属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-The political waning of Ame
1 | 不管怎样,他的储蓄经过照例的七折八扣以后,已减到一百○九个法郎十五个苏,那就是他在出狱时所领到的。 | At all events, his hoard had been reduced by various local levies to the sum of one hundred and nine francs fifteen sous, which had been counted out to him on his departure | |
2 | 财宝收藏地:秘密财宝收藏在此。 | Pirate Cave: You stash your secret hoard here. | |
3 | 地下室里有他们贮藏的食物。 | They have a hoard of food in the basement. | |
4 | 地下挖出来的窖藏物. | a hoard dug up from the underground | |
5 | 地下侏儒族,雾童族人地下侏儒种的一员,他们所积财富和法魔戒指被西格弗理德抢走了 | Any of a race of subterranean dwarfs whose hoard of riches and magic ring were taken from them by Siegfried. | |
6 | 很多的趣闻[轶事] | A hoard of anecdotes | |
7 | 积聚一仓库东西 | To accumulate a hoard of. | |
8 | 窖藏的钱. | a hoard of money | |
9 | 窖藏黄金. | hoard gold | |
10 | 谨养而勿劳,并气积力,运并计谋,为不可测。 | Carefully study the well-Being of your men, and do not overtax them. Concentrate your energy and hoard your strength. Keep your army continually on the move, and devise unfathomable plans. | |
11 | 老板参观工厂时,连董事会都仔细听取他的意见。 | When the owner visited the factory,even the hoard of directors hung on his lips to hear his opinion. | |
12 | 吝啬鬼为了积聚钱财而过着非常穷困生活的人 | One who lives very meagerly in order to hoard money. | |
13 | 那么你为什么不节约一下--积累一点,储蓄一点,省吃俭用一些呢 | Why don’t you retrench then-scrape up, hoard , economise? | |
14 | 你在你书房里聚藏了多少古玩? | How many curios do you hoard in your study? | |
15 | 社会、政府,在削减他的储蓄上大大地盗窃了他一次, | Society, the State, by diminishing his hoard , had robbed him wholesale | |
16 | 甚至连箱子上所有的锁都已经打开了,单等他们揭开沉重的箱盖,揭示长期隐藏在宝库中的宝贝了。 | Even all the padlocks were removed, and it only remained to raise the heavy lid, and to expose the treasures of this long-secreted hoard | |
17 | 守财奴储藏的财宝 | A miser’s hoard | |
18 | 松鼠储藏的坚果. | A squirrel’s hoard of nuts | |
19 | 松鼠开始贮藏坚果以备过冬之用。 | The squirrels began to hoard up nuts for the coming winter | |
20 | 他的声调和表情使她确信他不是发现宝藏的人。 | His tone and look assured her he had not been the discoverer of the hoard | |
21 | 他们不太花钱,所以我想他们一定都积攒起来了。 | They don’t spend much,so I suppose they just hoard it all up. | |
22 | 我满怀自信,在踏板后方整整一英尺的地方划了一道线,然后就从那儿起跳。 | Confidently, I drew a line a full foot behind the hoard and proceeded to jump from there | |
23 | 我们大多数人还没到他这么大的岁数就早已不再有自己无知的感觉了。我们甚至对自己一点浅薄的知识感到沾沾自喜,而把与日俱增的年龄看作是培养无所不知的天然学堂。 | Most of us have lost the sense of our ignorance long before that age. We even become vain of our squirrel’s hoard of knowledge and regard increasing age itself as a school of omniscience. | |
24 | 现在就把钱花掉好,还是把所有的钱存入银行以备将来之用好? | Is it better to spend your money today or hoard every penny in the bank for tomorrow? | |
25 | 一个老朝圣者的收藏品,死去了的珍宝,空洞的贝壳。 | An old pilgrim’s hoard , dead treasure, hollow shells | |
26 | 这只松鼠把吃的东西藏在树里。 | The squirrel kept his hoard in a tree. | |
27 | 贮藏收集或积累入贮藏处 | To gather or accumulate a hoard . | |
28 | ||1:20世纪60年代,总统林登·约翰逊可以将美国小麦产量的五分之一用于缓解印度的饥荒。||2:现在这根本不可能发生,因为生物燃料的发展正在造成并加剧粮食短缺现象,而且出口商们正为了他们自己的人民储存粮食。||3:随着G7和G20被被作者称为G-0的世界所代替,全球变暖、核扩散以及网络管理等都将是更难处理的问题。 | ||1: In the 1960s President Lyndon Johnson could divert a fifth of America’s wheat crop to alleviate starvation in India. ||2: That could not happen now, when biofuels are aggravating food shortages and exporters hoard supplies for their own people. ||3: Global warming, nuclear proliferation and internet regulation are all harder to address, with the G7 and G20 supplanted by what the author calls the “G-Zero”. | |
29 | ||1:苹果的股价涨势依然逼人。||2:在3月19日,苹果宣布在2011年低前预计将拿出976亿用于季度分红,同时将回购100亿美元的股本。次日,其股价创历史新高(605.96美元)。||3:这是17年来苹果的首次分红。||4:之前从未考虑过投资苹果公司的股利基金,或将蜂拥而至并继续推高苹果股价。 | ||1: The share price keeps soaring. ||2: On March 20th, a day after Apple announced it would use some of its cash hoard (estimated at 97.6 billion dollar at the end of 2011) on a quarterly dividend and a 10 billion dollar share buy-back, its shares closed at a record high of 605.96 dollar. ||3: This is the first time in 17 years that Apple will pay a dividend. ||4: Dividend funds, which had not considered investing in Apple before, could pile in, potentially pushing the price higher still. | |
30 | ||1:中国的外汇存底现在总计达2.4万亿美元,其中大约70%是存成美元。||2:在1971年时,美国贸易伙伴的央行累积的美元不多,大约只有四百亿美元。||3: 可是如果美国信守当时美元和黄金的兑换率,35美元兑一盎司黄金,这些美元已然足够可以买下三倍诺克斯堡(Fort Knox)库存的所有的黄金(译注: 美国储备的黄金大多存放在诺克斯堡)。 ||4:英国在1971年8月13日要求将其持有美元兑换黄金是压倒骆驼的最后一根稻草。||5: 两位尼克松幕僚的重要经济官员,乔治˙舒尔茨(George Shultz)和肯尼˙丹(Kenneth Dam),在他们的书”头条背后的经济政策(Economic Policy Beyond the Headlines)”中说,”虽然美国政府不认为黄金非常重要,但是如果发生黄金挤兑却也实在难看”。 ||6:在8月15日,尼克松实际上宣布了美国政府不愿意履行其即将没有能力履行的事--将美元按既定的汇率兑换黄金。 | ||1: China’s foreign-exchange reserves now total $2.4 trillion, of which about 70% are thought to be in dollars. ||2: In 1971 the central banks of America’s trading partners had amassed a rather smaller hoard , of about $40 billion. ||3: But that was enough to buy the gold in Fort Knox three times over, if America upheld its commitment to sell the metal at $35 an ounce. ||4: Britain’s request to exchange dollars for gold on August 13th 1971 was the last straw. ||5: “Although the US government attached no great importance to the gold as such, a run on this gold would have been a sorry spectacle,” wrote George Shultz and Kenneth Dam, two prominent economic officials in the Nixon administration, in their book “Economic Policy Beyond the Headlines”. ||6: On August 15th Nixon, in effect, announced that America was now unwilling to do what it would soon be incapable of doing—converting dollars into gold at the agreed exchange rate. |