1 | 哈弗(Hover)SUV虽说不上是法拉利,但把它停在学校校门外,不会觉得不协调。 | The Hover SUV may be no Ferrari, but it would not look out of place, say, outside the school gates. | |
2 | 基于其离散状态空间模型,采用子空间方法进行线性系统识别。 | A subspace-based state space system identification method is applied to identify the model of rotorcraft in hover . | |
3 | 价格战可能会把本已微薄的个人电脑利润一扫而光,而其通常的利润率在6%上下。 | The price wars may wipe out already-thin PC profit margins, which typically hover at 6%. | |
4 | 将鼠标放到应用程序图标上可以看到更多的选项,包括将一个网上应用程序快捷方式安装到你的桌面或者菜单中。 | Hover over the web app icon to access further options, including the option to install a web app shortcut to your desktop or menu. | |
5 | 将鼠标停在红色下划线部分上。 | Hover the mouse over a section underlined in red. | |
6 | 将鼠标停在蓝色下划线部分上。 | Hover the mouse over a section underlined in blue. | |
7 | 将鼠标悬停在OrderProcessing组件右侧的引用上。 | Hover your mouse over the reference on the right of the OrderProcessing component. | |
8 | 接着,转身走到一张玻璃桌前,拿起了两把放在桌上的手枪,然后离开了自己的公寓。 | He turns to leave his apartment, but he stops first at a glass table, where his hands hover over two pistols. | |
9 | 她说,“它将为‘盘旋家长’这个词带来全新的含义。” | ’It would bring a whole new meaning to the term hover parent, ’ she said. | |
10 | 看一下清单6中的jQuery示例,其中在hover事件中高亮显示div元素。 | Consider the jQuery example in Listing 6, where you highlight a div element based on the hover event. | |
11 | 例如,onmousemove等鼠标事件处理函数常常会产生大量调用。 | Hover event handlers such as onmousemove often produce a large number of events. | |
12 | 例如,用户可以在链接上看一下它的简短描述然后再决定是否按链接查看完余下的主题。 | For example, a user can hover over a link to see its short description and then decide whether to follow the link for the rest of the topic. | |
13 | 没有什么比得上一个冷饮料打翻在你下面的地区暴露你坐或翱翔在公共厕所惊恐。 | There is nothing like a cold splash on your exposed nether regions as you sit or hover in terror over a public toilet. | |
14 | 每个应用程序的预览框中都会出现一则广告,广告收入会流入雅虎腰包,而不是内容提供商。 | An ad runs on the hover preview page of each app and the revenue for this ad goes to Yahoo, not the content provider. | |
15 | 目前,由于世界谷物的价格徘徊在记录高位,一项新的研究发现气候变暖的影响已经开始显现。 | Now, as world grain prices hover near record highs, a new study finds that the effects are already starting to be felt. | |
16 | 你可以创建一个新的文件,打开文件,鼠标在任务栏图标悬停预览缩略图,搜索任何文件等操作。 | You can create a new file, open documents, hover your mouse over document icons on taskbar to preview thumbnail, search for any files etc. | |
17 | 你可以循环得到垂直的箭头以获得正在保持的锁的详细信息。 | You can hover over vertical arrows to get details on the locks being held. | |
18 | 你也可以决定小球运动峰高,以至于起来不是漂浮过栏墙那样的不真实。 | You might also decide to raise the peak height of the ball’s motion so that it doesn’t seem to hover over the fence unrealistically. | |
19 | 你只需移动鼠标到搜索结果的右方,停留在橘黄色的图标上面。 | Just move your cursor to the right of a search result and hover over the orange bullet. | |
20 | 其价值维持在40铢兑换1美元左右。 | The value tends to hover around 40 baht to one US dollar. | |
21 | 其结果是,经过调整后、能悬浮在适合高度的气球飞艇,通常被用来中转从卫星接收到和发往卫星的数据。 | As a result blimps, adjusted to hover at appropriate heights, are often used to relay data to and from satellites. | |
22 | 汽车呈光滑、流线型设计,拥有四个风扇以及集成的安全气囊,这会膨胀从而使汽车悬浮。 | It features a shiny, sleek design with four fans and integrated airbags that inflate to make it hover . | |
23 | 然后,在菜单栏中的个性化图标上停留片刻;请注意它是ContentWizardV4的图标。 | Then, hover over the personalization icon in the menu bar; notice that it is the icon for the Content Wizard V4. | |
24 | 人类已经进化成肥胖幼稚的哺乳动物,坐在来去自如的旋椅上四处驾驶。 | People have evolved into obese, childlike mammals, motoring about on all-access hover -chairs. | |
25 | 如果将鼠标置于图标上,系统将提示该视图为DB2查询视图。 | If you hover your mouse over the icon, it tells you that the view is a DB2 Query View. | |
26 | 如果某个用户想了解某项内容的更多信息,只需将鼠标移到该内容上便可显示详细信息。 | If users want to know more about something, they can simply hover their mouse over it and get details. | |
27 | 如果你把鼠标指针放在电影图标上将会出现一个播放按钮。 | If you hover over the icon for a movie with your mouse pointer, a play button appears. | |
28 | 如果您把鼠标盘旋在编辑器左侧的红色X上(在行附近显示错误),hovertext向您提供错误信息。 | If you hover over the red X at the left of the editor (next to the line with the error), the hover text gives you the error message. | |
29 | 如果您将鼠标停在一个图表元素上,那么就会出现一个工具提示告诉您关于此元素的信息。 | If you hover your mouse cursor over a diagram element, a tool tip from the documentation for that element will pop up. | |
30 | 如今,全国失业率为9%,而技术行业失业率一直远低于此,维持在4%左右。 | With national unemployment at 9%, unemployment rates in the technology industry hover far lower at around 4%. |