1 | “罗吉觉得他的头脑里浮起了一种以前从未有过的感觉。 | Luigi felt a sensation hitherto unknown arising in his mind | |
2 | “那次的暗杀事件很神秘,”维尔福说道,“凶手至今也没查出来,尽管有嫌疑的人不止一个。” | "That assassination was a mysterious affair," said Villefort, "and the perpetrators have hitherto escaped detection, although suspicion has fallen on the head of more than one person." | |
3 | “我必须向您承认,伯爵阁下,”腾格拉尔说道,“我一向自以为凡是欧洲的大富翁我没有不知道的,可是您,您的财产似乎也相当多,而我却一无所知。 | "I must confess to you, count," said Danglars, "that I have hitherto imagined myself acquainted with the degree of all the great fortunes of Europe, and still wealth such as yours has been wholly unknown to me | |
4 | 1686年,皇家学会的罗伯特·霍克写道:“更好地了解中国的文明,将为我们打开一个知识的王国,对这个王国迄今只有神话般的描述。” | In 1686 Robert Hooke of the Royal Society wrote that "A better knowledge of China’s civilisation would lay open to us an empire of learning, hitherto fabulously described" | |
5 | BMW M5的车身因其无比的坚固和弹性令人赞叹不已,轻质材料的使用将其重量降低到前所未有的程度 | The bodyshell of the BMW M5 is notable for its extreme stiffness and resilience, while use of lightweight materials reduces its mass by a hitherto unattained degree. | |
6 | Java是这样的一种产品,它有可能实现Sun公司原先乃至迄今为止意思含糊的口号:网络就是计算机。 | It’s a development that could finally make true Sun’s original and hitherto cryptic sloganthe Network Is the Computer | |
7 | 白天终于来临了,而白天几乎也象夜晚一样令人心神不安。但在白天除了幻想以外,还给人带来了理智。在此之前,唐太斯脑子里的计划本来还是模糊不清的,现在慢慢的明确了下来。 | The day came at length, and was almost as feverish as the night had been, but it brought reason to the aid of imagination, and Dants was then enabled to arrange a plan which had hitherto been vague and unsettled in his brain | |
8 | 到目前为止,我始终以为是在同环境作战,但现在你却提出一个同人作战的计划。 | hitherto I have fancied myself merely waging war against circumstances, not men and I have thought it no sin to bore through a wall, or destroy a staircase | |
9 | 到现在为止,一切虚构出来的乌托邦都是愚蠢不堪的。 | All Utopias that have hitherto been constructed are intolerably dull | |
10 | 第五十二条 过去颁布的海上交通安全法规与本法相抵触的,以本法为准。 | Article 52. In cases of conflict between laws and regulations pertaining to maritime traffic safety hitherto promulgated and this Law, this Law shall prevail. | |
11 | 顶到这时候为止,巴彻斯特一直逃脱了任何极端严厉的教条的污染。 | Hitherto Barchester had escaped the taint of any extreme rigor of church doctrine | |
12 | 坟地会不会在他目光的感应下立刻产生邪意,在他手指的一触之下马上生出一种从不知名的毒草来迎接他呢? | Would not the earth, quickened to an evil purpose by the sympathy of his eye, greet him with poisonous shrubs, of species hitherto unknown, that would start up under his fingers? | |
13 | 过去我跟他在一起时,往往发觉他老是神不守舍、漫不经心。 | I have hitherto often found him a very absent and inattentive companion | |
14 | 见所未见,闻所未闻 | see and hear of many strange things of which one has hitherto been unaware | |
15 | 她还具有丰富的情感,尽管至今还象末熟的果子那样酸涩得难以入口。 | She possessed affections, too, though hitherto acrid and disagreeable, as are the richest flavours of unripe fruit. | |
16 | 她一直努力克制着悲哀,现在突然地放声大哭起来。 | Her grief, which she had hitherto tried to restrain, now burst out in a violent fit of hysterical sobbing | |
17 | 她依然是我们所知道的那个好管闲事、想入非非的佩尼曼太太。 | She remained the same officious and imaginative Mrs. Penniman, that we have hitherto known | |
18 | 她至今对我还算不错。 | She has hitherto been relatively nice to me. | |
19 | 今年初,纽约自动报价股市指数大跌,致使挂牌于其中以及在各地上市的科技股价格猛泻,众多帐面上的百万富翁先前手持的网络公司股票选购权实际上已分文不值。 | However, with the collapse of the US Nasdag share index earlier this year resulting in the plunge in prices of technology shares listed on it and elsewhere, the hitherto valuable share options held by numerous paper dot.com millionaires have become virtually worthless in these changed circumstances. | |
20 | 扩增知识不仅是被动的将一堆原来不知道的观念接纳到脑子里来,而是把涌来的新观念作用于积极、活跃的脑部活动。这是一种极具创造力的行动。英国纽曼红衣主教亨利 | The enlargement consists, not merely in the passive reception into the mind of a number of ideas hitherto unknown to it, but in the mind’s energetic and simultaneous action upon and towards and among those new ideas.--Jonh Henry. British Newman Priest | |
21 | 每思相会,只是父亲拘束严密,无由得会 | He had often wanted to meet him, but his father kept him under such strict control that hitherto he had never had a chance. | |
22 | 秘闻历史或传记中秘密的或迄今为止未被披露过的细节 | Secret or hitherto undivulged particulars of history or biography. | |
23 | 那建筑物的外观看来那么陌生,可又那么熟悉,了梅斯代尔先生在两种念头之间犹豫徘徊:到底只是他先前在梦中见过呢,还是他现在正在梦中观看。 | The edifice had so very strange, and yet so familiar, an aspect, that Mr. Dimmesdale’s mind vibrated between two ideas; either that he had seen it only in a dream hitherto , or that he was merely dreaming about it now. | |
24 | 贫困地区人口过快增长的势头得到初步控制,人口自然增长率有所下降。 | The hitherto -rapid population growth in the poverty-stricken areas has been on the whole put under control, and the population’s natural growth rate has decreased | |
25 | 迄今称之为X夫人的女子 | A woman referred to hitherto as Mrs X | |
26 | 迄今尚无人知道的某事. | sth hitherto unknown | |
27 | 迄今我虽然失去了全部的时日。 | For hitherto though I have lost all my time. | |
28 | 迄今一直晴朗温暖的天气突然变冷了 | The weather,which had hitherto been sunny and mild,suddenly turned cold. | |
29 | 如果我看到一直不离左右的旋风,就吓得发抖,那么我看到狂风和海洋一场恶斗,怎会不吓得魂飞魄散 | If I trembled at the blast which has hitherto attended us, shall I not stand aghast at a warring of wind and ocean… | |
30 | 商家面向消费者的在线购物所产生的最大的影响或许并不在于其规模,而是它改变零售业游戏规则的方式--而到现在为止,传统零售业一直是这套游戏规则的最大赢家,他们显然感到困惑。 | It may turn out that the biggest effect of online business-to-consumer commerce is not its size, but the way it changes the rules of the retailing game-to the evident perplexity of those who have hitherto played it best |