属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-家庭财富 资产负债表的繁荣
1 | 1968年,毛主席提出妇女能顶半边天;到20世纪80年代,她们的劳动参与力徘徊在80%。 | In 1968 Mao Zedong enjoined female labourers to hold up "half the sky"; by the 1980s their labourforce participation hovered around 80%. | |
2 | 长期以来,核心通货膨胀(除食品和能源以外)让该行对增长的预期感到困惑。自2015年以来,核心通货膨胀在约1%徘徊。 | Core inflation (excluding food and energy) has long confounded the bank’s expectations of a rise. Since 2015 it has hovered at around 1%. | |
3 | ||这表明资产负债表并没有完全被修补好。然而消费者已经开始增加支出了,自2013年,储蓄就在危机前水平左右徘徊。英国财政监督部门预算责任办公室(OBR)预测,储蓄将会进一步下降,从2014年收入的6.6%下降到2015年的5.4%,然后到2019年的4.8%。|| | ||That suggests that balance-sheets are not fully patched up. Yet consumers have been spending more; since 2013 saving has hovered around its pre-crisis level.|| And forecasts by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), Britain’s fiscal watchdog, see it falling further still, from 6.6% of income in 2014 to 5.4% in 2015 and then 4.8% by 2019. | |
4 | 2009年,失业人数徘徊在每月四十万人上下,房屋被赎回者大约有三十万人之多。 | In 2009, the number of unemployed hovered at 400, 000 a month and foreclosures averaged300, 000. | |
5 | Ubuntu的启动时间最近几年一直维持在10秒左右。 | Ubuntu’s start-up time has hovered around the 10 second mark for many years now. | |
6 | 阿西夫.扎尔达里9月9日宣誓就任总统之际,有三片乌云笼罩在他头顶。 | THREE clouds hovered over Asif Zardari as he was sworn in on September 9th as Pakistan’s president. | |
7 | 本周StAugustine的精神一直萦绕着联邦储备局。 | THE spirit of St Augustine hovered over the Federal Reserve this week. | |
8 | 但是球慢慢滚向球洞,令人难以置信地绕着弯,在洞口停了一下,然后滚了进去。 | But no. The ball rolled sweetly towards the hole, improbably curving round, hovered on the edge of the cup, then tumbled in. | |
9 | 但在去年十月的某天夜晚,Pelican在起飞后,在离地面十米的空中悬停了整整一个晚上。 | And yet, one evening last October, the Pelican took off, rose ten metres and hovered throughout the night. | |
10 | 但自那之后,非洲的无业游民数大约上涨了30%,其中包括那些极度失望,放弃寻找工作的人。 | But ever since then the number of jobless, including those too discouraged to keep looking, has hovered around 30%. | |
11 | 当地一家电视台派出的直升机于本周在迪伦家上空拍摄了这个惹祸厕所的视频。 | A helicopter from a local television station hovered over Dylan’s property this week, capturing video of the offending toilet. | |
12 | 当鼠标悬停在元素上方时,它会转换为可以单击的链接。 | As your mouse hovered over the element, it would turn into a link you could click. | |
13 | 对于移动在这个标题工具条上的鼠标,点击并按住鼠标的左键。 | With the mouse hovered over this title bar, click and hold the left mouse button. | |
14 | 而且,利率十年间一直在零附近徘徊,货币量宽松使得资金充裕,但仍没有效果。 | Already, interest rates have hovered around zero for a decade, and quantitative easing has flooded the system with funds, to little avail. | |
15 | 飞机在着陆前盘旋了几圈。 | The plane hovered about for several turns before landing. | |
16 | 分析师称,现货金XAU=位于每盎司990美元附近,但表现并不抢眼,因市场注意力转移至外汇市场.(完) | Gold hovered at around $990 an ounce but was overshadowed as attention was diverted to currency markets, analysts said. | |
17 | 风暴在澳大利亚北部及新几内亚南部之间徘徊,影响范围覆盖卡奔塔利亚湾及阿拉弗拉海大部。 | The storm hovered between northern Australia and southern New Guinea, covering the Gulf of Carpentaria and much of the Arafura Sea. | |
18 | 黑石集团上周以5亿5千万美元购买Dynegy时,其股票一直在历史地位徘徊。 | When Blackstone Group agreed to buy power generator Dynegy for $550 million last week, Dynegy’s stock hovered at its all-time nadir. | |
19 | 她去过卡地亚北京店好几次,每次都在门外徘徊、惊叹,但是从来没有鼓足勇气进去过。 | She had been to Cartier’s Beijing store a few times and hovered outside, awestruck, but had never quite plucked up the courage to go in. | |
20 | 她在前门口附近犹豫徬徨。 | She hovered uncertainly near the front door. | |
21 | 今年大部分时间,美国失业人数都在45万人左右徘徊,直到几周前才开始逐渐增长。 | Claims had hovered around 450, 000 for most of the year until they started rising a few weeks ago. | |
22 | 联想正在买进的部分其实已经在崩溃边缘徘徊数年之久。 | The business Lenovo is buying has hovered around break-even for years. | |
23 | 两个被摄相机和麦克风包围着的薄纱在角落里盘旋。语言学家们手里拿着空白的笔记本,无所事事地闲坐着。 | Two Gossamers hovered in a corner, surrounded by cameras and microphones and linguists idly sitting by with blank notebooks. | |
24 | 平均每周工时自去年12月来徘徊于33.3小时左右。 | The average work week has hovered around 33. 3 hours since December. | |
25 | 骑警和伦敦市警察局的增援队伍一起到了现场,还有一架警用直升机在现场盘旋。 | Police on horseback also attended the scene, along with reinforcements from the City of London police. A police helicopter hovered above. | |
26 | 然而,在过去的一年里,就连北京这块绿洲,也难免受弥漫于全国的战争气氛的侵袭。 | And yet during the past year even the oasis of Beijing had been invaded by the atmosphere of struggle that hovered over all China. | |
27 | 三家媒体的直升飞机一度盘旋在上方。 | At one point three news media choppers hovered overhead. | |
28 | 上世纪90年代,德拉克马的贴现率高达14.5%至21. | The drachma discount rate hovered between 14. 5 and 21. 5 per cent in the 1990s. | |
29 | 石油个股纷纷走高,国际原油价格徘徊在91.40美元左右,创下两年新高。 | Oil stocks gained as crude hovered around two-year highs at $91. 40. | |
30 | 他补充说,几十年来,美国离婚率一直徘徊在46%到53%之间。 | The rate has hovered between 46 and 53 percent for decades, he added. |