属类:社会文化-人物-D. H. Lawrence
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国与伊斯兰国 再担重任
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-影讯猎杀本拉登 美国之夜
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-乌克兰危机 不是同一场电影
1 | 以崭新的面貌向全世界宣布旧中国积贫积弱、受尽屈辱、没有外交尊严的时代一去不复返了。 | The diplomacy of the People’s Republic got started with a Brand-new look, proclaiming to the whole world that the days were gone forever when a poor and weak China suffered all kinds of humiliation and had no dignity to speak of for its diplomacy | |
2 | 因为外国教会的存在与中国昔日的屈辱是联系在一起的。 | Because the presence of foreign missions is associated with China’s humiliation in the past. | |
3 | 在1967年他们蒙受了更大的耻辱。 | They were dealt an even worse humiliation in 1967. | |
4 | 在此之前,他在舞台上的演出只会使他蒙羞。 | Before this, his efforts onstage had only served to bring about his greatest humiliation | |
5 | 这个耻辱忘掉是难以做到的。 | It will be difficult to live down this humiliation . | |
6 | 这位警察厅侦探接受了福克先生的款待,心里好象是受到很大委屈似的。 | The detective had a feeling akin to humiliation in profiting by the kindness of Mr Fogg | |
7 | 这一耻辱是紧接他俩不久前同一伙官员偶然相遇之后而来的。1915年11月,如今被公认为劳伦斯最佳长篇小说之一的《虹》遭到查禁。 | This humiliation came on the heels of an earlier encounter with officialdom. In November, 1915, The Rainbow, now regarded as one of Lawrence’s best novels, was suppressed. | |
8 | 这一侮辱使我们极为气愤。 | Such humiliation filled us with indignation. | |
9 | 这种污辱使我感到极其愤慨。 | Such a humiliation filled me with indignation. | |
10 | 中国人民的一切奋斗,都是为了实现祖国的独立和民族的解放,彻底结束民族屈辱的历史。 | Every struggle that the Chinese people foughtwas for the sake of achieving independence of our country and liberation of our nation and putting an end to the history of national humiliation once and for all. | |
11 | 中国人民曾经长期遭受列强侵略、压迫和欺凌,永远不会把这种痛苦加之于人。 | The Chinese people, for a long time subjected to aggression, oppression and humiliation by foreign powers, will never inflict these sufferings upon others . | |
12 | 中国自鸦片战争以来的一个多世纪内,处于被侵略、受屈辱的状态 | For more than a century after the Opium War, China was subjected to aggression and humiliation . | |
13 | 中华民族自鸦片战争以来的一个多世纪,在世界上一直处于卑下地位,人家看不起中国人。 | For more than a century after the Opium War China was subjected to humiliation , and the Chinese people were looked down upon. | |
14 | ||1:但节目中表现的战友情谊与某些士兵经历的残酷现实截然相反。||2:近几月来,一些报道揭露了韩国军营中的殴打,羞辱,辱骂现象。||3:八月,一位士兵死亡的新闻浮出水面。||4:被控实施虐待(未透露死亡士兵的全名)的士兵是尹某的战友,他们自己也被军官虐待过。||5:据说他们让尹某吞牙膏,给他的下身擦上刺激性药品,强迫他舔光他们吐在地上的痰。||6:在殴打过后,他们利用静脉注射让他苏醒。||7:然后再次殴打。 | ||1:Yet the camaraderie of the show is in stark contrast to a more bruising reality for some conscripts.||2:In recent months reports have trickled out of South Korea’s barracks of beatings, humiliation and verbal abuse.||3:News of a young conscript’s death surfaced in August.||4:Yoon’s alleged abusers (his full name has not been divulged) were fellow conscripts who had themselves been abused by a sergeant.||5:They are said to have force-fed Yoon toothpaste, rubbed an irritant onto his genitals and made him lick their spit off the ground.||6:After beatings, they revived him with an intravenous drip.||7:Then they beat him again. | |
15 | ||1:鉴于美国受金融风暴和两次拖沓、艰苦的战争影响,近些年一直有质疑美国在走下坡路的论调。||2:对于一个连自己国家预算都摆不定的总统,中国这种财富新锐国家又有什么向其取经的必要呢?同时,美国似乎陷入了混乱力量的泥潭中,既不愿、也没有能力稳定这个逐渐失控的世界。||3:“伊斯兰国”的事件正说明了这一骇人趋势。||4:术语中“伊斯兰国”应属于一个非国家行为体,它就建立在一片混乱之上。||5:它不断给伊拉克政府和叙利亚政府抹上新的屈辱,由此聚敛财富、土地和兵力。 | ||1:The sense that America is locked in relative decline has been growing in recent years, as it has languished under the shadow of the financial crisis and two long, difficult wars.||2:Why should a newly rich country like China take lectures about how to run its affairs from a president who struggles even to get his own budget through? America, meanwhile, seems swamped by the forces of disorder, either unable or unwilling to steady a world that is spinning out of control.||3:IS embodies this frightening trend.||4:It is, in the jargon, a non-state actor, and it thrives on chaos.||5:With each new humiliation of the governments in Iraq and Syria, it has accumulated more wealth, territory and recruits. | |
16 | ||1:玛雅采用了CIA顾问丹的方法,在可怜的的阿尔玛身上获取情报去阻止一场沙特阿拉伯的宾馆袭击,她甚至取来水对犯人施以水刑。||2:丹处罚犯人比较宽容,在一简短的画面里,他通过羞辱和禁闭让他饱受虐待的犯人得以屈服说出情报,玛雅像往常一样出现。||3:尽管如此,后来袭击还是发生了,因为那个沙特阿拉伯人没有按照CIA的掌握的线索行事。 | ||1: Maya accepts the methods used by Dan, her CIA mentor, on the unfortunate Ammar to get information that could prevent an attack on a hotel in Saudi Arabia. She even fetches the water for the water-boarding. ||2: In the mercifully brief scene where Dan uses humiliation and confinement to break his battered captive, Maya’s presence is part of the routine. ||3: The attack happens anyway because the Saudis fail to act on the CIA’s tip. | |
17 | ||1:这个广泛的定义使得两位作者像脾气暴躁的老人一样对当代英国社会的很多方面进行了凌厉的批评。||2:有时,给人感觉好像每一件事情都是英国衰落的写照,包括在去年皇室婚礼上取消对叙利亚大使的邀请。||3:人类受精和胚胎局管理局以及税务海关总署日益膨胀的权力都是被严厉攻击的目标。||4:此外,来自中国的投资在英国被贬低为是国家耻辱而非信心的标志:“对刚果那种国家足够好的东西竟然对英国好。” | ||1: This broad definition allows the pair to be grumpy old men and indulge in some fierce complaining about various aspects of modern British society. ||2: At times, it seems as if almost everything is a sign of Britain’s decline, including the decision to revoke the Syrian ambassador’s invitation to last year’s royal wedding. ||3: The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority is the subject of a rant, as are the growing powers of Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs. ||4: Inward investment by China is not a sign of confidence in Britain, but instead dismissed as a token of national humiliation : “What was good enough for the Congo was good for the United Kingdom.” | |
18 | 对于普京来说,橙色革命时一种耻辱,因为他错误的认为这是由西方国家策划的。 | For Mr Putin the Orange revolution was a humiliation , which he wrongly believed had been orchestrated by the West; | |
19 | (被控醉酒后驾驶不得不出庭之耻辱); | the humiliation of having to appear in court on a drunken-driving charge | |
20 | (以收受救济金为耻的那些人); | those who regard receiving relief cheques as a humiliation | |
21 | [9]当公众鄙夷经济学家的时候,其他学科颇有些幸灾乐祸。 | [9] Other academic disciplines have looked rather smugly at the public humiliation of their colleagues in economics. | |
22 | “黛米非常爱艾什顿,就像她恨被公开羞辱那样,”一个知情人告诉记者,“这段婚姻亮起红灯了。” | "Demi loves Ashton as much as she hates public humiliation , " a source close to the couple told us. "The marriage isn’t good right now. " | |
23 | “在耻辱和正常的自我批评之间,每个国家都会面临这种平衡的问题,他们需要从中找到一条属于自己的道路”。 | "All nations have this problem of balance and need to find their own path between humiliation and normal self-criticism, " she says. | |
24 | 1840年鸦片战争以后的100多年里,中国受尽了列强的欺辱。 | During the 100-odd years following the Opium War in 1840, China suffered humiliation and insult from big powers. | |
25 | 33他卑微的时候,人不按公义审判他。 | 8: 33 In his humiliation justice was denied him. | |
26 | 50年前在一场短暂的战争中受到的中国的羞辱仍然让人耿耿于怀。 | Its humiliation at Chinese hands in a brief war nearly 50 years ago still rankles. | |
27 | 被囚禁的滋味是难以忍受的:他在这里经受着羞辱,一种哑巴牲口永远感觉不到的羞辱。 | The imprisonment is unbearable: he experiences the humiliation that a mere dumb animal would never feel. | |
28 | 本身的耻感情绪,预期社会的异样眼光:刻意隐瞒疾病; | humiliation and an expectation of discrimination within society: intentionally hiding their illness; | |
29 | 并且对以色列来说,从战争中一无所获是奇耻大辱。 | And for Israel to gain nothing from its fight would be an abject humiliation . | |
30 | 不过他们应该允许穆沙拉夫带着全部可以挽留的尊严体面的卸任,因为辞职本身就已经足够耻辱了。 | But they should allow him to leave with as much dignity as he can salvage. Resignation would be humiliation enough. |