1 | 2003年,我们向北京各社区发放了约三万份宣传儿童交通安全的海报; | In 2003 around 30,000 posters highlighting children′s safety were distributed to communities across Beijing. | |
2 | 常见的特点是用蔬菜和水果泥制作的酱汁,各种小量食物的新颖组合,突出造型和颜色细腻的优雅外观。 | Dishes commonly include sauces made of vegetable and fruit purees, novel combinations of foods in small quantities, and elegant displays highlighting details of texture and colour. | |
3 | 除非您已使注释永久化并且在文档中执行了 OCR,否则不会导出已作为 注释? 添加的突出显示、任意多边形图形和图片,并且不会导出作为注释添加的文本。 | Highlighting , freeform drawings, and pictures that have been added as annotations?are not exported, and text that has been added as an annotation is not exported unless you have made annotations permanent and performed OCR in the document. | |
4 | 从食品安全和润滑的角度突出潜在的高风险区域 | Highlighting potential high-risk areas from a food safety and lubrication perspective | |
5 | 搭配四幅式真皮方向盘,中控台嵌装胡桃木纹饰板,营造了私家车运动感气氛,彰显品味生活潮流。 | It also has a four-spoke, genuine leather steering wheel, and the walnut wood-grain trimmings of the central control console give the private car a sporty ambience, highlighting its class and lifestyle trend. | |
6 | 对工厂进行润滑油控制点(CCP)检查,指出存在潜在污染风险的区域。 | conduct a Lubrication CCP audit to survey the plant, highlighting areas of potential contamination | |
7 | 附上一张重要的活页,着重列有在正常工作时间内可用的本地服务电话号码。 | Enclosed is an important leaflet highlighting local service telephone numbers for use during normal working hours. | |
8 | 高难度水平下单信道与多信道突显的效用性研究 | Visual Search Performance Study between Single and Multi-modality Highlighting on High Level Difficulty | |
9 | 公共行政人员德性问题凸显的原因分析 | Highlighting of Administrators’ Morals: An Analysis of Reasons | |
10 | 构图简练,主题突出。 | The design is usually very simple, highlighting a main theme. | |
11 | 类语词典:一些文字处理组件的特色。把某字点出后,即可取得同义词。 | Thesaurus: A feature of some word-processing packages. Synonyms for words can be accessed on-line by highlighting a word and activating the dictionary program behind it. | |
12 | 另外,我们还将在课堂上讨论Shapiro&Varian《信息规则》一书中的一些重要概念,重点阐述对于数字商品极为重要的经济原则。 | Furthermore, the key concepts of the book Information Rules by Shapiro and Varian will be discussed in class, highlighting the economic principles that are crucial for information goods. | |
13 | 流程图拟订了系统,突出了系统的主要物理部件。 | The flowchart maps the system, highlighting its major physical components | |
14 | 前脸上四个高强度远光照明大灯(HID)的设计十分突出,将其粗犷不羁的越野风格表现得淋漓尽致。 | The four High Intensity Discharge (HID)headlamps in high beam have a very distinguished design, highlighting their uniqueness.. | |
15 | 强调某个字符、字段或光标的一种形式,即将它们的颜色反相,例如,将黑底红字改成红底黑字。 | A form of highlighting a character, field, or cursor by reversing the color of the character, field, or cursor with its background; for example, changing a red character on a black background to a black character on a red background | |
16 | 全面协调可持续发展 | to pursue comprehensive; balanced and sustainable development; development by means of highlighting comprehensiveness; coordination; and sustainability | |
17 | 如左图所示,红色加粗格式很醒目,它使每个小于 15 的数字都被突出显示。 | There you have it, the bold red stands out, highlighting every number that is less than 15. | |
18 | 凸显静安区发展现代服务业的特色 | Highlighting Characteristics of the Jingan District’s Development of the Modern Service Industry and Commerce Industry | |
19 | 突出民族特色 创建科研品牌-琼州学院研究海南民族文化的创新构想与实践 | Highlighting National Feature Creating Scientific Research Brand-Innovative Research Conception and Practice of Haian National Culture Conducted by Qiongzhou University | |
20 | 突出乡土特色 营造皖西生态城镇 | Highlighting Local Flavor & Constructing Ecological Towns in West Anhui | |
21 | 我们最近与客户以及 Microsoft 公司内部的其他小组合写了一本书,重点介绍那些有助于 IT 专业人员部署和管理 IT 系统以及服务可靠性的最佳实践和技巧。 | We recently worked with customers and groups across Microsoft to develop a book highlighting best practices and tips to help IT professionals deploy and manage the reliability of their IT systems and services. | |
22 | 戏曲的经典化形式:折子戏 | Highlighting Acts from Operas-Classicized form of Drama | |
23 | 雪佛兰新赛欧针对当今汽车外观设计潮流,使用简单线条勾勒车身,使车身简练硬朗,具轮廓感。 | In line with today′s automotive design trends, Chevrolet′s “New Sail” uses simple lines to outline its body making it look neat and powerful and highlighting its contours. | |
24 | 以爱国主义教育为重点,深入进行弘扬和培育民族精神教育 | Highlighting the Patriotic Education, Advocating and Cultivating the Sprit of the Nation | |
25 | 以公共交通为主导,推进上海城市交通建设 | Highlighting Public Transportation to Push Shanghai Urban Transportation Construction | |
26 | 在东方人看来是不谦虚的作法,从现实结果看,西方的作风是占优势,不突出自己的成就,就不能生存,也不能发挥本身的才华。 | What is immodesty in the Eastern ethics has thus become an advantage in reality. So there is some merit in the Western way one can hardly survive, let alone thrive, without highlighting one’s own achievements and potentials | |
27 | 在飞行仪表板中飞机的呈现亮度对视觉搜寻表现的影响 | Effects of Brightness Highlighting on Visual Search Performance within a Cockpit Display of Traffic Information | |
28 | 在网际网络的浏览器中,超文字的连接通常用不同的字体或颜色把词或短语凸显出来。 | In Internet browsers, hypertext links (hotlinks)are usually denoted by highlighting a word or phrase with a different font or colour. | |
29 | 这里有两点值得注意。 | Two points are worth highlighting . | |
30 | 只强调彼此的共同价值体系,并不能消除与生俱来的差异,而不同民族习俗、信仰和种种价值标准,更不可能因为冠上共同而广泛的更高名义,就会消失于无形。 | Just highlighting the common ground will not make these differences disappear. The beliefs, customs, and habits of our diverse communities will not vanish either because of some general and shared values that are supposed to transcend ethnicity. |