1 | 甘醇一词,通常表示这种化合物中最简单的乙二醇(亦称1,2-乙二醇)。丙二醇(亦称1,2-丙二醇)和乙二醇类似但前者无毒,广泛用于食品、化妆品和口腔卫生品中作溶剂、防腐剂和保湿剂。 | The term is often used for the simplest of the class, ethylene glycol (1,2-ethanediol). Propylene glycol (1,2-propanediol), much like ethylene glycol but not toxic, is used extensively in foods, cosmetics, and oral hygiene products as a solvent, preservative, and moisture-retaining agent. | |
2 | 根据世界卫生组织的《国际卫生条例》,《中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法》(以下简称《国境卫生检疫法》)及其实施细则、《食品卫生法》以及国家其他的卫生法律法规和卫生标准 | in accordance with the "International Health Regulations" issued by WHO, the "Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the People’s Republic of China"-and its specific rules, the "Law of the People’s Republic of China on Food Hygiene " as well as other laws. | |
3 | 工商行政管理人员和食品卫生监督员应当遵纪守法,秉公办事。对玩忽职守、徇私舞弊、滥用职权的,由其所在单位或者上级主管部门给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 | The industrial and commercial administrative personnel and the food hygiene supervisors shall observe discipline, abide by laws and act with justice. Those who have neglected their duties, act wrongly for selfish ends and abuse their powers shall face administrative punishment imposed by their work units or the higher authorities. Those whose act constitutes a crime shall be prosecuted for their criminal liability. | |
4 | 工作环境保健;个人保健 | hygiene in the workplace;personal hygiene. | |
5 | 公共卫生方面的严重问题与该城低效率的污水处理系统有关。 | The grave problems of public hygiene are connected with the inefficient sewage system of the city. | |
6 | 国际卫生、预防医学与社会医学联合会 | International Federation for Hygiene , Preventive and Social Medicine | |
7 | 和本地区别的企业不同的是,本公司的饮料由生产入瓶至封盖都是自动化生产,如此除了可以令饮料的质量得到保证外,更重要的是还能够得到卫生保障。 | Unlike our rivals, our manufacturing division is fully automated from the actual production of the syrup to bottling and capping. This ensures that our production maintains a high standard, especially its hygiene , to which much importance is attached. | |
8 | 环境保护、食品卫生、劳动保护等法律、行政法规、规章以及其他的国家技术规范的强制性要求。 | Environmental protection, food hygiene , labor protection, etc. as well as the compulsory requirements of other technical norms of the state. | |
9 | 环境不卫生、拥挤、潮湿和天气太热可能助长这种皮肤病的散播。 | Poor hygiene , crowding, and humid, hot weather may promote its spread. | |
10 | 火力发电厂劳动安全和工业卫生设计规程 | Specification for design of labour safety and industrial hygiene for fossil fuel power plants | |
11 | 或者经到货检验不符合我国有关安全、卫生、环境保护等国家技术规范的强制性要求的 | Or fail to meet the compulsory requirements of the technical norms of the state concerning safety, hygiene , environmental protection, etc. during the arrival inspections. | |
12 | 集市举办者应当配备食品卫生检查人员,负责集市中有关证照的查验和上市食品的一般卫生检查以及食品生产经营者个人卫生的管理工作。 | The market organizers shall assign food hygiene inspectors to take charge of checking the relevant licenses and permits on the fairs, carrying out general hygiene inspections on the food sold on the fairs and supervising the personal health of the food producers and traders. | |
13 | 检查货物卫生状况;检测货物在运行状态下的噪声、粉尘含量、辐射以及排放物是否符合标准。 | Checking the hygiene conditions of the goods;examining whether the noise, dust content, radiation and emission of the goods in operation meet the requirements. | |
14 | 检验检疫机构对涉及安全、卫生、环境保护的进口旧机电产品实施装运前预检验和到货检验 | The inspection and quarantine administrations conduct both pre-inspections and arrival inspections for the import of used mechanical and electrical products involving the items of safety, hygiene and environmental protection. | |
15 | 检验检疫机构应当加强对进口旧机电产品销售、使用过程中安全、卫生和环境保护项目的监测 | The inspection and quarantine administrations should strengthen the monitoring over the items of safety, hygiene and environmental protection during the sales and use of the used mechanical and electric products imported | |
16 | 进口旧机电产品是否符合我国有关安全、卫生、环境保护等国家技术规范的强制性要求。 | Checking whether the used mechanical and electrical products to be imported meet the compulsory requirements of the technical norms of the state concerning safety, hygiene , environmental protection, etc. | |
17 | 进口旧机电产品在使用过程中造成严重安全、卫生和环保事故的 | In case any serious accident involving safety, hygiene or environment is caused during the use of the used mechanical and electric products imported | |
18 | 进行食品卫生监测、检验和技术指导;协助培训食品生产经营人员,监督食品生产经营人员的健康检查;宣传食品卫生、营养知识,进行食品卫生评价,公布食品卫生情况;对食物中毒和食品污染事故进行调查,并采取控制措施;对违反本规定的行为依法进行处罚。 | to conduct food hygiene monitoring, inspection and technical guidance, assist in the training of food producers and traders, supervise the health check of the food producers and traders, publicize the knowledge of food hygiene and nutrition, carry out food hygiene evaluation, publish information about food hygiene, investigate the accidents of food poisoning and food contamination and take control measures, and punish the act of violating the present Provisions according to law. | |
19 | 军事施工卫生;军事施工卫生 | hygiene of military construction | |
20 | 抗菌法的原则被应用于公共卫生。 | The principles of antisepsis were carried over into the public hygiene | |
21 | 联合利华的使命是给生命增添活力。我们向客户提供名牌营养、卫生和个人护理用品,满足人们的日常需要,以此帮助人们获得更多快乐,变得更加漂亮和得到更多享受。 | """Unilever’s mission is to add vitality to life. We meet everyday needs for nutrition, hygiene , and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of life.""" | |
22 | 联合利华在理解营养、卫生和个人护理之间的关系方面有得天独厚的优势。 | Unilever is in a unique position to understand the interrelationships between nutrition, hygiene and personal care. | |
23 | 明确对进口旧机电产品的安全、卫生、环境保护等项目的初步评价意见。 | Which specifies the preliminary assessment opinions on such items as safety, hygiene and environmental protection of the used mechanical and electrical products to be imported. | |
24 | 帕拉卡特迪尔说:"主要差距表现在生活的舒适度、卫生状况和个人安全方面,这些往往是发展中国家所欠缺的,而(发展中国家)经济的不发达和政治的不稳定则将差距进一步拉大"。 | "The basic comforts of life, hygiene and personal safety are the main differentiators, and these are often lacking in developing countries and the gap is magnified by economic and political instability," he said | |
25 | 情节严重的,吊销《食品卫生许可证》。 | If the case is serious, his/her Food Hygiene License shall be revoked. | |
26 | 请勿在本店吸烟以利健康. | In the interests of hygiene ,please do not smoke in this shop. | |
27 | 让孩子们养成讲卫生的好习惯不容易。 | It’s not easy to get the children into the good habit of paying attentions to hygiene | |
28 | 人们应经常洗澡以保证个人卫生。 | People should wash regularly to ensure personal hygiene . | |
29 | 若不注意牙齿卫生,就会有菌斑黏附牙龈线下的牙齿,从而刺激并侵蚀邻近的组织。 | Poor dental hygiene leads to deposition of bacterial plaque on the teeth below the gum line, irritating and eroding nearby tissues. | |
30 | 上海市城乡集市贸易食品卫生管理规定(修正) | Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on the Control of Hygiene of the Food Sold on Urban and Rural Fairs |