属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-地震学与海啸 掀起新浪潮
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-购物游戏 时装零售和社交媒体
1 | 与一帮坏人勾结在一起 | Hooked up with the wrong crowd | |
2 | 羽纤支从一根羽毛的羽小支上延伸或与羽小支交叉的细小钩状凸起之一 | One of the minute,hooked projections extending from and interlocking the barbules of a feather. | |
3 | 约翰吸海洛因成瘾。 | John was hooked on heroin. | |
4 | 运气第一次降临到我头上。 | For the first time luck hooked onto me. | |
5 | 这条路沿着湖岸蜿蜒伸展。 | The road hooked around the lake. | |
6 | 这种拖车可以很容易地钩挂在拖拉机上。 | This type of trailer is hooked onto a tracter easily | |
7 | 之后乐队鼓手频繁换人,直到最后锁定了现在的鼓手瑞安·维克多尔,他是瑞安·皮克的老朋友。 | Nickelback later went through a bunch of drummers until they hooked up with current drummer Ryan Vikedal, who was an old buddy of Ryan Peake’s. | |
8 | ||1:这也使得安德森先生成为了一位重要的地球资源劫掠者。||2:开始的时候,他从来没有考虑过这点。||3:在他看来,他已不再是一个自然界的小偷了。||4:而当大萧条期间,当时还是乡村男孩的他还从从查特胡奇河(或意译为多彩的岩石河)(Chattahoochee River)钓上了现在早已没有了的20磅重的水渠鲶鱼。||5:他的生意遵循着政府的规章制度,公司的产品也远不及阔幅地毯浪费那么多,因为人们很容易割断这些小方地毯而在下面铺上电缆,而且,当它们用坏了时,人们可以逐一替换它们。||6:事实上,这些小方地毯几乎完全以石油的这种或那种形式制造而成。||7:一些非常有害的东西可用于染料和胶水。||8:公司的200多个大烟囱冒着浓浓的黑烟在生产这些小地毯。||9:但是,铺上了界面股份有限公司(Interface Inc.)小方地毯董事会的会议室看上去让人认为相当豪华。 | ||1:This also made Mr Anderson a considerable plunderer of the earth.||2:He never thought about that at first.||3:To his mind he was no more a thief of Nature than when, a country boy during the Depression, he had hooked 20-pound channel catfish, now long gone, out of the Chattahoochee River.||4:His business complied with government regulations.||5:His product, too, was much less wasteful than broadloom carpet, since you could easily cut the tiles to run cables underneath, and replace them one by one as they wore out.||6:They were, it was true, almost entirely made of petroleum in some form or another.||7:Some pretty bad stuff was used in the dye and the glue.||8:More than 200 smokestacks blackened the sky to produce them.||9:But boardrooms laid with Interface carpet tiles looked and felt a million dollars. | |
9 | 今年夏天之前,该系统将会与全世界警报系统相连接,并将会在检测到地震后7分钟内确定海啸发生的概率。 | By the summer the system should be hooked up to alarms around the world, and will be able to determine tsunami risk within seven minutes of a shock being detected. | |
10 | 其实, 吸引在Fantasy Shopper网站上的玩家不仅仅是那些传统的购物狂们。 | It is not just traditional shopaholics who may get hooked on Fantasy Shopper. |