1 | RobertoCampos的批评人士经常以他名字的英译BobFields排挤他,暗喻他的理念是外来的。 | Roberto Campos’s critics often dismissed him as "Bob Fields" , an English translation of his name, implying his ideas were foreign. | |
2 | 不,我并不是指,只要想着自己的开心快乐的就能够解除一个人正经历的严重或意外的伤痛; | No, I’m not implying that we can instantly heal the pain of a severe or unexpected personal tragedy just by thinking about being happy. | |
3 | 从本质上讲,这表明市场在暗示,美国转为日本的概率为50%。 | In essence, this reveals that the market is implying a 50% probability that the U. S. turns into Japan. | |
4 | 但是时髦的说法是带有误导性的,这暗示着男性也有某种和女性的绝经期一样不可避免的东西。 | But the snappy terms are misleading, implying something that is as inevitable for men as the menopause is for women. | |
5 | 但是它操纵购买美国资产的脚步并没有放慢,这意味着人民币仍然保持被大大地低估。 | But there has been no slowdown in its manipulative purchases of U. S. assets, implying that the renminbi remains deeply undervalued. | |
6 | 当然,我不是暗示你应该从今以后领取百元钞票。 | I’m not implying that you should get your money in $100 bills from now on, certainly. | |
7 | 对电视演出节目作一些简短的评论,不必暗示要让她通过联想使她因迷恋电视剧和武器而感到内疚。 | Make simple critiques of a show without implying that her fascination with the drama and the weapons makes her guilty by association. | |
8 | 而比尔-盖茨(BillGates)的涂鸦是一系列散落的盒子——暗示出一种更为意外无序的思维过程。 | Bill Gates’ doodles, on the other hand, were a series of loosely connected boxes - implying a more unexpected, disorderly thought process. | |
9 | 冯·诺依曼从数量上比较了大脑神经元和真空电子管的运算速度,大胆暗示两者可以类比。 | Von Neumann quantitatively compared the speed of brain neurons and the speed of vacuum tubes, boldly implying the two could be compared. | |
10 | 高于100%意味着债务超过了外汇,此时就当敲响警钟了。 | Anything above 100%, implying that debts exceed foreign exchange, should ring alarm bells. | |
11 | 公平竞争权与科斯定律的潜在前提--论公平竞争权的应然性及其本质属性 | Right to Fair Competition and the Implying Premise of Coarse Theorem--On Suitability of Fair Competition and its Primary Characteristics | |
12 | 韩愈的“文以明道”和布瓦洛的“爱义理”一样,都属于理性文学的范畴。 | Han Yu’s "essays implying the doctrine" and Boileau’s "love righteousness principle" both belong to rational category of literature. | |
13 | 好消息是,美国中年人所占比率在2025年应该会反弹,也就意味着一次强烈回归。 | The good news for America is that the relative proportion of middle-aged people should rebound in 2025, implying a strong recovery. | |
14 | 和欧洲相比,在美国,家庭收入对孩子的人生影响更大,这意味着社会流动的重要性在变小。 | Parental income is a better predictor of a child’s future in America than in much of Europe, implying that social mobility is less powerful. | |
15 | 记者们在当地看到坦克、火箭发射器和油罐车,所有这些迹象都表明,卡扎非军队不会在阿吉达比耶停留很久。 | The reporters saw tanks, grad rocket launchers, and fuel tankers massing, all implying his pause at the Ajdabiya would not last for long. | |
16 | 嘉裕君玥一套价值500万元人民币的公寓,年租金为4万元,即回报率为0. | An Rmb 5m condo at Jiayu Junyue costs Rmb40, 000 a year to rent, implying a return of 0. 8 per cent. | |
17 | 她发现,接受按摩但未参与游戏的那组人的血液没有变化,表明信任的确是引起催产素水平变化的因素之一。 | She found no effect in the massaged group who did not participate in the game, implying that trust does indeed act as some sort of trigger. | |
18 | 她解释道,洛克菲勒(Rockefeller)的涂鸦是一系列摞起来的盒子——暗示建设性的逻辑思维。 | She explained how Rockefeller’s doodles were a series of boxes all on top of each other - implying constructive logical thought. | |
19 | 她预计,到2010年底,金融资产总值将超过200万亿美元,这意味着年度增长速度将达到8%左右。 | She expects the total will rise above $200, 000bn at the end of 2010, implying an annual growth rate of around 8 per cent. | |
20 | 解释为“是种族歧视,暗指外国人不遵守交通规则”。 | as "simple racism, implying that foreigners don’t obey the rules. " | |
21 | 今天政府在经济周期的早期进行介入,预示着这场介入的周期要长久的多,原因有二。 | Governments today have had to step in earlier in the economic cycle, implying a longer period of engagement for two reasons. | |
22 | 静态分析通常被看做是一个白盒监测,意味着与黑盒是相对立的。 | Static analysis is often referred to as White-Box scanning, implying that it is the opposite of Black-Box. | |
23 | 柯比说:“任何有关他暗示(中印)两国构成军事威胁的解读都是错误的。” | "Any suggestion that he was implying either country was a military threat is just false, " Kirby said. | |
24 | 可预见对办公用地与销售用地的需求增长也会相当缓慢,这就使得商业住宅建设活动持续走低。 | Demand for office and retail space is thus expected to rise slowly as well, implying continued declines in commercial building activity. | |
25 | 李认为该比率在下个十年中将跌至5左右,这意味着能源所占GDP的比重将翻四番。 | Mr Lees thinks the ratio might fall to five over the next decade, implying that energy’s share of GDP could quadruple. | |
26 | 媒体有的时候喜欢把阴茎称作“爱肌”,暗指其就像肱二头肌一样,适当的联系能够让它增大。 | The sex media sometimes refer to the penis as the "love muscle, " implying that like the biceps, certain exercises can buff it up. | |
27 | 摩洛哥国王最近视察了乌吉达,宣布了建设新工厂和基础设施的计划,暗示着他不再静候阿尔及利亚的开放。 | Their king recently visited Oujda to launch plans for new factories and infrastructure, implying he could not wait for Algeria to open up. | |
28 | 去年12月,Skype已拥有6.63亿注册用户和8.6亿美元的收入,这意味着平均每位用户只能给其带来1.3美元的收益。 | It had 663m registered users last December and made $860m in revenue in 2010, implying revenue per user of a mere $1. 30. | |
29 | 然而,即便是那些新银行也已经为其贷款撇帐了大约50%,意味着他们不准备拿回这部分钱了。 | However, even the new banks have written off about 50% of their loans, implying that they do not expect that portion to be repaid. | |
30 | 然而关联的数据必须是一致的,这意味着需要进行数据同步。 | Yet the associated data must be consistent, implying a need for data synchronization. |