1 | 这些援助可以保证得到的财政和其它援助在建立稳定的、独立的经济体系,改进公共管理时得到有效的利用。 | This assistance can ensure that the financial and other aid given to Greece shall be used effectively in creating a stable and self-sustaining economy and in improving its public administration | |
2 | 这样,有利于引导各方面把主要精力放在调整结构和提高效益上,也有利于防止经济过热和低水平重复建设。 | This will help focus efforts on restructuring and improving economic returns, and also prevent an overheated economy and poor quality or redundant development | |
3 | 正当我致力于提高语言水平的时候,我找到了一本英语语法书(可能是格林伍德写的)。 | While I was intent on improving my language, I met with an English grammar (I think it was greenwood’s) | |
4 | 正如诸位所知,作为一个发展中国家,中国政府从提高和改善13亿人民的生活水平出发,提出了在本世纪前20年在中国全面建设小康社会的目标。 | As you all know, China, as a developing country, has proceeded from improving the living conditions of its 1.3 billion people and put forward the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way in the first 2 decades of this century | |
5 | 政府可以通过改进税收的方法省下钱来。 | The government could save money by improving the way it collects taxes. | |
6 | 中国海关在便利企业、便利贸易的同时,执法成效也有了很大的改进。 | In recent years, China Customs has greatly improved its efficiency of enforcement while improving services to enterprises and promoting trade facilitation | |
7 | 中国人民对外友好协会在发展和改善中国与世界其他国家的良好关系方面发挥了重要的作用。 | The Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries has played an important part in developing and improving good relationship of China with other countries all over the world. | |
8 | 珠海投资环境日臻完善,为国际财团投资提供了广阔的空间。 | The investment environment in Zhuhai is improving daily, providing broad areas for investment by international consortia | |
9 | 自1979年以来,中国以建立和完善社会主义市场经济为目标,逐步改革其经济体制。 | Since 1979, China had been progressively reforming its economic system, with the objective of establishing and improving the socialist market economy | |
10 | 最重要的是它是改善交通的良好途径。 | The important thing is that it’s a good way of improving communications. |