属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-拼拼凑凑见真相 Piecing it together
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-赫尔穆特施密特 烟与火
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-贝卢斯科尼意欲重掌大权 蒙蒂将如何阻止?
1 | 本健身俱乐部具有美丽的室内装饰,现代化的设施和完美无缺的服务。 | This gymnasium, with beautifully decorated interior and contemporary facilities, offers you impeccable service. | |
2 | 本老年公寓友好的气氛和完美无缺的个别服务竭诚欢迎老年朋友入住。 | The apartments for the aged with a friendly atmosphere and impeccable personal service sincerely welcome the aged to move in. | |
3 | 从这件事上,我们看到了她白璧无暇的美好心灵。 | From this we can see her impeccable moral integrity. | |
4 | 但是,这一次上帝非常及时地给了我一份珍贵的礼物--来自一个名叫丹的年轻人的电话,这使我又振作起来。 | But this time, God used his impeccable timing to give me a precious gift--a call from a young man named Dan to give me a second wind. | |
5 | 的确,洪堡的遣词用字是无可指责的。 | Yes, Humboldt’s words were impeccable | |
6 | 美丽的室内装饰,现代化的设施和完美无缺的服务 | Beautifully decorated interior, contemporary facilities and impeccable service | |
7 | 你的英语十分好! | Your English is impeccable ! | |
8 | 你知道,菲,你的审美观是无可挑剔的。 | You know, Fee, your taste is impeccable | |
9 | 始于完美的质量,提供给你意想不到的价值,而且还加上我们特殊的个人情怀。 | We start with impeccable quality to provide exceptional value. Then we add a special personal touch. | |
10 | 虽然其效果完善无瑕,但需要花费大量的时间,而且需要对于许多家庭缝纫工来说无法采用的技术。 | While the results are impeccable , they require a great investment of fabric. While the results are impeccable, they require a great investment of time and skill which may be impractical for many home sewers. | |
11 | 他对于好音乐的鉴赏力是无可挑剔的 | His judgment of fine music is impeccable . | |
12 | 他一直神态自若,除一两次外,举止态度都无懈可击。 | He was always composed; his manners, except on one or two occasions, were impeccable | |
13 | 无论您身处生命中的哪一个阶段,我们的存款产品都能恰如其分地帮助您管理您的个人财务事宜。无论您身处何方,都能享受到我们始终如一的优质服务。 | That’s why we’ve designed our depository products to help you manage your finances at all the various stages in your life, with the same impeccable service wherever you go. | |
14 | 一项控制与审核系统已引入我们在全球所有的办事处和船舶中。东方海外被公认为业内具有卓越船期准班率和良好安全记录的优秀承运商。 | A control & compliance system that has been introduced to virtually all our offices and vessels around the globe. OOCL is recognized in the industry as being a quality carrier with superior schedule integrity and an impeccable safety record. | |
15 | 友好的气氛和完美无缺的个别服务 | Friendly atmosphere and impeccable individual service | |
16 | 这次我们谋求谈判解决的纪录,一旦公布于众,将是无懈可击的。 | Our record of having sought negotiations would now be impeccable when we made it public | |
17 | 这位举止完美,与世无争的庭臣经过不到一小时荒谬的审判就被毫无道理地处决了。 | This inoffensive courtier of impeccable manners was executed senselessly after an absurd trial lasting less than an hour | |
18 | 这些作品构思严谨,场面恢宏,人物众多,刻画深入,都比较充分地表现了主题。 | His works have impeccable composition, extensive scenes and rich characterization to reflect the themes. | |
19 | 这样一个简单的程序却大有文章。 | Such a simple procedure, but one which can be performed in impeccable style. | |
20 | 只有我们的行为举止无懈可击,我们才能使欧洲人相应地在盟国间的协商中保持高标准。 | Unless our own record was impeccable we could not hold the European to a high standard of interallied consultation in turn | |
21 | ||1:就拿安吉罗·莫兹罗(Angelo Mozilo)来说吧。||2:当他在20世纪60年代末创立全国金融公司(Countrywide Financial)时,这位出生在纽约布朗克斯区的门外汉深信,自己能够帮助数百万应该得到帮助的家庭获得一个属于他们自己的家,同时维持无懈可击的承保标准——然后发家致富。||3:可是随着次级贷的热狂逐步升温,这一切预想都化为泡影。||4:本书作者指出,到2006年时,莫兹罗先生已经有人格分裂的趋势了,他一方面发出警告说大难就要临头,另一方面却仍然坚信自己的公司还能兴旺发达下去。||5:可事实上,全国金融公司当时已是有毒抵押贷款产品最大的承办商,这足已让它濒临破产。 | ||1:Take Angelo Mozilo.||2:From the time he started Countrywide Financial in the late 1960s the Bronx-born outsider was convinced he could put millions of deserving families in homes, maintain impeccable underwriting standards—and get rich.||3:That became impossible as the subprime mania grew.||4:By 2006 Mr Mozilo had a “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” quality, the authors note, giving warning that disaster loomed while at the same time insisting his company would still thrive.||5:In fact, Countrywide had become a leading purveyor of toxic mortgage products that would take the company to the brink of bankruptcy. | |
22 | ||1:西塞罗是罗马政治家,其散文被认为时拉丁语风格顶峰的代表,他本人对此也有点自命不凡。||2:他在一部写于公元前46年的大部头著作中抱怨说,很少有人再正确地使用这种语言了。||3:要是今天他可能抱怨更多。||4:在本专栏作家最近在梵蒂冈参加的一次弥撒上,方济各教皇使用的一些拉丁语是无懈可陈的。||5:但大部分情况下拉丁语的使用不尽人意;这对西塞罗来说是无法理解的。||6:奇怪的是,教皇的话被翻译成其他几种糟糕的拉丁语。 | ||1:Cicero, the Roman statesman whose prose is thought to represent the peak of style in Latin, was also a bit of a snob about it.||2:Few others, he complained in a tome written in 46bc, used the language properly any more.||3:His gripes would be worse today.||4:At a recent mass at the Vatican attended by your columnist, some of the Latin used by Pope Francis was impeccable .||5:But much of it was downright dismal; it would have been incomprehensible to Cicero.||6:Strangely, the pope’s remarks were translated into several other species of terrible Latin. | |
23 | 不过批评他的人常常注意不到他的美德,也夸大了他的缺点。他是个爱国者,却非民族主义分子。他也不顽固:他的女儿离婚后,又嫁给了波兰左翼政党“民主左翼联盟”某位活跃分子,该党根源于前共产党。卡钦斯基先生待他的新女婿和善有加,无可挑剔。 | But his critics often missed his virtues and overstated his faults. He was a patriot, but not a nationalist. He was no bigot: his daughter divorced, and then married someone active in Poland’s left-wing party, the SLD, which has its roots in the former communist party.|| Mr Kaczynski treated his new son-in-law with impeccable kindness.|| | |
24 | 他的聪明和粗暴时常会让听众意识到自己上当受骗和受到羞辱的时候已经太晚了。赫尔穆特·施密特不仅发现了傻瓜令人讨厌,他还消灭了他们。既然事实清楚,逻辑不可辩驳,那么,再有不同的意见就是白痴的表现。 | HE WAS so clever, and so rude with it, that his listeners sometimes realised too late that they had been outwitted and insulted. Helmut Schmidt did not just find fools tiresome. He obliterated them. The facts were clear and the logic impeccable . So disagreement was a sign of idiocy. | |
25 | 意大利财团和天主教会已经暗示了他们对总理的支持。而蒙蒂可以证明自己是这位华而不实,极尽炫耀的商业大亨很好的反衬。贝卢斯科尼在5次大选中2次落败。他的主要对手又是默不作声的持有无懈可击的欧洲证书的经济学教授罗马诺·普罗迪。 | Big business and the Catholic church have already signalled their support for the prime minister. And Mr Monti could prove a good foil for the slick, showy tycoon. Mr Berlusconi has been defeated twice in five general elections.|| Each time, his nemesis was another quietly-spoken economics professor with impeccable European credentials: Romano Prodi.|| | |
26 | “鉴于它清白的来源渠道和高质量的丝网印刷品质,这部作品具有无可挑剔的完美特质”。麦克金尼斯评价道。 | "In terms of its impeccable provenance and the quality of the silkscreen, this has perfect qualities, " McGinnis said of the piece. | |
27 | “无瑕号事件将迫使美国一改其昏昏欲睡的状态,开始关注这个问题。” | "The Impeccable incident will cause the US to drop its lethargy and start to focus on the issue. " | |
28 | 按照大多数标准衡量,这一数字仍旧很低,同时微型金融模式创始人尤努斯说格莱珉银行的贷款偿还率依旧让人无可挑剔。 | This is still very low by most standards and Mr Yunus says that repayment rates at Grameen remain impeccable . | |
29 | 超厚的质感带来非凡的享受,具有无可挑剔的耐磨、抗打击和防刮擦性能。 | The ultra thick texture brings extraordinary enjoyment, has impeccable wear-resisting, anti-strike and anti-scratch performance. | |
30 | 大多数顶级套房面积巨大,是五星级饭店顶层的私密空间,并配备豪华家具和完美的服务。 | Most top suites are vast, private spaces at the pinnacle of five-star hotels, complete with plush furnishings and impeccable service. |