属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-摇篮将覆 The cradle will rock
1 | 他接通泛光灯,漆黑的夜间一下子像白昼一样通明。 | He switched on the floodlights and what had been impenetrable darkness became suddenly as clear as day. | |
2 | 它们的羽毛就象刀剑穿不透的盔甲。 | Their feathers were like armor impenetrable to steel | |
3 | 挖掘至坚硬的岩石. | dig down to impenetrable rock | |
4 | 我们国家人民的心理防卫就谈不上固若金汤了。 | Our psychological defence is far from impenetrable . | |
5 | 无法通过的丛林、无法经过的沼泽、不可越的要塞 | An impenetrable jungle,swamp,fortress,etc | |
6 | 硬石,金刚石一种曾被认为在硬度上不可穿透的石头 | A stone once believed to be impenetrable in its hardness. | |
7 | 有的在设计体积越来越大的火箭弹,威力越来越强的爆炸物,厚度越来越打不穿的装甲板 | others devise larger and larger rocket bombs, more and more powerful explosives, and more and more impenetrable armour-plating | |
8 | 有些野雉喜欢生活在密密的丛林里。 | Some wild pheasants love impenetrable jungles. | |
9 | 在我父母结婚25周年的晚上,所有家人都在他身旁,我们中间身材最高大、嗓音最洪亮、身体最健壮的人的盔甲出现了第一道裂纹,我们这些孩子认为,那副盔甲是永远刀枪不入的。 | On the evening of parents’ 25th anniversary, s urrounded by all his family,the biggest,loudest,strongest of us all showed the first crack in the armor we as children thought would always be impenetrable . | |
10 | 这本历史书我完全看不懂. | This history book is completely impenetrable to me. | |
11 | 这类的暗示似乎动摇不了他坚定的自信。 | His dapper self-confidence seemed impenetrable to such hints | |
12 | 针插不进,水泼不进 | impenetrable and watertight--not allowing even a leading body to look into its affairs | |
13 | 装甲板普通子弹打不穿。 | Armor plate is impenetrable by ordinary bullets. | |
14 | 子弹打不穿的钢板 | A sheet of steel impenetrable by a bullet | |
15 | ||1:当然,独立的主张强调了苏格兰与英格兰的不同之处。||2:其中之一是语言,它从两方面偏离了南部边境的语言。||3:其中之一是盖尔语,这是一种外人无法理解的凯尔特语言(它与爱尔兰语和曼克斯语关系密切,但与英语关系不大),然而,只有大约5万人(约占苏格兰人口的1%)讲这种语言。||4:更大的区别是苏格兰语——尽管有多大的不同仍然是一个有争议的问题。 | ||1:Naturally, the case for independence plays up characteristics that di?erentiate Scotland from England.||2:Among them is language, which diverges from the talk south of the border in two main ways.||3:One is Gaelic, a Celtic language impenetrable to outsiders (it is related closely to Irish and Manx but only distantly to English), which, however, is spoken only by around 50,000 people, or about 1% of Scotland’s population.||4:The bigger di?erence is Scots—though quite how di?erent it is remains a matter of debate. | |
16 | ||1:尽管如此,在经由伊娃那不可靠的回忆而非亲自目击凯文的过程中,某些东西还是不见了。||2:在小说中,伊娃从一开始就感觉到了儿子的残忍,但它随着宠溺凯文的父亲(由人人都爱的弱敌约翰·C·赖利饰演)而被漠视。||3:在影片中,凯文的恶毒颇为明显,起初是一个险恶的小男孩,然后变成一个目光阴沉的刻毒少年。||4:饰演后者的埃兹拉·米勒爆发出了残忍,他的面部表情不可测知。||5:而米勒同时也令人走神地引力十足。||6:他有着任何小明星都觊觎的颧骨,因此由他来扮演这样一个谜一般的角色显得不尴不尬。 | ||1:Still, something is lost in witnessing Kevin in the flesh instead of through Eva’s unreliable recollections.||2:In the novel, Eva perceives her son’s cruelty from the start, though it goes unseen by his doting father Franklin (played here by John C.||3:Reilly, everyone’s favourite pushover).||4:On-screen, Kevin is quite obviously malicious, first as a nasty little boy and then as a spiteful, ink-eyed teenager.||5:As the latter Kevin, Ezra Miller seethes with ruthlessness, his face impenetrable .||6:Yet he is also distractingly attractive, with cheekbones any starlet would covet, making him an awkward choice for such an enigmatic role. | |
17 | 而其它革兰氏阴性的细菌都有着药物透不过的细胞外膜。 | other, Gram-negativebugs have an impenetrable outer membrane. | |
18 | “在战争年代,这里没有道路,只有不好走的灌木丛和沼泽。”她对Greene说。 | "During the war years, there were no roads, impenetrable thickets, bogs, " she told Greene. | |
19 | 50.没有打不开的锁,只有找不到的钥匙,而钥匙时常很难找。 | 50. No lock is impenetrable . You just need to find the right key (never said it would be easy to find though) | |
20 | IM环境提供了无法穿透的安全屏障,能够阻拦入侵企图以及消息中携带的恶意软件。 | The IM environment offers impenetrable security that thwarts intrusion attempts, as well as messaging-borne malware. | |
21 | NickThorpe则是个例外。1986年此人移居布达佩斯,掌握了匈牙利深奥美丽的语言。 | An exception is Nick Thorpe, who moved to Budapest in 1986 and has mastered Hungary’s beautiful, impenetrable language. | |
22 | 巴基斯坦边境的部落地区是荒凉,崎岖的,绝大多数外来者都难以进入。 | THE tribal areas of Pakistan’s borderlands are wild, rugged and impenetrable to most outsiders. | |
23 | 濒危。乌干达,布温迪森林公园 | Endangered. Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Uganda. [High resolution] | |
24 | 不幸的是,十个字里边我只抓住一个:难以理解的口音和生僻的词汇掩盖了一切。 | Unfortunately, I catch one word in ten: an impenetrable accent and unfamiliar vocabulary obscure the rest. | |
25 | 但是,需要指出的是,他的一些讲话的意思对普通的听众来说通常是不能理解的。 | It must be said, though, that the meaning of some of his speeches was often quite impenetrable to his ordinary listeners. | |
26 | 但是这层气体并不是密不透风,它里面有很多星际“隧道”,把一个个局部空洞区域连起来。 | But the wall isn’t impenetrable . It’s riddled with "interstellar tunnels" that lead from one pocket of less dense gas to another. | |
27 | 岛上有连绵不断地山体,白色沙滩和由离岸珊瑚礁确立的著名蓝色泻湖。 | The island has a mountainous, nearly impenetrable interior, white-sand beaches, and famous blue lagoon defined by an offshore coral reef. | |
28 | 俄罗斯北方大部分地区将变成无法接近的沼泽。 | Much of Russia’s northern region would be turned into impenetrable swamp. | |
29 | 而中国的防火长城似乎空前的可怕和难以逾越。 | And the Great Firewall of China seems more fearsome and impenetrable than ever. | |
30 | 更不可理喻的是,你由于不知道对方所需了解内容而无法解释的一些东西。 | More impenetrable are things that you cannot explain because you don’t know what the other party needs to know. |