1 | 合同无效、被撤销或者终止的,不影响合同中独立存在的有关解决争议方法的条款的效力。 | The invalidation, cancellation or discharge of a contract does not impair the validity of the contract provision concerning the method of dispute resolution, which exists independently in the contract. | |
2 | 即便是轻微的麻醉也会对记忆造成严重的损坏,1990年的一项研究对这一假设提供了有力的支持,但是该论文指出已进行的研究是有限的。 | A 1990 study gives strong support for the hypothesis that even a mild level of intoxication can significantly impair memory, but the paper notes that there have been only limited studies | |
3 | 降凝添加剂会对某些制冷机系统的性能产生不利的影响。 | Pour point depressants as these have been known to impair the performance of some refrigerator systems. | |
4 | 巨大的噪音有损听觉. | Loud noise can impair your hearing. | |
5 | 拒绝向一项官方程序提供证词或记录、文件,或其他物证,或篡改、破坏、毁灭,或隐瞒物证来有意损害物证的完整性或使其不能用于一项官方程序…… | withhold testimony, or withhold a record, document, or other object, from an official proceeding or alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal an object with intent to impair the object′s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding … | |
6 | 控股股东不得直接或间接干预公司的决策及依法开展的生产经营活动,损害公司及其他股东的权益。 | The controlling shareholders shall not directly or indirectly interfere with the company’s decisions or business activities conducted in accordance with laws; nor shall they impair the listed company’s or other shareholders’ rights and interests. | |
7 | 捏造并散布虚伪事实,损害他人的商业信誉、商品声誉 | Whoever fabricates and spreads falsified information to impair other people’s commercial reputation and commodity reputation | |
8 | 您在任何时候都不会采取或有意许可将以任何方式损害UPS或其授权人就UPS资料之权利的行动。 | You will not at any time do or knowingly permit to be done any act or thing that would in any way impair the rights of UPS or its licensors in and to the UPS Materials. | |
9 | 破损损害…的功用、价值或影响 | To impair the usefulness,value,or influence of. | |
10 | 铺设在中国大陆架上的海底电缆、管道遭受损害,需要紧急修理时,外国维修船可在向主管机关报告的同时进入现场作业,但不得防害中国的主权权利和管辖权。 | When the damaged submarine cables and pipelines laid on China’s continental shelves need emergency repairs, foreign maintenance vessels may enter the site to start the emergency repairs simultaneously with a report submitted to the competent authorities. However the said operations shall not impair China’s sovereign rights and jurisdiction. | |
11 | 期望保证原产地规则本身不对贸易造成不必要的障碍;期望保证原产地规则不使各成员在GATT1994项下的权利丧失或减损 | Desiring to ensure that rules of origin themselves do not create unnecessary obstacles to trade;Desiring to ensure that rules of origin do not nullify or impair the rights of Members under GATT 1994 | |
12 | 人为地辐射或反向辐射电磁波,使一段特定的无线电波谱的可用性削弱,而这一波谱段是由敌人的通讯或雷达所使用。 | Deliberate radiation or reradiation of electromagnetic waves so as to impair the usefulness of a specific segment of the radio spectrum that is being used by the enemy for communication or radar. | |
13 | 任何人不得利用宗教进行破坏社会秩序、损害公民身体健康、妨碍国家教育制度的活动。 | Nobody may make use of religion to engage in activities that disrupt public order, impair the health of citizens or interfere with the educational system of the state. | |
14 | 如果电源接线盒的安装位置不正确,将导致整个感应冲水阀的安装出现错误,影响今后的作业。 | Failure to properly position the electrical boxes to the plumbing rough-in will result in improper installation and impair product performance. | |
15 | 如果内装物有泄漏,衬垫材料或外容器的保护性能不得遭到重大破坏。 | Any leakage of the contents shall not substantially impair the protective properties of the cushioning material or of the outer packaging. | |
16 | 丧失、损坏或削弱…的功能 | To disable, damage, or impair the functioning of | |
17 | 什么叫爱国者?爱国者的标准是,尊重自己民族,诚心诚意拥护祖国恢复行使对香港的主权,不损害香港的繁荣和稳定。 | What is a patriot? A patriot is one who respects the Chinese nation, sincerely supports the motherland’s resumption of sovereignty over Hong Kong and wishes not to impair Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability. | |
18 | 使变质,损坏降低价值或损害质量 | To reduce the value or impair the quality of. | |
19 | 使不完美或者有缺陷;损害 | To make imperfect or defective;impair . | |
20 | 使恶化在体格或功能方面损害 | To impair in physical structure or function. | |
21 | 使无能力使丧失能力或使无效,尤指损害身体能力的 | To deprive of capability or effectiveness,especially to impair the physical abilities of. | |
22 | 损害…的健全、完美或完整;毁坏 | To impair the soundness,perfection,or integrity of;spoil. | |
23 | 损害某人健康 | impair one’s health | |
24 | 往水中排放有毒化学物品、重金属和其他危险的物质能损害水生动物,破坏水质(即使净化以后),使得人们食用鱼类和贝壳类动物时就有了一定的危险。 | Discharges of toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and other hazardous substances can impair aquatic life and render both the receiving waters (even after treatment)and fish and shellfish therefrom unsafe for human consumption | |
25 | 维生素K在合成凝血胶原过程中是必需的,因此在维生素K的吸收发生障碍的情况下,凝血胶原的产生就会减缓,并导致流血时间的延长。 | Vitamin K is needed to synthesize prothrombin, so conditions that impair the vitamin’s absorption result in prothrombin deficiency and a tendency to prolonged bleeding. | |
26 | 想父母在家,若只管思念女儿,竟不能见,倘因此成疾致病,甚至死亡,皆由朕躬禁锢,不能使其遂天伦之愿,亦大伤天和之事. | But if the parents at home fall ill or even die of longing for their daughters, this must impair the harmony ordained by Heaven. | |
27 | 亚急性砷中毒心脏损害61例临床分析 | Clinical Analysis on 61 Cases of Subacute Arsenic Poisoning Causing Heart Impair | |
28 | 依照前两款的规定撤销行政许可,可能对公共利益造成重大损害的,不予撤销。 | Where the annul of an administrative license in accordance with the preceding two paragraphs may seriously impair the public interests, it shall not be annulled | |
29 | 以损害社会主义祖国利益、尊严和荣誉为最大耻辱。 | We deem it the deepest disgrace to impair her interests, dignity or honour. | |
30 | 因工作过度而损及健康. | impair one`s health by overwork |