属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-最强拍档 Friends united
1 | 我绝不考虑失败,我的字典里不再有放弃,不可能、办不到、没法子、成问题、失败,行不通、没希望、退缩…这类愚蠢的字眼. | I will never consider defeat and I will remove from my vocabulary such words and phrases as quit, cannot, unable, impossible, out of the question, improbable , failure, unworkable, hopeless, and retreat; for they are the words of fools. | |
2 | 我们不得不采取下列两种不近情理的假说之一。 | We must make one of two following highly improbable suppositions | |
3 | 我们不再像以往那样轻易相信别人了。在19世纪,小说家常在小说结尾处给读者准备一系列巧合--大部分是牵强附会,极不可能的。 | We are less credulous than we used to be In the nineteenth century, a novelist would bring his story to a conclusion by presenting his readers with a series of coincidences--most of them wildly improbable . | |
4 | 无稽之谈(尤指用作藉口或解释的) | A cock-and-bull story ;absurd and improbable story, esp one used as an excuse or explanation | |
5 | 在那些细微的情节里,读者将遇见两三处似乎不可能真有其事的经过,但是我们为了尊重事实,仍旧保存下来。 | Among these details the reader will encounter two or three improbable circumstances, which we preserve out of respect for the truth | |
6 | 在我们之间达成协议是绝对不可能的。 | It’s extremely unlikely / improbable to reach an agreement between us. | |
7 | 这些事情本身没有任何不可能的因素,它印记着文学真实性的一切特征。 | There is nothing intrinsically improbable about this incident, which is stamped indeed, with all the marks of literary truth | |
8 | 这种论断,意味着进化系列中存在着巨大的断缺或不连续性,依我看来,这是极不可能的。 | This conclusion, which implies great breaks or discontinuity in the series, appears to me improbable in the highest degree | |
9 | 智慧在于辨别可能与不可能并顺应不可避免的事情 | Wisdom consists in the ability to discriminate between the probable and improbable , and in being reconciled to the inevitable | |
10 | 智慧在于辨别可能与不可能并顺应不可避免的事情。 | Wisdom consists in the ability to discriminate between the probable and improbable , and in being reconciled to the inevitable. | |
11 | 智慧在于辨别可能与不可能并顺应不可避免的事情。--伊索 | Wisdom consists in the ability to discriminate between the probable and improbable , and in being reconciled to the inevitable.--Aesop | |
12 | 最新的而且也是更加不可信的理论 | A recent and yet more improbable theory | |
13 | ||1:巴耶斯特罗斯打得如此漂亮,他鼓舞了整整一代欧洲高尔夫球选手。||2:他有着长距离球所需的力量,短距离球所需的技巧和敏锐,但是他太大胆,几近鲁莽。||3:全凭感情行事的他有时会把球打到停车场、荆豆灌木丛和沙坑障碍中区。但同时他又能把球打过八英尺的高墙或者用5号铁杆击出可以绕过树的曲线球,或者是一个切滚球把球打过两个沙坑之间窄窄的间隔,再就是推进杆打出一个几乎不可能的小鸟。||4:他似乎总是有麻烦,但又从来没有过任何麻烦。 | ||1: It was also beautifully done, inspiring a whole generation of European golfers.||2:He had strength for the long game, finesse and subtlety for the short game, but also a daring that bordered on recklessness.||3:Pure passion made him drive his tee shots into car parks, gorse and bunkers, but this was a man who could pitch a ball over an eight-foot wall, or hook a 5-iron shot round a tree, or chip-and-run through a tiny gap between two yawning bunkers, and sink the putt for an improbable birdie.||4:He was always in trouble, yet he never was. | |
14 | ||1:电影根据真实故事改编,讲述的是菲利普,一个四肢瘫痪的贵族(弗朗索瓦·克鲁塞饰演)和Driss(奥玛·赛饰演)一位来自巴黎郊区破房子里的塞内加尔裔青年之间建立的一段几乎不可能的主仆友情。||2:Driss刑满出狱后,菲利普没有经过考察便立刻雇佣了他,让他负责照顾自己在巴黎豪宅里的生活起居。||3:当别人警告菲利普说这位郊区青年毫无“怜悯之心”时,没有怜悯之心?坐在轮椅上的这位曾经的跳伞健将冷冷的回到:这正是我要找的。 | ||1: Based on a true story, it follows the improbable relationship between Philippe, a quadriplegic aristocrat (Francois Cluzet), and Driss (Omar Sy), a gregarious Senegal-born youth from the banlieues, the grim housing estates that ring Paris. ||2: On his release from prison, Driss is hired by Philippe in a moment of recklessness as a live-in help at his Paris mansion. ||3: Philippe is warned that banlieue youths have “no pity”. No pity, replies the wheelchair-bound former paraglider wryly, is just what I want. | |
15 | ||1:经济衰退还要多久?尽管不好的情况发生的可能性比较大,英国央行货币政策委员会公布的数据:产出量本季度和明年一季度会与之前持平。||2:英国的预测也放大了欧元区危机爆发的危机程度。||3:不是因为无法预测他,而是没有可行的方法来测算其影响。||4:对于欧元区的担心也加重了对于其自身经济的担忧。 | ||1:How far might the economy fall.||2:The central case of the Bank of England’s monetary-policy committee is that output will be broadly flat in the current quarter and in the first half of 2012, though it thinks a worse outcome is more likely than a better one.||3:Its forecast excludes the possibility of a big euro-zone blow-up, not because this is improbable but because there is “no meaningful way” to calculate its impact.||4:Fear that the euro zone will disintegrate will itself weigh on the economy. | |
16 | ||1:取材于真实故事的影片围绕四肢瘫痪的贵族菲利佩(弗兰科斯·库泽特饰)与来自暴力街区(环巴黎的糟糕的居民区)的爱跟人打交道的塞内加尔裔青年迪瑞斯(奥马尔·塞饰)之间本没什么交集的关系展开。||2:出狱后,菲利佩毅然雇佣迪瑞斯为他巴黎宅邸里的全职护工。||3:有人警告菲利佩说暴力街区的青年不值得“怜悯”。||4:这位在轮椅上动弹不得的前滑翔伞运动员反唇相讥:不值得“怜悯”的青年正是我要的。 | ||1: Based on a true story, it follows the improbable relationship between Philippe, a quadriplegic aristocrat (Fran?ois Cluzet), and Driss (Omar Sy), a gregarious Senegal-born youth from the banlieues, the grim housing estates that ring Paris. ||2: On his release from prison, Driss is hired by Philippe in a moment of recklessness as a live-in help at his Paris mansion. ||3: Philippe is warned that banlieue youths have “no pity”. ||4: No pity, replies the wheelchair-bound former paraglider wryly, is just what I want. | |
17 | ||1:与此同时,Bakrie的家族企业连续取得一系列看似不可能完成的业绩。||2:在十一月,它所领导的一个联营企业成功战胜了印尼的国有企业以及一家当地竞争对手而赢得一家位于松巴哇岛的全世界最大的金、铜开采企业之一的股份。||3: 而就在上一个月,中国投资有限责任公司——一个主权财富基金借给Bakrie家族控股的一个大型煤矿业开采公司Bumi Resources了19亿美元。 | ||1: Mr Bakrie’s family business, meanwhile, continues to pull off improbable feats. ||2: In November a consortium it led outmanoeuvred state-owned firms and a local rival to secure a stake in one of the world’s biggest copper and gold mines, on the island of Sumbawa. ||3: The month before China Investment Corporation, a Chinese sovereign-wealth fund, had lent Bumi Resources, a big coal-mining firm in which the family owns a stake, $1.9 billion. | |
18 | “但如果我必须找到一家麦当劳,我会驾车从爱达荷州驱往佛罗里达州的南端。”不大可能么?是的。 | "But if all I have to do is find a McDonald’s, I could drive from Idaho to the southern tip of Florida. " Improbable ? Yes. | |
19 | HP的CEO职位看起来更靠谱些。但是我们仍然认为这是不可能的。 | The CEO job at HP makes more sense, though. Still, we think this is improbable . | |
20 | 不过,日本民主党的大部分经济规划仍相当粗略、不可信或者完全不切实际。 | Yet much of the DPJ’s economic programme remains sketchy, improbable or downright unrealistic. | |
21 | 除非默克尔挺身而出(这几乎是不可能的),在候选人中有此资历的唯一人选就是英国的托尼布莱尔。 | Unless Ms Merkel steps forward, which is improbable , the only such person in the running is Mr Blair. | |
22 | 除了可以相信它已经有将近600年的历史,其余都难以置信。一铁锹就在一夜之间将几无可能的神话变成了不可想象的事实。 | Except it is nearly 600 years old. Overnight, at the stroke of a shovel, improbable myth becomes unimaginable fact. | |
23 | 此刻,我想你正在想着如何才能制定自己超级不可能的目标(WIG)。 | At this point, I hope you’re wondering how you can set your own Wildly Improbable Goals. | |
24 | 此外,使用它为空间站服务的成本[巨大],需要NASA大幅增加预算,这不太可能。 | Moreover, the cost of using it to service the space station would require a dramatic and improbable increase in NASA’s budget. | |
25 | 从他自己申明的策略来看,Madoff的投资表现不是不恰当而是从数学上看根本不可能。 | Mr. Madoff’s investment performance, given his stated strategy, was not merely improbable but mathematically impossible. | |
26 | 从小说家的视角来看,这次事件是“不可思议的大事”,几乎不可能是真的。 | From a novelist’s perspective it is a "miraculous event" , too improbable to be true. | |
27 | 大陆的两端间的广阔的距离使古非洲人显得不可能拥有大范围的交换系统。 | The immense distance between the two ends of the continent makes an ancient African exchange system appear improbable . | |
28 | 但即使上述所有有利因素发生,工党连任四届也难一锤定音。 | A fourth-term Labour government remains improbable , even if all of the above transpires. | |
29 | 但两家公司共享一个新款Mini汽车平台的野心勃勃的想法,已被迅速抛弃,同时合并似乎已变成最不可能的事情。 | But the ambitious idea of the two sharing a new Mini car platform was rapidly abandoned, while a merger seems most improbable . | |
30 | 但如果你负有保卫国家的职责,你制定的计划就必须能够应对甚至不可能出现的威胁。 | If you are charged with defending your country, you need to be able to meet even improbable threats. |