1 | 哈佛微生物学家罗纳德·德罗齐埃解释,“在进化系谱中越接近人,互相感染的危险性就越大。” | As Harvard microbiologist Ronald Desrosiers explains, "The closer one gets to humans in the evolutionary scale, the greater the risk of transmission." | |
2 | 海市的奇景,变幻无穷,出现的时间,鬼神莫测,确实让人着迷。 | In fact the mirage is so unpredictable and such a phantasmagoric sight that humans cannot help but be fascinated and mystified | |
3 | 还有PrP原先来自何处的问题,当科学家们发现了数种动物--仓鼠、小鼠、猫、麋、水貂、绵羊以及人都含有控制制造PrP的基因后,此问题得到了解答。 | That was answered when scientists discovered several animals--hamsters, mice, cats, elk, mink, sheep and humans --that have genes that control the making of PrP | |
4 | 还有一个问题就是如何将硅芯片与人的神经细胞相连接,现在研究人员正在用诸如"视觉仿生"人工光感器等更为简单的芯片尝试这一连接过程。 | And according to both Werblin and cooper, it will still be quite some time before CNN chips could be implanted in humans -if ever | |
5 | 还有一种可能性就是在辐照过程会发生异常的化学反应,这些化学反应可能会形成对人类有害的化学物质。 | There is also the possibility that the unusual chemical reactions that occur during irradiation may lead to the formation of chemicals that may be harmful to humans . | |
6 | 火的最早来源是闪电,人类的祖先最早有控制地使用火可上溯到1,420,000年前。直到公元前7000年,新石器时代的人才学会了用钻、锯和其它摩擦生火的器械,或者用火石敲击黄铁矿等安全点火的技术。 | For eons, lightning was the only source of fire. The earliest controlled use of fire seems to date to c. 1,420,000 years ago, but not until c. 7000 BC did Neolithic humans acquire reliable firemaking techniques, including friction from hardwood drills and sparks struck from flint against pyrites. | |
7 | 几乎所有的外来大分子皆可做为抗原,如细菌、病毒、原虫、蠕虫、食物、蛇毒、蛋白、血清、红血球,以及包括人类在内的各种生物细胞的各个组成即是。抗原上面存在一或数个可与淋巴球表面接受体结合的部位,称之为抗原决定部位,当抗原决定部位与淋巴球表面接受体结合后,可以活化淋巴球,使其开始分裂繁殖或引发一系列免疫反应如制造抗体和活化杀手细胞等以对抗抗原之侵入。 | Virtually any large foreign molecule can act as an antigen, including those of bacteria, viruses, parasites, foods, venoms, blood components, and cells and tissues of various species, including other humans . Sites on the antigen’s surface fit and bind to receptor molecules on the lymphocytes’ surface, stimulating the latter to multiply and initiate an immune response that neutralizes or destroys the antigen. | |
8 | 假肢,人的或动物的 | limb,artificial,for humans or animals | |
9 | 糠疹、蛇皮癣人类和动物的一种皮肤病,其特征是皮肤表层落下叶片状痂 | Any of various skin diseases of humans and animals,characterized by epidermal shedding of flaky scales. | |
10 | 抗菌素含量不高,被确认为对人类无害。 | The low levels of antibiotics are not considered harmful to humans | |
11 | 科学家在动物身上做实验取得的结果有些也适用于人。 | Some of the results scientists have obtained from experiments on animals may work for humans as well. | |
12 | 空气污染通常被定义为:空气中含有一种或多种化学物质,并且其浓度高到足以伤害到人类,动、植物或其它一些物质。 | Air pollution is normally defined as air that contains one or more chemicals in high enough concentrations to harm humans , other animals, vegetation, or materials. There are two major types of air pollutants | |
13 | 狼通常不会袭击人。 | Wolves will not usually attack humans . | |
14 | 酪氨酸:一种氨基酸,对人体不是必需的,但患有苯丙酮尿症的人群除外。 | Tyrosine: One of the amino acids, not essential for humans unless they have the hereditary disorder phenylketonuria. | |
15 | 类人猿智力甚高,较其它现存的灵长类动物更接近人类。由于栖息地被破坏和人类的捕猎,许多类人猿已濒临绝种。 | Highly intelligent animals, apes are more closely related to humans than are any other living primates. As a result of habitat destruction and hunting, all the apes are now regarded as endangered. | |
16 | 另外一些研究人员正在寻找证据证明持续食用脂肪和糖会导致人们想吃更多的脂肪和糖,就像吸毒上瘾一样。 | Other researchers are finding evidence that constant exposure to fat and sugar can cause some humans to crave them as they do an addictive drug | |
17 | 伦理自然主义者认为,伦理的基础存在于人自己的本性之内。 | Ethical naturalists believe that the foundation of ethics lies in the nature of humans themselves | |
18 | 洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学的研究小组负责人埃里克·维兰说,在雌性胚胎中有3个基因是关键的,而在雄性中起关键作用的基因数是4个,但他们仍需确定是否是这些基因影响了老鼠的大脑性别,并且还得确定人类胚胎情况是否与此相同。 | Eric Vilain, the head of the UCLA team, said three of the genes are dominant in females and four in males, but they still need to determine whether the genes influence brain sexuality in mice and whether the same thing occurs in humans | |
19 | 每一种文化都有其独特的观察、感知、思考、言语以及信仰的方式。正如这个世界上没有两个完全一模一样的人,世上亦不存在两种完全相同的文化。 | Each culture has its own distinctive ways of seeing, and just as no two humans are identical in all respects, so no two cultures are identical in all respects | |
20 | 墓前有大型的石人石兽,作为墓地装饰。 | Stone carvings of humans and animals stood in front of the tomb as decoration. | |
21 | 尿酸一种嘌呤类化合物。进行消化时蛋白质降解所产生的氮主要以尿酸的形式排泄。人类也能排出少量尿酸(约每天0.7克),由核蛋白的组分嘌呤降解所产生。痛风患者血中尿酸量增高。尿酸工业用途是有机合成。 | Uric acid Heterocyclic compound of the purine type, the end product of metabolism of the purines in nucleic acids in many animals, including humans . It is excreted by reptiles and birds as the chief nitrogenous end product of protein breakdown. Small quantities are normally found in human blood; in gout, levels are abnormally high. Uric acid is used industrially in organic synthesis. | |
22 | 牛痘牛的一种良性皮肤传染病,通常感染乳房,由一种病毒引起并出现发脓疱疹症状。当这一病毒通过种痘等被移植入人体后,它可以产生对天花的免疫力 | A mild,contagious skin disease of cattle,usually affecting the udder,that is caused by a virus and characterized by the eruption of a pustular rash.When the virus is transmitted to humans ,as by vaccination,it can confer immunity to smallpox. | |
23 | 农业上的杀虫剂通常对人类是有毒的。一些工业用化学品具有高度毒性或是致癌物质。大多数药剂和保健品在不恰当服用或超量服用情况下都是毒物。大多数形式的放射线也是有毒的。 | Agricultural pesticides are often poisonous to humans . Some industrial chemicals can be very toxic or carcinogenic. Most therapeutic drugs and health-care products can be poisons if taken inappropriately or in excess. Most forms of radiation can be toxic (see radiation injury). | |
24 | 迄今为止,研究主要集中于患老年痴呆症的人和实验室里的动物。 | So far, the research has focused on humans with alzheimer’s and lab animals | |
25 | 顷刻之间房顶坍陷,松树大火把小屋连同屋里的一切烧成一片废墟,千钧一发那一瞬间屋里的两个人死里逃生。 | The roof caved and the cabin soon was a shambles of burning pine, varnished logs and other contents inside, everything but the two humans that had been there just moments before | |
26 | 球蛋白:血液中的一种球蛋白。人类及许多其它哺乳动物体内形成的抗体即存在其中。 | Gamma globulin Subgroup of the globulins. In humans and many other mammals, most antibodies are in the gamma globulin fraction of blood. | |
27 | 人的脑垂体中间部是不发达的。 | In humans , the pars intermedia is a rudimentary region | |
28 | 人和猴只有一个子宫。 | In humans and monkeys, there is only one uterus | |
29 | 人和陆生动物排泄物含有可溶的难处理有机物质。 | The excreta of humans and land animals contain soluble refractory organic matter | |
30 | 人类、狗和大象都是哺乳动物,而鸟和鱼不是。 | Humans , dogs, elephants are all mammals, but birds and fish are not. |