属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-俄罗斯人权问题 悲惨的同志
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-托利党巨人退休 才华横溢国会议员告别
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-权贵头上的一把刀 看普京如何杯酒释兵权?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-战后英国 变革之后
1 | 〞当我记不起她的名字时,我感到丢脸极了。〞 | I was so humiliated when I couldn’t remember her name. | |
2 | 第七条罪犯的人格不受侮辱,其人身安全、合法财产和辩护、申诉、控告、检举以及其他未被依法剥夺或者限制的权利不受侵犯。 | Article 7 Human dignity of a prisoner shall not be humiliated , and his personal safety, lawful properties, and rights to defence, petition, complaint and accusation as well as other rights which have not been deprived of or restricted according to law shall not be violated. | |
3 | 该法第7条宣布,"罪犯人格不受侮辱,其人身安全、合法财产和辩护、申诉、控告、检举以及其它未被依法剥夺或限制的权利不受侵犯。" | "Article 7 of the Law declares, ""The prisoner’s personal dignity shall not be humiliated , and their personal safety, legal property and rights of defense, appeal, charge and accusation, as well as other rights which are not deprived of or limited according to law, shall be inviolate.""" | |
4 | 该国因战败而受辱。 | The country was humiliated by defeat | |
5 | 赫拉对宙斯沾花惹草的行为十分恼火,常常千方百计地设下圈套羞辱他。 | Vexed by his infidelities, she often humiliated him by her scheming ways | |
6 | 夹着尾巴;垂头丧气;遭到失败 | Be humiliated ,dejected or defeated | |
7 | 她向他屈膝投降,哭泣,自我贬低,然后,她会荒唐地快活一个星期。 | Then, having eaten the dust before him, having wept and humiliated herself, she would be for a week absurdly happy | |
8 | 她因见解浮浅而感到羞愧。 | She felt humiliated at her own lack of insight | |
9 | 帕格从珍珠港发来了海底电报,使柯比既高兴又感到惭愧。 | Pug’s cable from Pearl Harbor had both gladdened and humiliated Kirby | |
10 | 世界排名第一的希姬丝,在昨天举行的温布顿锦标赛首圈赛事,被十六岁的外围赛选手杜姬克以六比二、六比零直落两盘淘汰,爆出近年来温布顿历史上的一个最大冷门。 | Tennis world No 1 Martina Hingis was humiliated 6-2, 6-0 by 16-year-old qualifier Jelena Dokic in the first round of the women’s single yesterday in one of the biggest shocks in recent Wimbledon history. | |
11 | 说到头来,这回主要还是他丢了面子。 | After all, it was he who was chiefly humiliated | |
12 | 他把她羞辱得无地自容。 | He’s humiliated her beyond endurance. | |
13 | 他不是好欺侮的。 | He is not a man to be bullied and humiliated . | |
14 | 他感到莫大的屈辱。 | He felt utterly humiliated . | |
15 | 他觉得很奇怪,很耻辱,很颓丧。 | He felt very strange, very humiliated , very downcast | |
16 | 他受了侮辱,感到他所有的自尊、自信如同烈日下的湿气一样消逝了。它们的突然消逝使他感到寒冷刺骨。 | He was humiliated . He felt all his self-esteem and all the confidence evaporate like moisture under a blazing sun. The sudden evaporation chilled him to the marrow. | |
17 | 他听到她那些嘲讽的话而感到屈辱. | He felt humiliated by her scornful remarks. | |
18 | 他听到她最后的一番话感到深受凌辱. | He felt completely crushed(ie humiliated )by her last remark. | |
19 | 他听到她最後的一番话感到深受凌辱 | He felt completely crushed (ie humiliated )by her last remark | |
20 | 我觉得很尴尬。我丈夫丹尼斯感到丢尽了脸。连我们6岁的孩子都说:“那老人怎么那么大嗓门?” | I was embarrassed. My husband, Dennis, was humiliated . Even our six-year-old said, "Why is that old man talking so loud?" | |
21 | 我们今晚聚集在这里,是要向长久以来不公平地对待我们的人说:我们不能再忍受了--不能忍受受到隔离和屈辱,不能忍受被压迫者残暴的脚踢来踢去。 | We are here this evening to say to those who have mistreated us so long that we are tired of being segregated and humiliated ;tired of being kicked about by the brutal feet of oppression | |
22 | 鸦片战争以来的一个多世纪里,外国人看不起中国人,侮辱中国人。 | For more than a century after the Opium War, the Chinese people were looked down upon and humiliated by foreigners. | |
23 | 异端分子、社会公敌永远在那里,可以一而再再而三地打败他们,羞辱他们。 | The heretic, the enemy of society, will always be there, so that he can be defeated and humiliated over again | |
24 | 在那场比赛中,马拉多纳羞辱了英格兰,不是靠上帝之恩赐,而是靠第二个进球,靠令人眼花缭乱地绕过半数的队员,使英格兰的后卫芬威克斯和布切尔看上去像毫无球艺的饭桶。 | He humiliated England in that game, not with the Hand of God, but with the second goal, the dazzling run past half of the team that made the Fenwicks and butchers of the English defense look like the artless shit kickers they were | |
25 | 这些男孩在客人面前举止不规使父母亲丢了脸。 | The boys humiliated their parents by behaving badly in front of the guests | |
26 | 真正的实质问题是不平等,中国人感到受屈辱。 | The basic problem was that the Chinese were not treated as equals and felt humiliated . | |
27 | ||1:她说,更让人担心的是这项立法暗中给侵犯同志的行为亮了绿灯。||2:现在有一种下流的新趋势,人们把同志骗到集会然后将他们被义务警员羞辱的视频上传到网上。||3:警察对待同志权利反抗者的态度十分严酷。||4:另一名活动推广人伊戈尔表示“幻灭和绝望”笼罩了整个俄罗斯同志圈;民调发现感到烦恼和压力的人相比去年翻了一番,达到50%。 | ||1:Even more worrying, she says, the law has implicitly given a “green light to aggression”.||2:A nasty new trend is the posting of videos online showing gay men tricked into meetings where they are humiliated by vigilantes.||3:Police treatment of gay-rights protesters has been harsh.||4:Igor Kochetkov, another campaigner, notices “disillusionment and depression” among Russia’s gays; a poll finds that the number who experienced harassment or pressure doubled in the past year to 50%. | |
28 | ||1:那他到底获得了什么成果呢?在他的议员会议室里进行的一次采访里,黑格毫不犹豫地将1995年他推动通过的一项禁止歧视残疾人的法律视为他最值得骄傲的立法成就。||2:他作为政党领导的魅力(“我不后悔扛上领导的担子,或者将它卸下来,总有人要做这件事”)更难笼络人心。||3:在试图创造一个更为温和的保守主义(仍令人难以捉摸)后,黑格又回到了欧洲怀疑主义,在2001年的选举中颜面全失随后辞职。||4:他仍留任议员实属勇气之举,他用言辞闪闪发光的演讲和对继任者不可动摇的忠诚来修饰了这一行为。||5:2005年掌权的大卫·卡梅伦称其为托利党非名义上的实际代理领导。 | ||1:So what did he achieve? In an interview in his parliamentary office, Mr Hague names, without hesitation, a law he got passed in 1995 to outlaw discrimination against the disabled as his proudest legislative achievement.||2:His spell as party leader (“I don’t regret taking the leadership on, or giving it up; somebody had to do it”) is harder to enthuse about.||3:After a stab at forging a kinder Conservatism—which remains elusive—he fell back on Euroscepticism, was humiliated in the 2001 election and resigned.||4:That he remained an MP was an act of courage, which he burnished with dazzling speeches and unshakable loyalty to his successors.||5:David Cameron, who took the helm in 2005, called him the Tories’ deputy leader in all but name. | |
29 | ||1:镇压不仅用在抗议者身上,还用在高官们身上。||2:在过去的2012年,俄罗斯有800多个案子涉及到地方官员、议员和市长们。||3:迄今为止,最大的受害者就是前国防部长谢尔久科夫,他是因一桩采购丑闻而落马。||4:他被解了职,还在国家电视台上出了洋相,不过没有被关押和指控。||5:他会不会被送到法官面前取决于普京的清洗行动会走多远。 | ||1:Repression is used against protesters but also on junior officials.||2:In the past year over 800 cases have been opened into local officials, councillors and mayors.||3:The highest-profile casualty so far was Anatoly Serdyukov, an ex-defence minister implicated in a procurement scandal.||4:He was fired and humiliated on state television, but not arrested or charged.||5:Whether he is now brought before the judges will show just how far Mr Putin’s purges go. | |
30 | 当大部分英国人想要在移民政策上添加种族色彩的条款时,托利党的一位议员认为这样的条款让人无地自容,议会里不应该有这样的规定,为此他洒泪党内会议。 | At a time when most Britons wanted to impose a “colour bar” on immigration, the one Tory MP who suggested such a restriction in Parliament was humiliated and reduced to tears at a party meeting. |