属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国的健康保险 章鱼博士
1 | 上市公司董事会应当针对历史形成的资金占用、对外担保问题,制定切实可行的解决措施 | The board of directors of a listed company shall, with regard to the possession of historically formed funds and the provision of guaranty to other parties, formulate practical and feasible settlement measures | |
2 | 苏州史称"吴门",作为有共同地区特征的画家群形成了吴门画派。 | Historically Suzhou was also known as Wumen, and this painting school was named the Wumen Painting School. | |
3 | 他的论点从历史观点年看是错误的。 | His argument is historically unsound. | |
4 | 我国历史文化名城的可持续发展 | Sustainable Development of Historically and Culturally Famous Cities in China | |
5 | 现在此词常指大楼顶层能远眺风光的豪华公寓,但以前的阁楼是单坡屋顶、小屋或其它依附于一个较大建筑的小建筑。 | Though the word now often suggests a luxurious apartment with a panoramic view, historically a penthouse was a lean-to, shed, or other small structure attached to a comparatively large building. | |
6 | 香港是中国的一部分。自古以来,我们的祖先在这块土地上劳动、生活。历史上从秦代到清朝,中国一直对香港实行管辖,行使主权。 | Hong Kong is an inalienable part of China. Since ancient times, our ancestors lived and labored on this land. Historically from the Qin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, China exercised jurisdiction and sovereignty over Hong Kong. | |
7 | 学校从来就反对他们私下讲那伐鹤语,在课堂上则更是绝对禁止。 | Schools have historically discouraged them from speaking privately in navajo and have forbidden it in the classroom | |
8 | 一般说来,在一个社会中经济上占统治地位的阶级在政治上也处于统治地位。国体决定政体,而政体又反映国体。历史地看,人类经历过四种国体。它们是奴隶主阶级专政、地主阶级专政、资产阶级专政和无产阶级专政。 | The state system decides the form of government while the form of government reflects the state system. People witnessed, historically , four kinds of state systems; the dictatorship of slave owner class, the dictatorship of landlord class, the dictatorship of bourgeoisie and finally the proletarian dictatorship. | |
9 | 以前蒸发在食品工业上是液体浓缩的基本技术 | Evaporation has historically been the primary technology for liquid concentration in the food industry. | |
10 | 意第绪语历史上中欧和东欧的犹太人所用的语言,是多种语言的混合,主要来自于中世纪日耳曼方言,其次来自于希伯来语、阿拉姆语和各种斯拉夫语、古法语及古意大利语 | The language historically of Ashkenazic Jews of Central and Eastern Europe,resulting from a fusion of elements derived principally from medieval German dialects and secondarily from Hebrew and Aramaic,various Slavic languages,and Old French and Old Italian. | |
11 | 在国内问题上没有多少空间进行周旋的政府官员,从历史上看会把目光转向国外的花絮事件中(琼·迪迪翁) | Administrations with little room to maneuver at home have historically looked for sideshows abroad(Joan Didion) | |
12 | 在技术领域,规章的制定时非常重要的,例如环境法,历史上国会在此领域赋予了执行法令的机构广泛的自主权。 | Rulemaking is particularly important in technical areas, such as environmental law, where the Congress has historically delegated broad discretion to the agencies to implement the statutes. | |
13 | 在历史上,工时的供给曲线是符合这种形状的。 | historically , the supply curve of hours has followed this configuration | |
14 | 在历史上,平屋顶多被用在较干旱的地方,因为在这些地方,屋顶的排水并不重要,如在中东和美国西南部。 | Flat roofs have historically been used in arid climates where drainage of water off the roof is not important, as in the Middle East and the southwestern U.S. | |
15 | 在历史上,遵义会议以前,我们的党没有形成过一个成熟的党中央。从陈独秀、瞿秋白、向忠发、李立三到王明,都没有形成过有能力的中央。 | Historically , our Party never had a mature central leadership before the Zunyi Meeting. Chen Duxiu, Qu Qiubai, Xiang Zhongfa, Li Lisan and Wang Ming all failed to form a capable central leadership. | |
16 | 这部书一直回溯到文艺复兴时期佛罗伦萨的历史。 | The book ranges historically as far back as the Florence of the Renaissance. | |
17 | 这样,摆脱帝国主义侵略,打碎封建农奴制的枷锁,就成了西藏社会进步的历史必然和西藏人民的迫切愿 | So there was a historically imperative need for the progress of Tibetan society and the happiness of the Tibetan people to expel the imperialists and shake off the yoke of feudal serfdom | |
18 | 这种方法长期以来一直用于测定“简单”氰化物或“总”氰化物。 | Historically , the procedure has been to determine the "simple" cyanide and the "total" cyanide | |
19 | 正如我们早就意识的那样,涨价给星巴克带来的一个不好的副作用就是它会吸引公众的注意。 | The one ill side effect from a price increase at Starbucks that we’ve been able to identify historically has been publicity. | |
20 | 知识产权突然占据了历史上前所未有的重要地位,演变成了经济政策的工具 | Intellectual property right finds itself in a historically unprecedented position of prominence as an instrument of economic policy | |
21 | 字尾变化的日耳曼语系中有含n。变格后缀之名词或形容词屈折形式的或与之有关的 | Of,relating to,or being the inflection of nouns or adjectives in Germanic languages with a declensional suffix that historically contained an n. | |
22 | 自古以来,澳门就是中国的领土。我们的祖先很早就开始在澳门生活。 | Macao is historically Chinese territory and the ancestors of the Chinese people started to live in Macao as early as the New Stone Age. | |
23 | 最后一点是中国人的历史感,中国人也许是历史观念最强烈的民族。古人把历史和神话混在一起,纠缠不清。结果是神下地人上天。读书人从来没有系统整理神话传说的念头,直到本世纪情况才为之一变。 | Fourth, Chinese are probably the most historically conscious; even in ancient times early history and mythology were already entwined. As a result, gods became historical figures, and historical figures became gods. No scholars ever thought of systematically recording myths and legends until this century. | |
24 | 作为在中国市场上拥有领导地位的轻型客车制造商,华晨中国汽车控股有限公司于2002年推出了备受市场及汽车行业推崇的中华牌轿车 | Historically , a leading manufacturer in China′s light passenger van market, Brilliance China Automotive Holdings Ltd launched a highly-anticipated sedan in 2002, the Zhonghua. | |
25 | ||1:伯恩斯坦研究公司表示,但那只是美国的情况:尽管美国以往对燃气发电机的需求量占到了全世界的15%-20%,但由于新兴经济体的崛起,现在仅占8%。||2:用电紧张的中国发电总量仅有4%来自燃气发电,但这一比重正在快速增加。||3:通用和西门子都在中国建有合资公司。||4:伊拉克、土耳其和沙特阿拉伯也有可能会修建更多的燃气发电厂。去年福岛核电站事故之后,日本也有可能开始新修燃气发电厂。 | ||1:But that is just America: although historically it has represented 15-50% of world demand for utility-sized gas turbines, the growth of emerging economies means that it is now just 8%, reckons Bernstein.||2:Power-hungry China generates only 4% of its electricity from gas but that share is growing fast.||3:Both GE and Siemens have joint ventures in China.||4:Iraq, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are likely to build many new gas-fired stations; as is Japan, after the Fukushima nuclear accident last year. | |
26 | ||1:城市化的快速发展也带来不少问题。||2:超过1/3的巴基斯坦人居住在城镇和城市中,部落和农村日益蜕变成暴力和城市的傀儡。||3:来自大西洋理事会的舒贾·纳瓦兹说,居住在城镇的人“历史性的变得比农村人更虔诚更保守”。||4:他们的家庭人员很少,最小的孩子不得不照料自己。||5:在城镇中极端分子和武装力量成员日益壮大,军队的中立态度预示着好的征兆。||6:奇怪的是,血腥的暴力事件频繁发生于卡拉奇,它恐怕是世界上最残忍的大都市。 | ||1:Rapid urbanisation brings more problems.||2:Over a third of Pakistanis now live in towns and cities, where tribal and rural rivalries are morphing into violent, urban warlordism.||3:Town-dwelling Pakistanis are “historically more religious and conservative than rural populations,” writes Shuja Nawaz of the Atlantic Council.||4:They also have smaller families, and the youngsters are often left to fend for themselves.||5:Thus it is in towns that both extremists and the armed forces increasingly find recruits, which bodes ill for preserving moderate views inside the army.||6:Oddly, little space is given to the bloody turmoil in Karachi, perhaps the world’s most violent metropolis. | |
27 | ||1:这位现年31岁的前检察官俨然继承了肯尼迪家族的微笑和浓密的头发(他满头红发,使他比自己的祖辈看上去更像爱尔兰裔)。||2:马萨诸塞州选区从罗得岛延伸到波士顿市郊,要赢得这一选区席位,却并非易事。||3:这个选区早已不是昔日那个三十年以来绝大多数选票都投给巴尼?弗兰克的选区了,如今这位性情暴躁的弗兰克成为了众议院金融服务委员会的主席。||4:选区的再划分使保守党的据点并入了历史上的蓝区,而失去了民主党的堡垒重镇新贝德福德,整个选区重新组合。||5:弗兰克确实也没有在寻求连任,部分原因在于他估计了下,获得325,000新选民的支持,还需要150万到200万美元的筹款。 | ||1:The 31-year-old former prosecutor has inherited the Kennedy smile and the voluminous Kennedy hair (his is red; he looks more Irish than his forefathers did).||2:But winning the seat, which stretches from the Rhode Island border to the outskirts of Boston, is not going to be easy.||3:It is no longer the same district which for three decades voted by mostly wide margins for Barney Frank, recently the irascible head of the House Financial Services Committee.||4:Redistricting has reconfigured the historically blue district to include conservative strongholds, while losing New Bedford, a Democratic bastion.||5:Indeed Mr. | |
28 | ||1:这样想来,我们确实是好好地款待了那些未来的考古学家们。||2:因为处于工业社会的发达国家,他们制造了有史以来最多的垃圾,地球上的每个角落都有他们的足迹。||3:很显然,大多数的人是不怎么会深思垃圾这类东西的。||4:但是爱德华休姆斯,一位美国记者,却对垃圾如此着迷。||5:他试图通过“垃圾学”,搞清楚我们为什么会及其相当之非常愿意扔东西。 | ||1: With that thought in mind, archaeologists of the future are in for a treat. ||2: The industrial societies of the world’s developed countries are the most wasteful ever, their spoor turning up in every corner of the Earth. ||3: Almost by definition, waste is something that most people prefer not to think too much about. ||4: But Edward Humes, an American journalist, is fascinated by the stuff. ||5: “Garbology” is his attempt to make sense of our historically unprecedented readiness to throw things away. | |
29 | 历史上保险公司总是在支付费用的多少上与医院开战。 | Historically insurers have fought with hospitals over payments. | |
30 | “从历史上来看,客家人和闽南人并不是和平相处”他说。 | "Historically the Hakka people and Minnan people didn’t live peacefully side by side, " he said. |