1 | 当橡胶遇上公路。 | When the rubber hits the road. | |
2 | “感谢上帝,我曾有过美好的生活,”科特·弗莱德说,“但在生命最后这件事给我了一个耳光。” | "I had a good life, thank God, " Curt Fried said, "and at the end of my life this hits me in the face. " | |
3 | “在这一诉讼之前,我的网站点击率可能只有两次,一次是我点的,另一次是她点的。”波特说。 | "Before her suit, there were probably two hits on my web site - one from me looking at it, and one from her looking at it, " Port said. | |
4 | 2010年是微软自我拯救的一年,2011年应该会成为微软加速前进的一年。 | 2010 was the year that Microsoft turned the Titanic around. 2011 should be the year that Microsoft hits the accelerator. | |
5 | 伴着一系列树叶树枝的断裂声飞机擦过树梢,晕头转向地开到一片空地上。 | The ship hits the treetops with a series of splintering crashes, and sails out over a clearing, crossed up and spinning. | |
6 | 比如你可以直接从不同位置播放音乐,并且可以自己选择播放热门歌曲,或者不怎么出名的歌曲。 | You can direct it to play songs from different decades, and decide if you want it to mostly play hits or also more obscure songs. | |
7 | 从每小时0加到60全力冲次直到晚上头碰到枕头的一天结束。 | Full throttle all day going from 0 to 60 miles per hour until the head hits the pillow at the very end of the day. | |
8 | 大恐慌考验的是偿付能力而不是流动性(尽管两者经常交织在一起并不能完全分开)。 | General panic hits solvency rather than liquidity, (though the two shade in to one another and cannot really be separated). | |
9 | 但任何系统性的经济危机都是先冲击穷人,然后到中产阶级,如果彻底崩溃的话,最后才轮到卡梅伦的百万富翁们。 | But any systemic economic crisis hits the poor first, the middle classes second, and the Cameronian millionaires last, if at all. | |
10 | 但是,从2006年开始,韩寒的博客到目前为止已经拥有2亿的点击量。因此,韩寒的影响力和影响范围不容置疑。 | Yet his blog has taken more than 200 million hits since it launched in 2006, so his influence and reach cannot be questioned. |