争竞豪侠的文化风神略论 | The Cultural Spirit of Diet Behaviour and Tablewave in the Tang Dynasty: Pursuit of Heroism | |
2 | 我们战士的无可比拟的英勇. | the unexampled heroism of our soldiers | |
3 | 英国医学研究学会主任科林·布莱克莫尔说:“他成了现实生活中的超人。他有着非凡的英雄气概和勇气。” | "He became a real-life Superman. His heroism , his courage was extraordinary," Colin Blakemore, the chief executive of Britain’s Medical Research Council said. | |
4 | 英雄主义的叙事模式和喻义阐释 | The Narrative Patterns and Interpretation of Metaphors of Heroism | |
5 | 英雄主义行为. | an act of heroism | |
6 | 由于战争持续不断地在远离家乡的地方进行,他们学生时代的那种英雄主义精神没能保持下来。 | That schoolboy heroism had not been enough to carry them through subsequent years, as the war dragged on in places far from home | |
7 | 这场斗争中当地人民表现出的英雄气概为它赢得了"英雄之城"的称号。 | "It was awarded the title of ""Hero City"" for the heroism shown by its people." | |
8 | 这里再介绍一位斯科特,只要人们还赞美英雄主义和坚韧不拔的精神,那么他的名字是永垂不朽的。 | Here is another Scott, immortal, too, as long as men still admire heroism and endurance | |
9 | 这是一部洋溢着革命气慨的激动人心的文献。 | It was a stirring document imbued with heroism . | |
10 | 这是一种了不起的英勇行为。 | This is an act of great heroism . | |
11 | 中西悲剧精神的英雄主义 | On the Heroism of the Tragic Spirit in Chinese and Western Literature | |
12 | 重赏之下,必有勇夫 | Generous rewards rouse one to heroism | |
13 | 重赏之下必有勇夫 | One may be bought if the price is high enough;Generous rewards rouse one to heroism | |
14 | 自信是英雄的本色 | Selt-trust is the essence of heroism | |
15 | ||1:爱德曼或许态度粗暴而显得难与同事相处。||2:然而,正是他的慎思笃行惹恼了民众。||3:他拒绝公开表达对纳粹的仇恨,且长达数年不愿谈及犹太区起义。||4:正如另一位犹太幸存者盖雷·梅克曾说:他是“一个不喜欢英雄主义的英雄”。||5:到了晚年,为了教育现代人他才开始谈及往事。||6:1999年,他公开支持北约轰炸巴尔干地区,认为和平主义者的不干涉政策,只会让独裁者占便宜。 | ||1: Mr Edelman could be brusque and difficult with colleagues. ||2: But it was his quiet thoughtfulness that most irritated people. ||3: He refused to express open hatred for the Nazis, and for years would not talk about the ghetto uprising. ||4: As Bronislaw Geremek, another ghetto survivor, said once, he was “a hero who didn’t like heroism ”. ||5: Only in old age did he start to speak out, not least to try to influence the present. ||6: In 1999 he publicly supported NATO strikes in the Balkans, arguing that a policy of pacifist non-intervention only played into the hands of dictators. | |
16 | ||1:小说也不乏坚定的非英雄主义人物,得以幸存。||2:最具挑战性的章节“父母的迷惘”从不同家庭中捕捉场景。||3:一个家庭展开对罂粟种子大的头虱的围剿行动,夜以继日的梳理头发,“孩子们刮伤了头皮”。||4:另一家在暴风雪中驱车穿过田野,车上是四岁的生病的女儿。医院的圣诞树象征:“这些礼物只是空盒子,请抑制打开的欲望。” | ||1: These are unflinching tales not of heroism , so much, but of survival. ||2: The most experimental piece, “Wonder about Parents”, snatches scenes from different homes. ||3: One family launches a crusade against headlice the “size of a poppy seed”, raking out hair night after night, “kids scratched raw”. ||4: Another drives cross-country through a snowstorm with their sick four-month-old daughter; the Christmas tree in the hospital bears a sign: “These gifts are empty boxes. Please refrain from opening.” | |
17 | ||1:这理由很有力却不公平。||2:很多人都对历史胡说八道,但作者不是其中之一。||3:他既没有挑战大屠杀在20世纪历史中的中心地位,也没有无视苏联在希特勒的铁蹄下所受的苦难,以及摧毁第三帝国的士兵们的英勇。||4:作者提出了的观点亟需声援,尤其是在俄罗斯这样一个国家,大众舆论和官方仍然对斯大林的战时领导心怀仰慕。||5:苏联的种族屠杀要早于纳粹德国。||6:斯大林对屠杀是没有直接责任,但他和纳粹的结盟为希特勒在东方屠杀犹太人铺平了道路。 | ||1:That argument is powerful but unfair.||2:Many people say stupid things about history.||3:Mr Snyder is not one.||4:He does not challenge the Holocaust’s central place in 20th-century history.||5:Nor does he overlook Soviet suffering at the hands of Hitler or the heroism of the soldiers who destroyed the Third Reich.||6:But he makes a point that needs reinforcement, not least in Russia where public opinion and officialdom both retain a soft spot for Stalin’s wartime leadership. | |
18 | 当上映内容与中国的军事英雄主义无关时,审查者们往往都倍加严格。 | Censors more often pounce if the context is not related to China’s military heroism . | |
19 | 作者还用了许多笔墨来描述一位孤立派领导人,他就是跨大西洋飞行员查尔斯-林白,他的致命弱点广为人知:他十分接近于同情纳粹。但是本书的妙处就在于作者擅于用委婉的手法对一些人物进行描述,这些人物在当今人们的眼中英雄色彩更浓一些。 | Many pages are devoted to an isolationist leader whose clay feet are well known: the transatlantic air pioneer, Charles Lindbergh (pictured), who came grievously close to sympathising with the Nazis. But the book’s power lies in its finely shaded portraits of figures more usually remembered in poster-bright hues of heroism . | |
20 | “帮忙”的涵义难以捉摸,这也解释了为何一些同事会将履行最简单的本职工作视为英雄主义行径。 | The slippery definition of a "favor" explains why some colleagues view the performance of their simplest job duties as an act of heroism . | |
21 | 《基督教科学箴言报》这个独一无二的社交信息工具个人化的记录了伊朗国内的希望、英雄主义和恐怖行为。 | The free social-messaging utility uniquely documented and personalized the story of hope, heroism , and horror in Iran. | |
22 | BrandonAmara,一个加州奥克兰市ARISE高中英雄情节班的学员 | Brandon Amara, a member of the heroism class at ARISE High School in Oakland, CA | |
23 | Feinstein赞同的说:“既然越来越多的人有了同性恋朋友,接触过同性恋群体,看到同性恋者勇敢的事迹,他们的观点会转变的。” | Feinstein agreed: "I think as more and more people have gay friends, gay associations, see gay heroism , that their views change. " | |
24 | 埃莉诺眼见英雄主义在妹妹心中增长,觉得自己能忍受任何痛苦。 | Such advances towards heroism in her sister made Elinor feel equal to anything herself. | |
25 | 奥巴马高度赞扬了三位宇航员的英勇精神,称赞他们应对压力沉着冷静,并具有优雅的风度。 | Obama praised the trio for their "heroism , calm under pressure" and "grace. " | |
26 | 比如说,每年的诺曼底登陆纪念日,我们承认那些战士的英勇和奉献牺牲。 | Every year on the anniversary of D-Day, for example, we acknowledge the heroism and sacrifice of those who stormed the beaches of Normandy. | |
27 | 但当初这纯粹是英雄主义的举动,现在是最平常的运动了。 | But what was once an act of rare heroism is now sort of common. | |
28 | 但是,2008年7月3日这一天,这个犯罪的行为却恰好成了英雄行为的序曲。 | But on July 3, 2008, this criminal act was just a prelude to heroism . | |
29 | 但是注意我们在说到这样的救援行动时用到“英雄”的频率有多高。 | But note how frequently the element of salvation or rescue comes up when we talk about heroism . | |
30 | 的确,英雄主义魅力无限。 | Heroism is indeed captivating. |