属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 农场主对战北美野牛极端保护者
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-俄罗斯政治 恐慌与厌恶并存
1 | 这些单位文人多,往往一时兴起,便热情洋溢,无所不谈。 | There were many men of letters in these departments whose impassioned discussions covered a wide range of topics. | |
2 | 最要紧的还是谈话,热情的谈话,爱情不过是件小小的陪衬品。 | It was the talk that mattered supremely: the impassioned interchange of talk. Love was only a minor accompaniment. | |
3 | 做母亲的激动心态始终是将道德生活的光束传送给孕育着的胎儿的媒介 | The mother’s impassioned state had been the medium through which were transmitted to the unborn infant the rays of its moral Life | |
4 | ||1:黄石公园中隐藏的道德之争为美国提供了更广泛的教训,这个国家分歧日渐增多,经常热衷于处理司法与准司法背景的复杂道德问题。||2:许多其他国家都在国会上争辩如死刑、堕胎、枪支管理或全球变暖之类的问题,当党派人员推动情感或宗教争辩时,就允许他们加入。||3:早期美国法院与国会听证会会收到充满激情的党派人员们的争论电话,互相用事实(并且常常是特意寻出的侧面事实)攻击对方以证明另一方是错误的。 | ||1:Yellowstone’s hidden moral disputes offer wider lessons to America, a country that is increasingly divided and unusually keen on tackling complex ethical questions in judicial and quasi-judicial settings.||2:Lots of other countries debate such issues as the death penalty, abortion, gun control or global warming in parliament, allowing partisans to admit when they are advancing emotional or religious arguments.||3:From its earliest days American law courts and congressional hearings have rung to the noise of impassioned partisans, hurling facts (and, all too often, confected para-facts) at one another in a bid to prove the other side wrong. | |
5 | ||1:委员会的指控也许的确没错(尽管其他官员薪资不高却过得出奇滋润,而且没有招致不满)但是古德科夫的说法听起来也不无道理。||2:他开始在反普京集会中发言,在议会上慷慨激昂地反对有利于当局的立法时,麻烦就找上门了。||3:古德科夫称,除名一事表明,当局不仅“有可能歪曲法律以图便利”,还“有可能完全凌驾于法律之上而不用承担后果”。 | ||1:The committee’s allegation may indeed be true (though other politicians attract no ire for living strangely well on modest salaries).||2:But Mr Gudkov’s version of events rings true.||3:His troubles began only when he started speaking at anti-Putin rallies and giving impassioned speeches in the Duma against Kremlin-favoured legislation. | |
6 | ||1:这对他来说可不是轻松的工作。||2:就在他本应学习指挥的时间里,他孜孜不倦地从维也纳图书馆手抄了数百份原谱(他本来就很轻视指挥,认为这是音乐中“最轻松的一条路”,从不需要担心弹错音)。||3:他继续努力,在1953年录制了一张巴赫《赋格的艺术》的权威唱片,同时出版了一篇热情洋溢的论文,提出这首曲子并不是为了合奏,而是为了羽管键琴独奏而写的观点。||4:这激起了人们对前浪漫主义音乐的兴趣,虽然在他的小乐队演奏比贝尔的《宗教世俗弦乐集》以及其它他挖掘出来的宝藏时,这种兴趣还没有大到可以让听众填满一个房间。||5:他后来回忆时说那是一段暗无天日的时期。||6:不过,很快的,听众对伯德,弗雷斯科巴尔迪,拉莫,斯瑞特的曲子反应热烈,他自己的一些唱片,尤其是和尼古劳斯?哈农库特合作录制的巴赫康塔塔全集进一步提高了他的声望,从那之后早期音乐运动就如火如荼地展开了。 | ||1:It meant hard work for him.||2:He began by tirelessly hand-copying hundreds of original scores in the Vienna Library, when he was meant to be studying conducting (but he scorned conducting, thinking it “the easiest way out” in music, with never a wrong note to worry about).||3:He continued by making a definitive recording in 1953 of Bach’s “Art of Fugue”, and publishing an impassioned argument that the piece had been written for solo harpsichord rather than ensemble.||4:That stirred up interest in pre-Romantic music, though still not enough to fill a room when his little consort played Biber’s unpublished “Fidicinium sacro-profanum”, or other treasures he had unearthed.||5:He thought of those as his catacomb days.||6:Fairly quickly, however, listeners warmed to Byrd and Frescobaldi, Rameau and Ritter; his own recordings, especially with Nikolaus Harnoncourt of all Bach’s Cantatas, fanned the flame; and the early-music movement has flourished ever since. | |
7 | ||1:正值东乌克兰加剧动荡之际,彼得·波罗申科宣布就任乌克兰总统。||2:这位著名的巧克力大王,亿万富翁波罗申科先生发表了一份充满激情的有关乌克兰团结的呼吁。||3:他操着俄语,并承诺那些和流血事件毫无瓜葛的人将免于起诉。||4:他还命令设置和平走廊,以便让民众逃离暴力。 | ||1:Petro Poroshenko was inaugurated as Ukraine’s president amid intensifying unrest in the east of the country.||2:A billionaire known as the Chocolate King, Mr Poroshenko made an impassioned plea for Ukrainian unity.||3:Speaking in Russian, he promised immunity from prosecution to all those without blood on their hands.||4:He also ordered peace corridors to be set up so that people can escape the violence. | |
8 | 继续努力,在1953年录制了一张巴赫《赋格的艺术》的权威唱片,同时出版了一篇热情洋溢的论文,提出这首曲子并不是为了合奏,而是为了羽管键琴独奏而写的观点。 | He continued by making a definitive recording in 1953 of Bach’s “Art of Fugue”, and publishing an impassioned argument that the piece had been written for solo harpsichord rather than ensemble. | |
9 | 2003年,一次热情洋溢的攻势敦促厄瓜多尔全国都这么做。 | In 2003, the entire country of Ecuador was urged to do this by an impassioned campaign. | |
10 | 博维布德里,这位曾为国家培养了许多的精英人士和他们的孩子的人,在一夜之间,转变为一个慷慨激昂的政治异见者。 | Bouebdelli, who had educated many of the country’s elite and their children, was thus transformed overnight into an impassioned dissident. | |
11 | 不过,最近在热情的巴罗佐的领导下,它决定不错过这次危机(带来的机会)。 | But led by the newly impassioned Barroso, it is determined not to let this crisis go to waste. | |
12 | 产品的开发者给乔布斯写了一封慷慨激昂的信,几乎是在乞求乔布斯调解此事并允许保留产品的原名。 | The owner wrote an impassioned letter to Jobs practically begging him to intervene and allow the product to keep its name. | |
13 | 充满斗志的李彦宏也权衡辞职和逃避收购的可能性,董事会一致投票决定上市。 | Weighing the possibility that the impassioned Li might resign and scuttle an acquisition, the board voted unanimously to go public. | |
14 | 达斯汀·兰斯·布莱克因《米克尔》赢得了最佳原创剧本奖,他也做了一个支持同性恋权利的热情洋溢的讲话。 | Dustin Lance Black, who won original screenplay for "Milk, " also gave an impassioned speech in favor of gay rights. | |
15 | 但2000年5月,经历了11年的铁窗生涯后,他给当时的阿肯色州州长MikeHuckabee写了一封慷慨激昂的信,希望获得假释。 | But in May 2000, after 11 years behind bars, he wrote an impassioned letter to then Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, an ordained pastor. | |
16 | 但丁慷慨激昂地向我们倾诉,他的声音通常饱受委屈,愤愤不平。 | Dante speaks to us in an impassioned human voice that is often aggrieved and vengeful. | |
17 | 但他也承认他写这本书的一些值得称赞的、慷慨激昂的目标:帮助其他挣扎的退役军人; | Yet he also acknowledges a set of laudable, impassioned public ambitions: to help other struggling veterans; | |
18 | 教皇本笃十六世按照传统发表了圣诞节讲话,并充满激情地呼吁中东和非洲实现和平。 | Pope Benedict XVI delivered his traditional Christmas Day message with an impassioned appeal for peace in the Middle East and Africa. | |
19 | 教会在《圣经》是否禁止同性恋行为的问题上激励争论后,进行了投票。投票结果让许多教徒激动流泪。 | The vote followed impassioned argument about whether or not the Bible forbids active homosexuality and left a number of delegates in tears. | |
20 | 经过三小时激烈的辩论,这项动议被否决了。 | After three hours of impassioned debate the motion was defeated. | |
21 | 就在投票之前,野田那篇15分钟慷慨激昂的演讲令对手相形见绌,而这一点和其他任何成就一样值得肯定。 | But Mr Noda deserves credit, as much as anything, for outshining his rivals in an impassioned 15-minute speech just before voting began. | |
22 | 可以听得见那边屋子里有一阵低低的、激动的交谈声,贝克小姐就毫无顾忌地探身竖起耳朵去听。 | in a warning voice. A subdued impassioned murmur was audible in the room beyond, and Miss Baker leaned forward unashamed, trying to hear. | |
23 | 牢狱之灾和严刑拷打使库特布成为一名热血沸腾又充满愤恨的革命者。 | Imprisonment and torture turned him into an impassioned and embittered revolutionary. | |
24 | 满街的利比亚人欢呼着,世界各国的领导为暴政的结束发表了慷慨激昂的声明。 | Libyans filled the streets in jubilation and leaders worldwide issued impassioned statements as the brutal regime came to an end. | |
25 | 其他被告带着充满激情的感叹支持他们的做法。 | The other defendants backed them up with impassioned interjections. | |
26 | 其演讲激情、有力,她留下的女权主义和种族平等的遗产至今流传。 | Truth was a powerful and impassioned speaker whose legacy of feminism and racial equality still resonates today. | |
27 | 萨科奇在巴黎军事院校发表的一场激情洋溢的演讲中表示,法国早就应该重返北约的核心集团。 | In an impassioned speech at Paris’s military academy, Sarkozy said France’s return to Nato’s inner sanctum was long overdue. | |
28 | 他对那些将Facebook推向人类进化最前沿的麦克卢恩理论的激情演讲相当感冒。 | He’s prone to impassioned McLuhanesque speeches that put Facebook pretty close to the forefront of human evolution. | |
29 | 他们塑造了一对充满似火激情的恋人,将这一部镌刻人心的浪漫史诗演绎得栩栩如生。 | Onscreen Chemistry? They make a pretty impassioned pairing, bringing life to this impressive romantic epic. | |
30 | 我热烈地呼吁民主党人要对共和党人的攻击性广告发动回击。 | I gave an impassioned plea for the Democrats to fight back in the face of Republican attack ads. |