属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-纽约进入有序复工第二阶段
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-核工业可能被判缓刑 重启核电站?
1 | 凯西·希特是梅西百货的区域副总裁。她说,目标是让人们感觉放松和安全。 | Kathy Hilt is an area vice president for Macy’s. She said the goal is to make people feel at ease and safe. | |
2 | ||1:特朗普除了一贯拒绝受规则约束,以及对于统治权的需要以外,还有什么策略吗?||2:也许并没有。正是这样的冲动才能解释特朗普大部分的所作所为。||3:但是,探究特朗普暴行所采用的策略,细思极恐,因为他极有可能是没有任何计划的。||4:大选即将到来,特朗普似乎要输了。他告诉自己的支持者,民主党不仅是对手,而且在某种程度上是不合法的。||5:在这次克利夫兰的总统辩论中,他再次重申了毫无根据的声明,声称总统大选将“是一场你从未见过的骗局”。||6:当特朗普被要求谴责那些打着他的旗号,充斥在俄勒冈州等地的街头的暴力的白人至上主义者时,他却充耳不闻。||7:因为这些似乎都无助于他的选举前景。||8:正是这样的行为使一小部分美国人反对他,但仍有超过40%的人支持他。 | ||1:Was there a strategy to this beyond his usual refusal to be constrained by rules and need to dominate?||2:Maybe not; those urges explain most of what Mr Trump does.||3:But the strategic implications of his thuggery look no less dire for being, in all likelihood, unplanned.||4:Ahead of an election he appears on course to lose, he is telling his supporters that Democrats are not merely hostile opponents but somehow illegitimate.||5:He also repeated in Cleveland his unfounded claim that the election will “be a fraud like you’ve never seen”.||6:Asked to condemn the violent white supremacists who have already taken to the streets on his behalf, in Oregon and elsewhere, he failed to do so.||7:None of this seemed likely to help his electoral prospects.||8:It is the kind of behaviour that has turned a small majority of Americans against him. And yet over 40% are still with him to the hilt . | |
3 | 自民党政府在早期几十年的执政期间,就曾置民众对完全问题的担心于不顾,不遗余力地支持核能。 | During earlier decades in power, LDP governments backed nuclear energy to the hilt , brushing aside worries about safety. | |
4 | 柄尾微向下弯,也可能是宋刀。宋长柄刀有此形制。 | The end of hilt is retrorse, maybe a Song Dao. Song long-hilt Dao has such style. | |
5 | 柄也是后配看看新铆就知道啦铆一新就危险里面是断的吧。 | So was the hilt that you know from new rivet. Is it broken inside? | |
6 | 不这根铁条,其实…配的不是骨柄!!大家如此热心,专业不忍心扫大家的兴!! | I’m sorry, this iron blade actually is not matched with bone hilt ! ! Everybody is so enthusiasm . . . | |
7 | 不知哪位大侠可以帮我为此刀条加柄、加档吗? | Wonder who can give me a hand and add hilt and block on this blade? | |
8 | 此刀非彼刀,山东类似的刀宽而轻,刀身薄,护手多铁制,柄无纹刻。 | This Dao is not that Dao. The similar Dao in Shandong is wide and light, with thin body, iron armguard, and no grain hilt . | |
9 | 当欧美家庭在刀口上借钱过日子的时候,亚洲的家庭却拿出大把积蓄使用。 | While American and European households were borrowing up to the hilt , Asian ones were tucking away their savings. | |
10 | 当消费者完全通过举债购买房屋时,情况确实变坏了。 | And turn sour they did, when home buyers had to leverage themselves to the hilt to make a purchase. | |
11 | 刀把的造形是真具有元明木鞭锏把手的味道。 | The shape of hilt does have the taste of hilt of wooden scourge and mace in Yuan and Ming dynasty. | |
12 | 刀把无字,给人以遐想。 | Hilt without words makes people image. | |
13 | 刀不错,对得起价格,光看把柄也值得收一下。 | Not bad, reasonable price, valuable only by hilt . | |
14 | 第一把最完整,角柄也制做得很精细。 | The first one is the intactest, and the horn hilt is of fine work. | |
15 | 第一眼感觉鞘、柄是后配的,感觉不好。 | My first feeling is that the scabbard and hilt were matched afterward, not good feeling. | |
16 | 而且,这些太阳能反射器必须保证洁净如新,精心维护到牙齿,否则就会罢工。 | Furthermore, those reflectors must be kept squeaky clean, maintained to the hilt , or they won’t work. | |
17 | 骨柄还用缠绳? | Does bone hilt need rope twisted? | |
18 | 和柄上三件相对应,该是相同风格的扁圆型鞘饰。 | It’s comparative to those three pieces on hilt , which should be flat and round scabbard decorations in the same style. | |
19 | 很民俗的东西,饰件与刀柄保存状态较好,有一定的收藏价值,希望您善待他。 | A folk-customed thing, good conservation of decorations and hilt , worth collecting, hope take a good treat of it. | |
20 | 很是锋利。把上少木柄。 | So sharp, lack of a wood hilt . | |
21 | 剑身为自己的锐不可当而幸福,而剑柄则满足于自己的为了他人而存在,付出也是一种幸福。 | Secondly, for his own blade and happy, while the hilt is met on their own to others, there is also a happy to pay. | |
22 | 她所谓的“缺少的东西”只是一个想法,一场梦。她笑了起来,一开始只动了动嘴角,然后裂开了嘴,紧紧握住手中的剑,然后…… | A cause. A dream. Her "something more. " She smiles, just a bit at first, then wider, and holds her sword hilt tight, and then. | |
23 | 近日偶获一刀条,其状态甚好,但苦于无柄无档,把玩不便。 | Recently I got a blade by chance, which is in good condition. But without hilt and block it’s not easy for playing. | |
24 | 看上去很破,如何收拾呢?手柄为牛角,刀鞘为木质,外包一层皮革,什么皮,不能分辩。 | It looks klunky, how to innovate it? Ox horn hilt , wooden scabbard, with a layer of leather covered. What leather? I don’t know. | |
25 | 唠叨兄,小可以为此剑最为养眼的是其完整性和极具特点的柄部造型。年份好也是一大亮点。 | Brother Laodao, I think the nicest is intactness and characteristic style of hilt . The good age it’s in is another point. | |
26 | 龙泉。不过我的龙嵌在靠剑尖,且柄为角质。 | Longchuan. But the dragon on my sword was inlaid near the top and the hilt is horn. | |
27 | 没错!那部片的大鹰把弯刀的原型可是锤哥友情提供? | Right! Was that original simitar with big eagle hilt offered for free by brother Chui in that movie? | |
28 | 木鞘上有少许老裂痕,刀柄尖端上也有个小毛病。 | Few old cracks to the wood scabbard and a small chip at the tip of the hilt . | |
29 | 能上张剑身与钩锻接处还有剑柄的细图吗?。 | Could you post the specific pics of hilt and the joint between body and hook? | |
30 | 你们看看那斧子的柄部——有像弹簧般的铁缠绕来护脆弱的木柄。 | Look at the hilt of it----There’s an iron twine protecting the weak wooden hilt. |