属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-听起来很美 Sounds wonderful
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-动物的认知 人类的挚友
1 | 他一边走,一边哼着曲子。 | He was humming a tune as he walked along. | |
2 | 他早早起了床,嘴里哼着歌把所有人都吵醒了。 | He rose early and wakened everyone with his humming . | |
3 | 他自己在哼唱着一支歌。 | He was humming a song to himself | |
4 | 太阳打喷嚏打出了蜂雀。 | The sun has sneezed out the humming bird | |
5 | 托马斯懒洋洋地坐在椅子里,不成调地哼着曲子,用叉乱敲着杯子,那节奏听了使人心烦。 | Thomas sat slumped in his chair, humming tunelessly and tapping an annoying rhythm on his glass with his fork | |
6 | 嗡嗡的声音和苍白的灯光造成了一种昏晕的感觉,使他的脑袋感到空空如也。 | The humming sound and the unvarying white light induced a sort of faintness, an empty feeling inside his head | |
7 | 我的耳朵嗡嗡作响 | My ears are humming . | |
8 | 我们到达时,到处是繁忙的景象. | The whole place was humming (with life)when we arrived. | |
9 | 我们到达时,整个地方都充满生气。 | The whole place was humming when we arrived. | |
10 | 我忍不住常哼那支难听的果冻广告歌。 | I can’t stop humming that awful jelly jingle | |
11 | 我听见昆虫在嗡嗡叫。 | I hear the insects humming . | |
12 | 我以前曾和父亲一块来过这里,对朋的一切都很熟悉。甚至在看见可口可乐机之前就听到了其马达发出的嗡嗡声。 | I had been inside the garage before with my father. My surroundings were familiar. I heardtheCo-ca-Cola machine motor humming even before I saw it. | |
13 | 我有耳鸣。 | I have got a humming . | |
14 | 我有耳鸣。 | I’ve got a humming . | |
15 | 我转身走进大厅,嘴里哼着一支小调,以此来给自己壮胆。 | I turned a way into the hall again, humming a little tune, to give me an air of confidence | |
16 | 无论在放牧耕地,或是节日游乐,他们总要哼唱几句。 | No matter whether they were herding their flocks or cultivating the land, or celebrating a festival, they would always be humming snatches of these songs. | |
17 | 一个使用歌谱信息进行哼唱检索的系统 | A Query by Humming System Based on Score | |
18 | 隐蔽的灯使得屋子里有一阵凉意,屋于里有一阵轻轻的嗡嗡声不断,他想大概同空气传送设备有关系。 | Concealed lamps flooded it with cold light, and there was a low, steady humming sound which he supposed had something to do with the air supply | |
19 | 有话痛痛快快说出来,不要吞吞吐吐的。 | Don’t stand humming and hawing,but speak out. | |
20 | 在他人面前不要独自哼唱,也不要用手指或脚叩击。--华盛顿 | In the presence of others sing not to yourself with a humming voice, nor drum with your fingers or feet.--G. Washington | |
21 | 这时,卡康脱女人已生起了壁炉里的火,以便客人把湿衣服烤干,那珠宝商一边背向着火取暖,一边哼着小曲。 | The jeweller, meanwhile, was humming a song as he stood warming his back at the fire La Carconte had kindled to dry the wet garments of her guest | |
22 | 这一切都应归功于电力来到这一地区,随之而来的还有雷达和电子学协会嗡嗡作响的电话线。 | And all this happened because electricity came to our area along the humming wires of the REA | |
23 | 这种小蜂鸟是大自然的杰作。大自然把其他鸟类只能分有其中的一部分的种种天赋全部慷慨地给了它。 | Her masterpiece is this little humming -bird, and upon it she has heaped all the gifts which the other birds may only share. | |
24 | 这种小蜂鸟是大自然的杰作。大自然把其他鸟类只能分有其中一部分的种种天赋全部慷慨地给了它。 | Her masterpiece. is this little humming -bird, and upon it she has heaped all the gifts which the other birds may only share | |
25 | ||1:Ball先生曾通过依次检查音乐的每个成分来解释其运作机理,他从大量不同种类的音乐中抽取实例,从巴赫到披头士,从童谣到爵士乐。||2:如果你能领悟音乐,你会发现自己通过大声哼唱来理解其中的含义。||3:如果不能领悟,或许你会偶尔迷失在专业术语中。||4:但是在事情变得简化之前,Ball先生以简单语言表达复杂实事的作用可以来救救场。 | ||1:Mr Ball goes through each component of music in turn to explain how and why it works, using plentiful examples drawn from a refreshingly wide range of different kinds of music, from Bach to the Beatles, and from nursery rhymes to jazz.||2:If you can read music, you will find yourself humming aloud to see what he means.||3:If you can’t, you might occasionally get lost among the technicalities.||4:But before things get too rarefied, Mr Ball’s facility for conveying complex facts in simple language comes to the rescue. | |
26 | ||1:这项协议可能也反映了清晰频道方面的担忧。||2:2008年,它在广告市场崩溃前举债收购,这使之负债沉重。||3:几年内它尚有足够的资金周转,但2016年有一笔121亿美元的债务到期。||4:该公司或将需要延期偿债。||5: 惠誉评级公司(Fitch)的梅利莎·林克(Melissa Link)说:"钱他们肯定还不了,他们需要发展。" | ||1: The deal may also reflect anxiety on Clear Channel’s part. ||2: Its leveraged buy-out in 2008, just before the ad market collapsed, has left it heavily in hock. ||3: It has enough cash to keep things humming for a few years, but in 2016 debts of $12.1 billion fall due. ||4: The company will probably need a maturity extension. ||5: "There’s no way to pay that," says Melissa Link of Fitch, a ratings agency. "They need growth." | |
27 | 几年内它尚有足够的资金周转,但2016年有一笔121亿美元的债务到期。 | It has enough cash to keep things humming for a few years, but in 2016 debts of $12.1 billion fall due. | |
28 | 科斯坦斯博士与梅耶女士猜想如果狗看到人类哭泣会感到悲伤的话,无论是其主人还是陌生人,狗都会去主人那里寻求安慰。他们还建立了一个理论,如果使狗接近人类的是它们好奇心而非感情上的共鸣,那么哼唱小曲同样会使狗跟人类进行互动。 | Dr Custance and Ms Mayer suspected that if exposure to crying led dogs to feel distress, then regardless of who was crying, the dog would go to their master to seek comfort. They also theorised that if curiosity, rather than empathy, was the driving force, then the humming would cause dogs to engage with people. | |
29 | 他们还建立了一个理论,如果使狗接近人类的是它们好奇心而非感情上的共鸣,那么哼唱小曲同样会使狗跟人类进行互动。 | They also theorised that if curiosity, rather than empathy, was the driving force, then the humming would cause dogs to engage with people. | |
30 | (哼哼歌)(对小胖子)“如果你在里面卡住了,孩子…” | (humming ) (to Manche) If you get stuck in one of them pipes boy. |