属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-阿富汗选举 有效的转折
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-不明的财源 模糊的数字
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-推特上市 先闻其声?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-俄罗斯与德企 爱人不是敌人
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巨无霸汉堡指数 强大的美元
1 | ADO技术在无限流向法实现中的应用 | The Application of ADO in Implying Deterministic Infinite Algorithm | |
2 | 布什刚刚要求国家安全事务顾问赖斯协调伊拉克事务,这暗示了他对长期以来从五角大楼和副总统切尼那里得到的建议感到某种不快。 | Bush has just asked National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice to coordinate the effort in Iraq, implying some displeasure with the advice he has been getting from the Pentagon and Vice President Cheney | |
3 | 但是这一方法因意味着同一商品项目具有不同的经济价值也会导致错误的价格决策。 | But it may lead to faulty pricing decision by implying that identical items of merchandise have different economic values. | |
4 | 对他们如此喜欢干预的世界一无所知(埃德豪·伯克)。在指严重的牵制、阻碍或阻挠的行为时比Iinterfere要弱 | wholly unacquainted with the world in which they are so fond of meddling(Edmund Burke.It is somewhat weaker than Iinterfere in implying action that seriously hampers,hinders,or frustrates | |
5 | 对他们如此喜欢干预的世界一无所知(埃德豪·伯克)。在指严重的牵制、阻碍或阻挠的行为时比interfere要弱 | wholly unacquainted with the world in which they are so fond of meddling(Edmund Burke.It is somewhat weaker than interfere in implying action that seriously hampers,hinders,or frustrates | |
6 | 假装忽视或并未采取措施阻止错误,并暗示出默许和同意. | To feign ignorance of or fail to take measures against a wrong, thus implying tacit encouragement or consent. | |
7 | 利用公众确认,请求人可以通过证实(或者仅仅是暗示)其他类似我们的人已经同意而促使我们也跟着同意。 | Taking advantage of social validation, requesters can stimulate our compliance by demonstrating (or merely implying )that others just like us have already complied | |
8 | 陆家云水的装饰意味 | Decoration Implying of LU’s Cloud and Water | |
9 | 你的意思是说我没讲实话吗? | Are you implying that I am not telling the truth? | |
10 | 你是说这是我的责任 | Are you implying that I am the one to blame? | |
11 | 数据:和“信息”一词相比较而言,数据指的是源数据或始数据;而信息则定义为通过对数据行处理之后所得到的知识。 | Data:Implying source data or raw data as compared with information which is then defined to mean the knowledge obtained by the processing of data. | |
12 | 我并不是在暗示你的烹饪技术如何,但我们今晚能去外面吃吗 | I’m not implying anything about your cooking, but could we eat out tonight? | |
13 | 我们的这位政客已经装备了诽谤防护罩,挂在了他的裤带上--这暗示了他必须防范的攻击部位是“在裆下”,也就是说,这种攻击是不光明磊落的,或者说这种攻击隐含着性绯闻。 | Our politician has been equipped with "mud flaps" that hang from his belt-implying that many of the attacks he must defend himself against are "below the belt", i.e. unfair or perhaps involving sexual innuendo | |
14 | 我们所考虑的情况是目标近乎对准跟踪装置飞行。 | We are implying that the target is more or less heading straight to the tracker | |
15 | 一条件使单纯环成体 | A Condition for Simple Ring Implying Field | |
16 | 隐迹示源-乔园山石驳岸设计 | Implying Headstream by Tracking Hidden Procedures-Design on Bulkhead Wall by Hill Stone in Qiao Garden | |
17 | 用来修饰或说明一种性质,意味着与所考虑的事情有密切的逻辑关系,且有重大的影响。 | Pertaining to a quality implying a close logical relationship with, and importance to, the matter under consideration. | |
18 | 栽赃的含有或隐含有明知故犯嫌疑的;诽谤或中伤的 | Containing or implying calumny; slanderous or defamatory. | |
19 | 在缰绳的一端刻有"安车"两个汉字(字面意义是"安全马车",实际意思指"豪华马车")。这表明该铜车马俑是秦始皇生前所乘马车的复制品:豪华的驷马车。 | " Two characters, an Che (literally meaning ""safe chariot"", actually implying ""luxury chariot"")at the end of one of the reins indicate it may be a copy of the special, luxurious four-horse chariot used by the First Emperor." | |
20 | ||1:根据克里的谈判交易,将会成立一个民族团结的政府。||2:选举获胜者将成为总统,但失败者(或其指定人)将作为执行委员会的主席,,新职位意味着分权。||3:两年之后,将会有一个支尔格大会(部落长老们、地方政治掮客和民选官员们的聚会)来批准修改宪法,包括建立总理一职,该头衔低于总统但有行政权力。 | ||1: Under the deal brokered by Mr Kerry, there will be a government of national unity. ||2: The election-winner will be president, but the loser (or his nominee) will be “chief of the executive council”, a new position implying power-sharing. ||3: Then, after two years, there will be a loya jirga (a gathering of tribal elders, local power-brokers and elected officials) to approve constitutional changes that include the creation of the post of prime minister. He would rank below the president but have executive powers. | |
21 | 欧洲人总是简单地将这两项金额相加,认为现在欧洲拥有高达1.4万亿的储备资金。事实并非如此。重新审视这个巨额数字,我们会发现大量模糊的数字和一厢情愿的想法——看看西班牙就明白了,不断恶化的局势下,人们纷纷讨论政府是否需要外部救助。 | Europeans often simplyadd the two numbers together, implying there is now a vast 1.4 trillion dollar stash.Not so. Look behind the fat figures and you find a lot of fuzzy maths andwishful thinking—just as worsening news in Spain brings talk of that countryneeding a rescue (see article). | |
22 | 推文指出推特最近可以在每个用户上收入约2.30美元,远脸书的收益,旨在暗示推特任由上涨空间。 | That is much less than Facebook makes from its audience, implying Twitter has plenty of room to boost sales. | |
23 | 像其他行业的代表一样,阿克曼小心翼翼地避免暗示企业家应该制定外交政策。 | Like other industry representatives, Mr Ackermann is careful to avoid implying that industrialists should make foreign policy. | |
24 | 要制作一个巨无霸汉堡,在美国花费5.06美元,而在土耳其花费10.75里拉(2.75美元),这表明里拉价值被低估。 | A Big Mac currently costs $5.06 in America but just 10.75 lira ($2.75) in Turkey, implying that the lira is undervalued. | |
25 | “这个变异的基因在相对短的时间快速普及,暗示着选择的要求很强烈,”苏炳教授说。 | "The [mutation] rose to extremely high frequency in a relatively short time, implying that the selective force was quite strong, " Su says. | |
26 | 《经济学人》并没有暗示,我们只该关心发达国家中的女性地位。 | Surely The Economist is not implying that we should care only about the status of women in industrialised countries. | |
27 | 6个月短期国债的实际回报率甚至已跌入负值区域,这表明投资者仍将德国视作一个避风港。 | Returns in real terms have even moved into negative territory on six-month paper, implying that investors still look to Germany as a haven. | |
28 | CPI值越高,则运行指令所需的周期就越多,这意味着程序的运行性能未达到最优。 | A higher CPI value indicates that more cycles were necessary to run the instruction, implying suboptimal execution of the program. | |
29 | LTG大小的单位指定为K或M,分别表示KB或MB。 | The LTG size is specified either in K or M units, implying KB or MB respectively. | |
30 | PTSD研究对象对那些中度信号反应更快,这意味着过度概括或许是PTSD患者的一大区分标志。 | The subjects with PTSD had much faster reaction times to those intermediate cues, implying that overgeneralization may be a marker for PTSD. |