1 | (做事)走捷径,图省事(常为忽视规则、粗心大意等) | Do sth in the easiest and quickest way,often by ignoring rules,being careless,etc | |
2 | “漠视生命现象”背后的哲学思考 | Philosophical Thinking on Phenomenon of Ignoring Life | |
3 | 1999年,以美国为首的北约置国际法准则于不顾,打着"避免人道主义灾难"的旗号,绕过联合国安理会,对主权国家南联盟进行了长达78天的狂轰滥炸 | In 1999, ignoring the international norms and bypassing the UN Security Council, the US-led NATO forces launched 78 days of wanton and indiscriminate air strikes against the sovereign state of Yugoslavia | |
4 | 阿丑哭肿了眼,人也不理。 | His eyes puffy from crying, Ah Ch’ou stood by ignoring everyone | |
5 | 巴比特开着汽车,犯险地超过卡车,也不理会卡车司机的臭骂。 | Babbitt drove, sliding viciously past trucks, ignoring the truckmen’s curses | |
6 | 不顾队列中的孩子们捂着嘴暗笑,鲍勃和他的弟妹们一声不吭地站着。 | Ignoring muffled sniggers from the lined-up children, Bob and his brothers stood perfectly still | |
7 | 不过,忽视这些内在关系并不能使它们消失。人们可以想到,掌握了这些复杂关系的公司在市场上有一个很强的竞争优势。 | Nevertheless, ignoring these interrelationships does not make them go away. and one can expect that firms that .do master these complexities will have a strong competitive edge in the marketplace. | |
8 | 不理睬对方的嘲笑. | Ignoring the taunts of the opposition | |
9 | 但我是在事隔十年之后才惊觉我真的忽略了我的华人文化传统。 | It took another 10 years for me to awaken to the realization that I was missing a fair bit by ignoring my Chinese heritage. | |
10 | 地主们完全无视法律,且不受惩罚。 | Landlords were simply ignoring the law,and with impunity. | |
11 | 第五十二条 公安消防机构的工作人员在消防工作中滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊,有下列行为之一,给国家和人民利益造成损失,尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分: | Article 52 The working staff of public security fire control institutions, in case of abusing their authority, ignoring their duty and playing favoritism and committing irregularities, and having one of the following conducts, causing loss to the benefit of the state and people, but having not constituted a criminal charge, shall be given administrative sanction in accordance with law: | |
12 | 对流换热实验中忽略壁面轴向导热的误差分析 | Error Analysis with Ignoring Wall Axis Heat Conduction in Convective Heat Transfer Experiments | |
13 | 公司因为忽略了小股东的利益而违背了它的责任;公司选择为了自己的利益而损害了大多数人的利益,结果造成经济低效率和资源浪费。 | The company violates its duties by ignoring the rights of minority stockholders; the company acts to benefit itself while ignoring the good of the greatest number, resulting in economic inefficiency and idleness. | |
14 | 汉克不理睬工作人员让他离开的命令,而是问她能否更近些看看这条狗。工作人员的态度完全变了,严厉的神情消失了。她不得不这样,只是为这份她瞧不起的工作尽些责。 | Ignoring the attendant’s order to leave, Hank asked if he could see the dog closer. Her demeanor changed completely and her sternness melted away. She had forced herself to be this way so she could do the part of her job she despised. | |
15 | 忽视“不重要的客户”,如农民、妇女和少数民族,使企业无法开发新的资源,开辟新的市场。 | Ignoring ″unimportant clients″, such as farmers, women, and minorities, allows resources to remain untapped and new markets to remain unexplored. | |
16 | 她从我身旁翩然走过,全然不理会我. | She sailed past(me),ignoring me completely. | |
17 | 她神气活现地从我们跟前走过,我们打招呼她都不理. | She strutted past us,ignoring our greeting. | |
18 | 控制街道交通很清楚的是政府维护必要秩序责任的题例,任何人以不遵守众所周知之红绿灯之交通规则作为社会抗议的手段则是不合理的 | The control of travel on the streets is a clear example of governmental responsibility to insure this necessary order One would not be justified in ignoring the familiar red light because this was thought to be a means of social protest. | |
19 | 每个国家,包括我们自己的国家,都有自身独特的、长期形成的习惯。这些文化可能看起来有点奇怪、琐碎,甚至有点滑稽可笑。但是忽视这些文化,无论是有益的还是无意的,都可能导致非常难堪的局面并丢掉生意。 | Every country, including ours, has its special time-honored customs. They may seem peculiar, trivial, even downright humorous. But ignoring them-willfully or innocently-can result in deep embarrassment and lost business. | |
20 | 某些画家,沿袭传统的画法,只重视笔墨的趣味,忽视人体造型,多有陈旧之感 | Some modern Chinese painters inherited traditional Chinese painting styles by paying too much attention to brush stroke techniques and ignoring accurate body shape | |
21 | 你可能还记得我从富爸爸那里学到的第一课,那时我只是一个9岁的孩子,必须乖乖地坐着等他决定什么时候与我谈话,我坐在他的办公室里等他叫我,可他却故意忽视我。 | "You may remember the first lesson I learned from my rich dad. I was a little boy of 9 who had to sit and wait for him to choose to talk to me. I often sat in his office waiting for him to ""get to me."" He was ignoring me on purpose. " | |
22 | 你没理会那些坏主意,做得聪明 | You acted (ie behaved)wisely by/in ignoring such bad advice | |
23 | 你一直不把我放在眼里. | You’ve been ignoring me. | |
24 | 实物期权价值忽视与国有资产流失-我国现行矿业权价值评估方法评述 | Ignoring Value of Real Option and Loss of State-Owned Property-Examination of the Current Methods for Mineral-Mining Right Valuation in China | |
25 | 使人惊愕的是那只毛茸茸的猫居然卧在那架乐器上熟睡,完全忽视周围的一切,似乎这是某个静谧的花园,而不是一个不稳定的栖木,随乐者手臂的每次倾斜而摇晃。 | amazingly, a furry cat is fast asleep on top of the music machine, ignoring everything around it as if this was some peaceful garden rather than a precarious perch that shakes with every turn of its owner’s arm | |
26 | 谁知他一概不取,伸手只把些脂粉钗环抓来. | Believe it or not, ignoring everything else he reached out for the rouge, powder-boxes, hair ornaments and bangles! | |
27 | 他不顾古代法律中禁止罗马军队越过卢比孔河的规定,率军越过界河,并且没有受到丝毫抵抗就进入了罗马。 | Ignoring an ancient law that forbade Roman armies to approach nearer the cit9 than the river rubicon (in northern Italy)he moved his armies across the river and entered Rome without opposition | |
28 | 他们不理会版权,从而骗得作者的版税。 | They defrauded an author of his royalties y ignoring copyright | |
29 | 他们继续开心地聊天,将等着购物的顾客们置于一边。 | They blithely carried on chatting, ignoring the customers who were waiting to be served. | |
30 | 他跑得满头大汗,一来就赶着辛楣叫“李先生”、“李所长”,撇下李梅亭不理,还问辛楣是否也当“报馆”主笔。 | His face perspiring from running, the stationmaster rushed right up to Hsin-mei and addressed him as "Mr. Li" and "Dean Li," completely ignoring the presence of Li Mei-t’ing and even asking Hsin-mei if he weren’t also a newspaper editor |