1 | (七)美术作品,指绘画、书法、雕塑、建筑等以线条、色彩或者其他方式构成的有审美意义的平面或者立体的造型艺术作品; | (7)Works of fine art are two-or three-dimensional works created in lines, colours or other medium which, when being viewed, impart esthetic effect, such as paintings, works of calligraphy, sculptures and works of architecture; | |
2 | NF3是无色气体。痕量的杂质会使气体带有一种霉味或刺激性气味。 | NF3 is a colorless gas. Trace quantities of impurities can impart a musty or pungent odor to the gas.) | |
3 | 把秘密告诉某人. | impart a secret to sb | |
4 | 把一种能力或权力给予… | To impart an ability or capacity to. | |
5 | 不管你如何培养自己的学生,他的能力必须此时此地就能运用起;不管你会对学生的思想产生怎样的影响,这些倾向此时此地就展示出来。 | Whatever powers you are strengthening in the pupil, must be exercised here and now;whatever possibilities of mental life your teaching should impart , must be exhibited here and now. | |
6 | 布拉尼:爱尔兰南部科克附近一村庄。布拉尼城堡(始于15世纪)是布拉尼石的所在地。据说可赋予人以口才与说服力的力量。 | Blarney:a village of southern Ireland near Cork. Blarney Castle (dating from the 15th century)is the site of the Blarney Stone, said to impart powers of eloquence and persuasion. | |
7 | 掣爪,棘爪一种枢轴或转轴器械,能与齿轮缺口或齿间吻合来前进或防止后移 | A hinged or pivoted device adapted to fit into a notch of a ratchet wheel to impart forward motion or prevent backward motion. | |
8 | 传递关于…的信息;使知道;传授. | To convey information about; make known; impart . | |
9 | 从师德谈教书育人 | On Impart Knowledge and Educate People According to Teachers’ Ethic | |
10 | 淬火油是金属部件的热处理加工用油,以赋予该部件某些特别的物理性能,例如表面硬化。 | Quenching oils are mineral oils used in the heat treatment of metal components, to impart certain physical characteristics such as the hardening of the material surface. | |
11 | 达因以厘米每克每秒计量的单位,等于一克质量的物体每秒中产生每秒一厘米的加速度所需要的力 | A centimeter-gram-second unit of force,equal to the force required to impart an acceleration of one centimeter per second per second to a mass of one gram. | |
12 | 大会上学生向老师致了贺词,学校表彰了有突出贡献的老师,老师之间交流了经验,还有关于如何传授知识和教育学生的报告。 | The celebration includes congratulations from students, commending outstanding teachers by the school, the exchange of experience among teachers, and lectures on how to impart knowledge and educate students. | |
13 | 大学、独立设置的学院主要实施本科及本科以上教育。高等专科学校实施专科教育。经国务院教育行政部门批准,科学研究机构可以承担研究生教育的任务。 | Universities and independently established colleges(schools)mainly impart undergraduate and postgraduate education. Higher specialty institutions impart specialty education. Scientific research institutes may, subject to the approval of the department of education administration under the State Council, undertake the task of postgraduate education. | |
14 | 大学或者独立设置的学院还应当具有较强的教学、科学研究力量,较高的教学、科学研究水平和相应规模,能够实施本科及本科以上教育。 | A university or an independently established college(school)should as well have strong teaching and scientific research staff, higher teaching and scientific research level and corresponding scale and be in a position to impart undergraduate and above-undergraduate education. | |
15 | 调味品使食品有味道。 | Condiments impart flavour to food | |
16 | 对…施加感情因素 | To impart an emotional quality to. | |
17 | 对一个真心的朋友你可以传达你底忧愁、欢悦、恐惧、希望、疑忌、谏净,以及任何压在你心上的事情,有如一种教堂以外的忏悔一样。 | to whom you may impart griefs, joys, fears, hopes, suspicions, counsels, and whatsoever lieth upon the heart to oppress it, in a kind of civil shrift or confession | |
18 | 对于向公安部提出申请的,公安部应当将申请的有关情况通知外交部。 | If the request is submitted to the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Public security shall impart to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs information about the request. | |
19 | 赋予活力或热情 | To impart life or zest to. | |
20 | 给那一节加上抒情的成分. | impart a lyric quality to that passage | |
21 | 给我的想嫁万种梦幻美妙婆娑。 | And fancy all her loveliest dreams impart . | |
22 | 给予兴趣,给予热情;使有活力 | To impart interest or zest to enliven | |
23 | 公共行政的全球化向度及其对公共部门的影响 | The Global Dimension of Public Administration and It’s Impart on Public Sector | |
24 | 国家支持采用广播、电视、函授及其他远程教育方式实施高等教育。 | The state supports the adoption of broadcast, television, correspondence and other modes of distance education to impart higher education. | |
25 | 好的教师给学生以智慧. | The good teacher impart s wisdom to his pupils. | |
26 | 红色的窗帘使房间平添几分雅致。 | The red curtains impart a certain elegance to the room. | |
27 | 或许,所好他语无伦次,未能使那好心的寡妇听明白什么清晰的含义,或许是上天按照自己的方式作出了解释。 | There was, perhaps, a fortunate disorder in his utterance, which failed to impart any distinct idea to the good widow’s comprehension, or which Providence interpreted after a method of its own. | |
28 | 即使是一本具有真正教育的教科书,可以断定,也会有书评家说它教起课来不容易使用。 | This is an art very,difficult to impart .Whenever a text-book is written of real educational worth,you may be quite certain that some reviewer will say that it will be difficult to teach from it. | |
29 | 既然我们已经辜负了女主人公的信赖,那就一不做二不休,索性让读者看看她给她情人的信吧。 | Being seduced into betraying our heroine’s confidence thus far, we will stretch our communication a step beyond, and impart to the reader her letter to her lover | |
30 | 加少许调料;给予一些建议 | impart a subtle flavor;impart some advice. |