属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 5031-10-2000
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 5031-1-1982
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属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 5031-9-1982
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 5031-3-1982
1 | 1881年纽约的爱迪生电力照明公司开创了集中电站发电之先河。 | Edison Electric Illuminating Company of New York pioneered the central station power generation in 1881. | |
2 | Reichman教授采用一个不同的、同样有启发的视角,即国际视角。 | Professor Reichman takes a different but equally illuminating perspective, the international perspective. | |
3 | 玻璃数字片(不包括经过加工的玻璃、镜子以及信号传输和照明玻璃器皿) | glass number (excl. of worked glass,mirrors,and signaling and illuminating glassware) | |
4 | 道教研究、中国宗教与中古历史的学者需要一读此书;对于比较宗教学,以及一般的宗教研究的专家,乃至对于修道生活之课题感兴趣的公众,此书亦富有启示。 | It will be required reading for scholars of Daoist studies and Chinese religion and medieval history and illuminating to experts in comparative religion and religious studies in general as well as to the wider public interested in questions of monastic life. | |
5 | 光辐射物理学和照明技术.第10部分:光生物学上的有效辐射、量、公式符号和作用 | Optical radiation physics and illuminating engineering-Part 10: Photobiologically effective radiation, quantities, symbols and actions | |
6 | 光学范围内的辐射物理学和照明技术.量.公式符号辐射物理单位 | Optical radiation physics and illuminating engineering; quantities, symbols and units of radiation physics | |
7 | 光学范围内的辐射物理学及照明技术.辐射物理学的概念和常数 | Physics of radiation in the field of optics and illuminating engineering; definitions and constants of radiation physics | |
8 | 光学范围内的辐射物理学及照明技术.温度概念 | Physics of radiation in the field of optics and illuminating engineering; definitions for temperatures | |
9 | 光学范围内的辐射物理学及照明技术.效率 | Physics of radiation in the field of optics and illuminating engineering; efficiencies | |
10 | 光学范围内的辐射物理学及照明技术.以瞳孔光强作为网膜照度的量度 | Physics of radiation in the field of optics and illuminating engineering; pupil intensity as a measure of retinal illumination | |
11 | 光学范围内的辐射物理学及照明技术.用接收器评定辐射 | Optical radiation physics and illuminating engineering; evaluation of radiation by different detectors | |
12 | 光学范围内的辐射物理学及照明技术.有关发光的概念 | Physics of radiation in the field of optics and illuminating engineering; definitions in the field of luminescence | |
13 | 光学范围内的辐射物理学及照明技术.照明技术的量.符号及单位 | Optical radiation physics and illuminating engineering; quantities, symbols and units of illuminating engineering | |
14 | 很有启发的分析、谈话等. | An illuminating analysis,talk,etc | |
15 | 她看到了自己少女时代的光彩动人的美貌,把她惯于映照的那面昏暗的镜子的整个镜心都照亮了。 | She saw her own face, glowing with girlish beauty, and illuminating all the interior of the dusky mirror in which she had been wont to gaze at it. | |
16 | 警示器包括太阳能电池,蓄电池,以及在环境低照度和晚间用以发光元件选控的电路器件。 | The warning marker includes solar cells, storage batteries and electrical circuit apparatus for selectively illuminating the light elements during low ambient light and nighttime conditions. | |
17 | 老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途,对您我满怀感谢之情。 | Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart. | |
18 | 老师给我们上了一堂有启发性的一课。 | The teacher gave us an illuminating lecture. | |
19 | 美国爱迪生照明协会 | AEIC (= Association of Edison Illuminating Co., U.S.A.) | |
20 | 配光与照明对织物疵点信号特征值的影响 | Effect of Illuminating Source and Illumination on the Signal Features of Fabric Defects | |
21 | 日本人观察事物的方式对于阐明引起西方人混乱的情况是有指导意义的。 | The Japanese way of looking at things is instructive in illuminating situations which confound Westerners | |
22 | 他们正从修道院的封闭圈内为专门登载色彩鲜明的图表和鼓舞人心的乐曲的开始页面提供着对精神世界的窥探、宗教历史和入教指南等内容。 | From the confines of cloisters, they are offering spiritual insight, religious history and vocational guidance on home pages featuring "illuminating graphics" and inspirational music | |
23 | 它看起来好像预见到了您的一举一动,并有条不紊地照亮不同的区域。 | It seems to anticipate your movements and discreetly guide you by illuminating various areas in sequence | |
24 | 探照灯发出强光,照亮监狱场地。 | The searchlights glared, illuminating the prison yard. | |
25 | 突然,一缕落日的余辉,象一柄巨大的火剑,劈开了这儿的阴森森地狱般的黑暗,落在了我们趴着的这块岩石上,以一种奇异的光辉照亮了阿霞美丽的身影。 | Suddenly, like a great sword of flame, a beam from the setting sun pierced the stygian gloom, and smote upon setting the point of rock whereon we lay, illuminating Ayesha’s lovely form with an unearthly splendour | |
26 | 想象不是空穴来风,不能脱离实际情况的一种方式。--英国哲学家、数学家怀特海 | Imagination is not to be divorced from the facts: it is a way of illuminating the facts.--Alfred North Whitehead, British Philosopher and mathematician | |
27 | 压铸或模制玻璃器皿,用于室内装饰(不包括照明玻璃器皿和玻璃珠)玻璃陶瓷制 | glass ware,cast or moulded for indoor decoration (excl. illuminating glassware and glass beads),of glass ceramics | |
28 | 氧差对红外照明剂火焰辐射的影响 | Influence of Oxygen Balance on Flame Radiation of Infrared Illuminating Composition | |
29 | 一种非合作照射源的无源雷达目标检测方法 | A Target Detection Approach for Passive Radar Based on non-cooperative Illuminating | |
30 | 在东方,特别是东亚文化中,主流是中华文化,中国在五千年历史中有过很辉煌的创新与发明。 | In the East, especially in East Asia where Chinese culture was the mainstream, there were many illuminating examples of creativity and inventiveness in 5,000 years of Chinese history. |