属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-节食的历史 A history of dieting
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-世界心理卫生日呼吁关注心理健康
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-雄文胜武 Mightier than the swor
属类:经济金融-This is America 今日美国-奥巴马正式支持希拉里竞选美国总统
1 | 着重反映失业问题的电视节目. | A TV programme highlighting the problems of the unemployed | |
2 | 综述将以总干事的年度报告为辅助,该报告列出WTO的主要活动,并指出影响贸易体制的重大政策问题。 | The overview is to be assisted by an annual report by the Director-General setting out major activities of the WTO and highlighting significant policy issues affecting the trading system | |
3 | ||1:“节食产业几乎只有开发和盈利” Louise Foxcroft在《卡路里和束束身衣》一书中写道,她薄薄的新书描述了节食的历史。||2:她的书与其说是一场盛宴,不如说是一本激起人食欲的菜单(整本书语调轻松,观点明确,有时有些咄咄逼人),Foxcroft按时间顺序,编写了2000多年来的行动者, 有影响的人物和减肥人士, 既写聪明人,也记叙古怪的人。 | ||1:“The diet industry is all about exploitation and profit,” writes Louise Foxcroft in “Calories and Corsets”, her slim new book about the history of dieting.||2:Less a banquet than a tasting menu (the tone is breezy, opinionated and occasionally rushed), she chronicles more than 2,000 years of movers, shakers and tummy-tuckers, highlighting both the wise and the wacky. | |
4 | ||1:伯杰:“这是个巨大的问题,世卫组织将心理健康列为一个被忽视的问题。||2:在发展中国家,高达85%的人没有接受任何形式心理健康治疗的途径,这类地区不存在该类治疗服务,有着巨大的人员需求。||3:而且,许多患心理疾病的群体都遭受严重的歧视。” | ||1:ELENA BERGER: "It’s an enormous issue. The World Health Organization is highlighting mental health as a neglected issue.||2:In developing countries, a huge number of people, up to eighty-five percent, don’t have access to any form of mental health treatment. There are huge staffing needs. There are no services.||3:And there’s a lot of stigma in a lot of societies about being mentally ill." | |
5 | ||1:另一篇杰作则涉及到一个与前例有可比性的话题:奥威尔于1949年向英国当局提交的那份共产主义疑似同情者的名单。||2:加顿·阿什再一次地表现出了一丝不苟的公正态度,在文中强调了奥威尔对共产主义渗透行为的真切恐惧(这种恐惧也非杞人忧天),以及他对希莲·柯雯(涉及此事的英国官员)所抱有的为爱所醉之情。 | ||1:Another excellent piece touches on a comparable issue: the list of suspected communist sympathisers that Orwell supplied to the British authorities in 1949.||2:Again, Mr Garton Ash is scrupulously fair, highlighting Orwell’s sincere (and justifiable) fear of communist infiltration, as well as his fumbling feelings for Celia Kirwan, the British official involved. | |
6 | 奥巴马还感谢桑德斯突出了很多重要问题,例如经济不平等,金钱政治以及把年轻人带入政治进程。 | Obama also thanked Sanders for highlighting important issues such as economic inequality, excessive money in politics and bringing young people into the process. | |
7 | 去年流行contouring妆容,上月风靡Strobing妆容,但是最近大热的高光风——烘焙妆容法(Baking)其实很久之前就已经开始流行了。 | While contouring may be so last year, and strobing so last month, the latest highlighting craze called "baking" actually first surfaced many, many moons ago. | |
8 | “生活方式正迅速发生改变,”朴尚振表示,同时强调指出,冲洗照片的人在不断减少。 | "Lifestyles are changing very quickly, " Mr Park said, highlighting the falling numbers of people who print out their photographs. | |
9 | 4、制定计划,强调主方企业的利益。 | 4. Pitch the plan, highlighting the benefits to the host business. | |
10 | UI提供语法的高亮显示,内容帮助和语法解析。 | The UI provides syntax highlighting , content assist, and syntax parsing. | |
11 | 傍晚时,孩子们还可以享受一些牙买加特色文化娱乐活动。 | In the evening, children can enjoy traditional entertainment highlighting the rich culture of Jamaica. | |
12 | 本文将简要描述每个实现框架,同时基于一组公共属性强调它们之间的区别。 | It provides a high-level overview of each implementation framework while highlighting differences based on a common set of attributes. | |
13 | 必要时使用粗体强调重要内容,但应尽量少用; | Use bold highlighting as needed for emphasis, but minimally | |
14 | 标普以前从未将美国评级展望列为“负面”,从而突显了不确定性。 | Never before has S&P placed the full faith and credit of the United States on "outlook negative" , highlighting the uncertainty. | |
15 | 不过,它们非常精明——在政策惰性压倒政策想象力与承诺时,它们明确揭示出不安。 | However, they are astute, in highlighting clearly a discomfort when policy inertia takes precedence over policy imagination and commitment. | |
16 | 从复杂性世界观来看,企业具有经济新质突显的复杂系统特征。 | In view of complex world concept, enterprises have complex system characteristics of highlighting new economic features. | |
17 | 但是,对过去的突显是否就是葡萄酒厂对其现有雇员的一种义务呢? | But is highlighting the past this way an obligation owed to the winery’s current employees? | |
18 | 但是他通过强调与爱沙尼亚的亲密关系来向主办国示好。 | But he pleases his hosts by highlighting a family connection with Estonia. | |
19 | 到了现代,麦克拉伦方向一转,重点指出了研究阳萎的三个途径:弗洛伊德,女权主义及药物学。 | In the modern era Mr McLaren changes gear, highlighting three approaches to impotence: Freud, feminism and pharmacology. | |
20 | 德国3月份失业率意外大幅下滑,突显出这个欧元区最大经济体的强健。 | German unemployment saw an unexpectedly large fall in March, highlighting the robustness of the eurozone’s largest economy. | |
21 | 第一,用户选中文章的任何一段文字,然后出现一个“回应(Respond)按钮”,允许用户立刻进行评价。 | First, highlighting any section of a post avails a "respond" button that allows users to immediately comment. | |
22 | 定制插件能够提供帮助的最常见的方面是编程语言的语法高亮显示。 | Syntax highlighting of programming languages is the most common situation where a custom plug-in would be helpful. | |
23 | 对于匹配的大括号通常是粗体格式设置的突出显示。 | Highlighting that is typically bold formatting for matching braces. | |
24 | 对于语法错误,会在编辑器中以红色突出显示即时警告。 | For syntax errors it has an instant alert in the editor through red highlighting . | |
25 | 而申办委员会试图通过强调其实力来缓解批评的声音。 | The bid committee tried to quiet that criticism by highlighting Tokyo’s strengths. | |
26 | 高亮显示将您的注意力迅速吸引到系统警报以及已经超过且需要注意的阈值。 | Highlighting quickly draws your attention to system alerts or thresholds that have been exceeded and need attention. | |
27 | 高难度水平下单通道与多通道突显的效用性研究 | Visual Search Performance Study Between Single and Multi-modality Highlighting on High Level Difficulty | |
28 | 关于重视和加强社会弱势群体权利保护的思考 | On highlighting and strengthening the rights protection of social disadvantaged masses | |
29 | 官方称,如果指明哪些部分重要就默认了其他部分是无伤大雅的。 | Officials say that by highlighting particularly damaging bits, they would implicitly concede that other material is harmless. | |
30 | 官方媒体还报道了北京的一个案子。该案涉及的男子因有婚外恋而导致其妻自杀。 | The official press has been highlighting another case in Beijing involving a man whose affair allegedly prompted his wife to commit suicide. |