1 | 对依照本条例第二十五条作出的终裁决定不服的,对依照本条例第四章作出的是否征收反倾销税的决定以及追溯征收、 | Where any party is not satisfied with a final determination made under Article 25 of these Regulations, or not satisfied with a decision on whether or not to impose an anti-dumping duty, retroactive imposition of an anti-dumping duty, | |
2 | 对征收新加的赋税人人都抱怨。 | Everyone grumbled at the imposition of new taxes. | |
3 | 对征收新加的赋税人人都抱怨。 | Everyone grumbled at the imposition of new taxes. | |
4 | 罚款的办法和数额由本法实施细则规定。 | The amount of fine and the procedure for its imposition shall be stipulated in the rules for implementation of this Law. | |
5 | 罚款由县级人民政府水行政主管部门报请县级人民政府决定。 | The imposition of a fine shall be subject to a decision by the people’s government at the county level on a report submitted by the department of water administration under the people’s government at the county level. | |
6 | 翻转式:装版的一个方式. | Work-and-tumble: A scheme of imposition . | |
7 | 风险分析必需是透明的,其结果应能向输出国提供一个允许或拒绝进口的明确理由。 | The analysis should be transparent. This is necessary so that the exporting country is provided with clear reasons for the imposition of import conditions or refusal to import. | |
8 | 根据第11条第3款对一现有措施的任何复审应不迟于实行反倾销措施之日起5年开始。 | Any review of an existing measure under Article 11.3 would be initiated no later than five years from the date of its imposition | |
9 | 雇主依法应为雇员投保劳工保险及全民健康保险,其保险费及保险给付应依劳工保险条例及全民健康保险法之规定。 | During the period of employment the Employee shall be protected with imposition of premiums and compensations of the Labor Insurance and the National Health Insurance. | |
10 | 国家保护林农的合法权益,依法减轻林农的负担,禁止向林农违法收费、罚款,禁止向林农进行摊派和强制集资 | The State protects the legitimate rights and interests of forest growers, alleviates their burdens according to the law, forbids law-breaking imposition of levies and fines on them, and forbids the imposition of contributions and mandatory fund-raising on them. | |
11 | 和平是一种协议,不能强行施加,不是单方面的行为,也不是权力的表现。 | Peace is a matter of an agreement, not a matter of imposition , not a matter of a one-sided act, not a matter of power | |
12 | 横转式:常用的装版方式.印一面之后,把纸沿着长边反转,用同一夹牙边和同一印版施印. | Work-and-turn: A common scheme of imposition . After printing the first side, turn the sheet on its ling dimension, and then printing the reverse side using the same plate and the same gripper edge. | |
13 | 进口限制。通过征收关税,设置配额,仅准凭许可证进口等措施实行进口限制。 | Import restriction. Import restriction is effected through such measures as imposition of tariffs, fixing of quota, allowing imports only against licenses. | |
14 | 就征收最终反倾销或反补贴税提出建议或就退税提出建议等。 | Providing proposal on imposition of definitive anti-dumping or countervailing duties or proposals on duty refund, etc | |
15 | 拒绝、阻碍有关行政管理人员执行职务,违反《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》的,由公安部门依法处罚;情节严重,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 | The public security department shall punish according to law those who refuse or obstruct the execution of duties by relevant administrative officials in violation of the Regulations of the PRC on Public Security Administration and Imposition of Punishment, and shall be prosecuted for criminal liability, if the wrong is serious and constitutes a crime. | |
16 | 可以没收其卫星地面接收设施,并处以五万元以下的罚款。 | confiscate the ground satellite receiving facilities, with an additional imposition of a fine of not more than Renminbi 50,000 yuan, | |
17 | 蓝稿样:用拼好的菲林接触晒印在纸上的染料着色稿样。版前,用来核对摆版和图像位置。发明这个方法时及的是蓝色,故名。现在这类稿样有多种颜色。 | Blue line (Blues): Contact dyeline proof made on paper from stripped-up film. Used for general checking purposes especially imposition . The name comes from the colour used when the process was invented. Many colours are now available | |
18 | 联合国维和行动在缓解地区冲突方面可以起一定睥积极作用强制性手段,并越来越多地涉及一国内部事务,维和行动再度陷入进退两难的境地 | UN peacekeeping operations can, to some extent, play a positive role in easing regional conflicts. However in recent years, they have now again landed themselves in a predicament with their expansion in number and on scale, frequent imposition of mandatory means and increased involvement in the internal affairs of the receiving countries | |
19 | 那位电影明星因私生活受到干预心头直冒怒火。 | The film star became wild with anger over the imposition on her privacy. | |
20 | 纳税人向税务人员行贿,不缴或者少缴应纳税款的,依照关于惩治偷税、抗税犯罪的补充规定第四条的规定处罚。 | Where a taxpayer fails to pay or underpays the amount of tax payable by offering a bribe to tax officials, a punishment shall be imposed in accordance with the provisions set forth in Article 4 of the Supplementary Provisions Concerning the Imposition of Punishment in Respect of Offenses of Evasion of Tax and Refusal to Pay Tax. | |
21 | 扭转式:活版用的装版方式.它方便排版,多数用于印制复杂有线表格. | Work-and-twist: A scheme of imposition which is largely used in letterpress to print complicate ruled forms for ease of setting. | |
22 | 企业事业单位犯有第四十条、第四十一条规定的违法行为,构成犯罪的,依照关于惩治偷税、抗税犯罪的补充规定第三条的规定处罚 | Where an enterprise or institution commits an illegal act as specified in Article 40 and 41 of this Law and such act constitutes an offence, a punishment shall be imposed in accordance with the provisions set forth in Article 3 of the Supplementary Provisions Concerning the Imposition of Punishment in Respect of Offenses of Evasion of Tax and Refusal to Pay Tax. | |
23 | 请你邮寄这个小包裹算是利用你吗? | Would it be an imposition to ask you to mail this parcel? | |
24 | 曲线形相位特性减小了波形振幅峰值。 | The imposition of a curved phase characteristic reduces the peak amplitude of the waveform | |
25 | 任何机关对农民或者农业生产经营组织进行罚款处罚必须依据法律、法规的规定。 | Any imposition of fines upon peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations by State organs must be based on the provisions of laws or regulations. | |
26 | 如必要,与国外利害关系方就"价格承诺"进行谈判;就征收最终反倾销或反补贴税提出建议或就退税提出建议等。 | Negotiating with foreign interested parties on ""Price Undertaking"" if necessary; Providing proposal on imposition of definitive anti-dumping or countervailing duties or proposals on duty refund, etc. | |
27 | 设定和实施行政处罚必须以事实为依据,与违法行为的事实、性质、情节以及社会危害程度相当。 | Creation and imposition of administrative penalty shall be based on facts and shall be in correspondence with the facts, nature and seriousness of the violations of law and damage done to society. | |
28 | 什么是宗教税,什么是宗教礼节,都是骗人的,乱七八糟的事,我并且可以证实。 | What are tithes and tricks but an imposition , all a confounded imposture? Dand I can prove it | |
29 | 实施海事行政处罚,应当遵循合法、公开、公正,处罚与教育相结合的原则。 | The principles of legitimacy, openness, justice, and combination of punishment and education shall be abided by in the imposition of maritime administrative punishment. | |
30 | 双面式:常用的装版方式,与"全张纸式施印"同义. | Work-and-back: A scheme of imposition in common use. Synonymous with "sheet work". |