属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-尼日利亚游记 A memoir of Nigeria
1 | 我患肝炎被关进医院,要是出了院该有多么痛快。 | It will be good to get out after being imprisoned in the hospital with hepatitis. | |
2 | 我们不能受保守思想的束缚。 | We can not be imprisoned by the conservative ideas | |
3 | 我们代表含冤系狱的人向当局求情(予以释放) | We have interceded with the authorities on behalf of people unfairly imprisoned there, ie asked them to release the prisoners | |
4 | 物质微小的粒子中束缚着惊人的力。 | Tremendous forces are imprisoned in the minute particles of matter | |
5 | 先知穆罕默德曾说:{某位女性因为将一只猫囚禁至死而受罚。为了惩处这种行为,她被判下地狱。当她囚禁那只猫时,她未提供它食物或饮水,也没有放它出来吃昆虫。 | Once Muhammad said: (A woman was punished because she imprisoned a cat until it died. On account of this, she was doomed to Hell. While she imprisoned it, she did not give the cat food or drink, nor did she free it to eat the insects of the earth. | |
6 | 一个场面是描述勒达轻抚着一只天鹅,那天鹅实际上是朱庇特的化身;另一幅描述了达那厄被她父亲关在一座铜塔里,而主神朱庇特却变成一阵金雨浇进了铜塔。 | Once scene represented Leda caressing the swan, under which for Jupiter had disguised herself; and another, danae, in the brazen tower in which her father had imprisoned her, but where the god effected his entrance in the form of a golden shower | |
7 | 由于政治原因而被监禁 | Imprisoned on political grounds | |
8 | 由于政治原因而被监禁. | Imprisoned on political grounds | |
9 | 有几个暴乱者因制造动乱被关押在狱。 | Several of the rioters are imprisoned for cause a disturbance. | |
10 | 有一位名演员曾在一出极为成功的剧目中扮演一个贵族角色,这个贵族已在巴士底狱被关押了20年。 | A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years. | |
11 | 于是那个愚蠢的犯人就被扣押起来,关进了牢里,经过审问、对质、挨骂、宣判,然后在麻绳或钢刀上了却了残生,假如她是一个很有地位的女人,他们就会判处她无期徒刑。 | and rather than not recognize the guilty purchaser, they will recognize twenty. Then the foolish criminal is taken, imprisoned , interrogated, confronted, confounded, condemned, and cut off by hemp or steel | |
12 | 约翰·班扬因债务下狱,在狱中他写出了《天路历程》。 | John Bunyan was imprisoned for debt, and wrote Pilgrim’s Progress while in prison. | |
13 | 在以色列控制西岸期间,他曾三次遭到以方拘禁。 | He was imprisoned three times by Israeli when it controlled the West Bank | |
14 | 战俘都被关在碉堡里。 | The prisoners of war were all imprisoned in the blockhouse | |
15 | 战争期间敌国侨民遭到监禁。 | Enemy aliens were imprisoned during the war. | |
16 | 这男孩把自己关在房间里。 | The boy imprisoned himself in the room | |
17 | 这是一种可以被判入狱的犯罪行为. | As counterfeiting is a criminal act, those involved can be imprisoned . | |
18 | 这些人因密谋反对政府而被监禁。 | The men were imprisoned for plotting against the government | |
19 | 这些生物要变成石油,必须被密封在岩石之中很长时间。 | For there creatures to become oil, it was necessary that they should be imprisoned between layers of rock for an enormous length of time. | |
20 | 政治犯(认为拥护某政治制度等是错误的因而被关押者). | Prisoners of conscience,ie people imprisoned because they believe it is wrong to support a political system,etc | |
21 | 政治犯(因反对政府或其政治制度而遭关押者). | Political prisoner (person who is imprisoned because he or she opposes the(system of)government) | |
22 | 只有一些保镖和那个旅馆的小职员当了替罪羊,被关进了监狱。 | Only some of the guards and a minor hotel employee, chosen as scapegoats, were imprisoned | |
23 | 自由的不受监禁或奴役的;自由的 | Not imprisoned or enslaved;being at liberty. | |
24 | ||1:Saro-Wiwa宁可呆在拥有高尔夫球具和Leylandii树的叶萨里郡家中,或者和来自罗丁寄宿制学校的淘气小伙伴们玩躲猫猫的游戏。||2:但Saro-Wiwa的妈妈把这个叶萨里郡的家当成一座房子,而在尼日利亚的家才是真正意义上的“家”:标志性建筑“热带拉格”中的煤油灯和大米秋葵粥,暖暖的可乐,家族中长辈的高谈阔论--这才是真正意义上的家,直到Noo的父亲肯·萨洛-威瓦,这个来自于奥格尼的商人和活动家,因为他的直言不讳的政治言论,而逮捕入狱,随后又于1995年被处于极刑。||3:尼日利亚的旅途才戛然而止。 | ||1:Ms Saro-Wiwa would far rather have stayed in the family house in leafy Surrey, with its golf clubs and Leylandii trees, or holed up with her smart boarding-school friends from Roedean.||2:But her mother thought of their Surrey home as the “house”, whereas their Nigerian home was “home”, a character-building “tropical gulag” with kerosene lamps, rice-and-okra soup, “body-temperature Coca-Cola” and a live-in tribe of cackling uncles and aunts.Home, that is, until Noo’s father, Ken Saro-Wiwa, a businessman and activist from the oil-rich region of Ogoni, was arrested, imprisoned and then hanged in 1995 for his outspoken political views.||3:The trips back to Nigeria came to an abrupt stop. | |
25 | ||1:她的英勇无畏似乎因为她从不自我怀疑。||2:她那种斩钉截铁的确定和由此而来的信念——对战前在维也纳鞭笞犹太人的纳粹的痛恨、对法国的热爱以及对英国无比的忠诚——使她从不愧疚。||3:因此,即使她公开撒谎自己是一名囚禁的苏格兰上校的表妹,或者是在包里藏着两百磅非法猪肉与一名盖世太保军官交谈,她也表现地底气十足、气定神闲。 | ||1:Her fearlessness seemed to come from a total lack of self-doubt.||2:The certainty with which she held her beliefs—she hated the Nazis, having seen them whipping Jews in Vienna before the war, loved France and was intensely loyal to Britain—freed her of any sense of guilt.||3:This in turn enabled her to act as though she were utterly innocent, even when claiming to be the cousin of an imprisoned Scottish captain, or chatting to a Gestapo officer with 200lb of illegal pork in her suitcase. | |
26 | ||1:她的英勇无畏似乎因为她从不自我怀疑。||2:她那种斩钉截铁的确定和由此而来的信念——对战前在维也纳鞭笞犹太人的纳粹的痛恨、对法国的热爱以及对英国无比的忠诚——使她从不愧疚。||3:因此,即使她公开撒谎自己是一名囚禁的苏格兰上校的表妹,或者是在包里藏着两百磅非法猪肉与一名盖世太保军官交谈,她也表现地底气十足、气定神闲。 | ||1:Her fearlessness seemed to come from a total lack of self-doubt.||2:The certainty with which she held her beliefs—she hated the Nazis, having seen them whipping Jews in Vienna before the war, loved France and was intensely loyal to Britain—freed her of any sense of guilt.||3:This in turn enabled her to act as though she were utterly innocent, even when claiming to be the cousin of an imprisoned Scottish captain, or chatting to a Gestapo officer with 200lb of illegal pork in her suitcase. | |
27 | ||1:然而,民主总姗姗来迟。||2:每年三月末,示威的妇女们总会呼喊着“自由!”——为古巴全体人民,也为她们的男人们。||3:她们分发铅笔,铅笔一头印着“白衣女士”,另一头印着人权联盟的标志,希望通过宣传使民主慢慢地深入人心,能得到人们的支持。||4:而她们的对立方称她们为 “雇佣军”和被美国收买的“绿色女人”(大概意指美元是绿色的)。普兰女士不得不承认,她们为了被监禁的丈夫们的确得到了美国的美元和物资支持。||5:被盲目驱使的其他妇女受到煽动来袭击她们,打她们,拉扯她们的头发。||6:对于这些,普兰女士可以强忍着不作还击,但一次当一个男人骂她“母狗”时,她终于忍无可忍,把手里的剑兰扔在他的脸上。||7: 在9月在一次示威活动中,她被猛地撞到一堵墙上,这可能引发了她的呼吸系统障碍,最终导致了她的死因。 | ||1:Yet politics crept in.||2:At the end of every march the women would chant “Libertad!”—for Cuba as a whole, as much as for their men.||3:They would throw out pencils with Derechos Humanos on one side and Damas en Blanco on the other, hoping that, slowly, people would pick them up.||4:Enemies called them “mercenaries” and “Ladies in Green”, in the pay of the United States, and Ms Pollan had to admit that they did get American dollars and American parcels for their imprisoned men.||5:Shock mobs of other women were especially bused in to attack them, beat them and pull their hair.||6:Ms Pollan could fight back with the best: when a man called her “Puta!” once, she threw her gladioli in his face.||7:In one battle in September she was crushed against a wall, which may have set off the breathing troubles that killed her. | |
28 | ||1:虽然朱蒂先生从未提及,但是临终前的病痛肯定引起他的极大自哀,就在一年前,他出现在公共演讲庭,坐在轮椅上告诉别人,自己现如今正被不同种类的动态神经细胞病变所折磨,这是一种将身体蹂躏成麻痹状态的病:感觉像困兽般被囚禁在一个不断缩小的牢笼中,他坦言到。||2:但他也同样这样写过这些,就写在那些关于教训和人生旅行的辛酸和水晶般的小拼图中。 | ||1:His final ordeal might have inspired great self-pity, though he displayed no hint of it.Just under a year ago, he appeared at a public lecture in a wheelchair to announce that he was suffering from a variant of motor-neurone disease, in which the body succumbs to inexorable paralysis: like being imprisoned in a shrinking cell, he said.||2:But he wrote about that too, in poignant, crystalline vignettes about his upbringing and travels. | |
29 | 《老男孩》讲述了一个被绑架然后囚禁15年之久的男人,而他根本不知道这一切到底是谁干的,为什么要这样对他。 | Old Boy follows a man who is kidnapped and then imprisoned for fifteen years, without knowing why or by whom. | |
30 | 2005年大选后,许多埃塞俄比亚反对党领导人以莫须有的叛国罪下狱; | Many of Ethiopia’s opposition leaders were imprisoned after the election of 2005 on trumped-up treason charges; |