属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 美朝关系缓和 法国高温致学校停课 英外交大臣
1 | ||土耳其总统埃尔多安遭到选民羞辱,因为他试图逆转其所在政党在伊斯坦布尔市长选举中失利的形势,结果事与愿违,令人震惊。||在他的要求下,选举委员会下令重新选举,但本周,反对派挑战者埃克莱姆·伊玛莫格鲁(Ekrem Imamoglu)以54%对45%的优势胜出,远远超过其3月份获得的票数。 | ||Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was humiliated by voters, as his attempt to reverse the mayoral election in Istanbul, which his party had lost, backfired spectacularly.|| At his behest, the electoral board ordered a re-run, but this week the opposition challenger, Ekrem Imamoglu, won by a much larger margin than in March: 54% to 45%. | |
2 | “你们知道将一个人钉在十字架上污辱是什么滋味吗?”赵问道。 | "Do you know what it feels like to be humiliated and impaled upon the cross? " Cho said. | |
3 | 1876年,第二次听证会推翻了早先精神错乱的诊断结果,结束了出行限制,但使其受到公众羞辱。 | A second hearing in 1876 reversed the earlier finding of insanity and ended her confinement but left her publicly humiliated . | |
4 | 阿鲁达自此频繁出现在电视上,并表示经过那次羞辱事件后,正在努力让自己的生活重回正轨。 | Arruda has since appeared frequently on television, saying she is struggling to return to normal life after being humiliated . | |
5 | 巴基斯坦同样对基地组织领导人再次被杀而感到丢脸。 | Pakistan felt humiliated too by the way the al-Qaeda leader was killed. | |
6 | 饱受羞辱的觊觎王位者在南方的布尔日统治一个残余的王国。 | A humiliated French pretender governed a rump kingdom from Bourges in the south. | |
7 | 不管是哪个,人们都知道将指责的矛头指向颜面扫地的军方。 | Either way, they know to blame the humiliated men in uniform. | |
8 | 布莱尔的一个朋友说:“布莱尔不会让自己陷入像伏思达那样大失面子的境地。” | "Tony will not put himself into a position where he is humiliated like Guy Verhofstadt, " one friend said. | |
9 | 持有者拒绝讨论盖茨的争论,但是他说当他被阻拦时,他感到羞辱并感气愤。 | Holder declined to discuss the Gates controversy, but he said when he was stopped, he felt humiliated and angry. | |
10 | 除非你愿意在高中的最后一年里公开地被人羞辱。 | Unless you want to spend your entire senior year being publicly humiliated . | |
11 | 但彼时,当(让中国人)不悦的事发生时,他们又说中国受辱了,中国还是世界政治的牺牲品。 | On the other hand, when unpleasant things happen they say China is being humiliated and still a victim of world politics. | |
12 | 但即使奥巴马现在肯定也意识到,面对唯一兴趣就是看着自己受到羞辱的对手,不存在任何妥协的空间。 | But surely even he now realises there is no middle ground with antagonists whose only interest is in seeing you humiliated . | |
13 | 但是,被简单取缔的共产党和克格勃感到了背叛和侮辱。 | And nearly 80% of Russians were positive about America. But the briefly outlawed Communist Party and the KGB felt betrayed and humiliated . | |
14 | 当教师对全班同学说我家里很穷时,我感到很丢脸。 | I felt humiliated when the teacher told the whole class that my family was poor. | |
15 | 当年那场战争首先由印度军队挑起,而后人民解放军在1962年从西藏进入横扫达旺,把屈辱留给了印度。 | They are nurtured first by the Indian army, humiliated in 1962 when the People’s Liberation Army swept into Tawang from next-door Tibet. | |
16 | 而且在叛军的虎斯(Hoth)基地,卢克还要被羞辱一番,因为他不能启用那力量,以阻止一群雪怪的进攻。 | And Luke would have been "humiliated " when he couldn’t use the Force to stop an attack by a bunch of ice monsters on the rebel’s Hoth base. | |
17 | 发生在本月的这次采访已经在美国文化历史中获得了一席之地。在采访中,斯图尔特先生让他的嘉宾当众出了洋相。 | The interview this month, in which Mr Stewart humiliated his guest, has earned a place in American cultural history. | |
18 | 法国军队因失掉阿尔萨斯-洛林地区遭到羞辱,接着又因巴黎公社起义受到动摇。 | The French army was humiliated by the loss of Alsace-Lorraine, then shaken by the Paris Commune uprising. | |
19 | 饭店里的每一个人都盯住了他,贾斯汀一脸疑惑浑身尴尬地溜回了我们的桌子。 | With everyone in the restaurant staring, Justin crept back to our table, puzzled and humiliated . | |
20 | 回答:原因很简单:许多人认为做演讲要冒着当众蒙羞的风险。 | A. The reason is simple: Many people think that to give a speech is to risk being humiliated in public. | |
21 | 记着,你是按照你的道德方式,因此你没有理由感到羞辱。 | Remember that you are acting as morally as you know how, and that you therefore have no reason to feel humiliated . | |
22 | 她的新作颂扬了成千上万“被时代蹂躏、羞辱和伤害”的人,讲述了因为内战,无数家庭妻离子散的故事。 | Her new book is a tribute to the tens of millions of people "who were trampled on, humiliated and hurt by the era. " | |
23 | 她是一个可爱的女人,我不希望看到她这样受到侮辱。 | She’s a lovely woman, and I don’t want to see her humiliated . | |
24 | 她说自己还在大街上看到年长的巴勒斯坦人被自己的部队侮辱,“当时,我觉得这些长者也可能是我的父母或者祖父母。” | She said that she also saw elderly Palestinians being humiliated on the streets, "and I thought these could be my parents or grandparents" . | |
25 | 她为她的孩子表现不好而感到羞辱。 | She was humiliated because her children behaved so badly. | |
26 | 今年3月,因在白宫会议期间缺乏例行的隆重仪式,使内塔尼亚胡先生蒙羞。 | In March of this year Mr Netanyahu was humiliated during a White House meeting devoid of the customary pomp. | |
27 | 看守所中的囚犯每天早上必须在警官面前列队经过,一个接一个,被审问,被掌掴,被羞辱。 | Prisoners at Gwanda are paraded every morning before the station’s officers and, one by one, interrogated and slapped, humiliated . | |
28 | 克雷蒂安驳斥了《新闻周刊》的报道。他说:“我从没有说过那种话。” | Chirelstein disputed the Newsweek story, saying, I never said anything like that, and that he was outraged and humiliated . | |
29 | 老师告诉全班同学我家很穷,我从来没有像这样感到丢脸。 | The teacher told the whole class that my family was poor; I’ve never felt so humiliated . | |
30 | 老师在全班同学面前批评他使他感到羞辱。 | He felt humiliated when the teacher scolded him in front of the whole class. |