1 | "你不是我的孩子!你不是我的珠儿!"母亲半开玩笑地说;因为就在她最为痛苦的时候,往往会涌来一阵寻开心的冲动。 | "Thou art not my child! Thou art no Pearl of mine!"" said the mother, half playfully; for it was often the case that a sportive impulse came over her, in the midst of her deepest suffering. " | |
2 | 变电站内某点所出现的最大冲击电压一般就是避雷器所具有的保护水平 | The maximum impulse voltage that can appear at a point within a substation is usually the protective level that is held by the arrester. | |
3 | 别把这当回事,这是他一时冲动所为。 | Do not take it seriously; he did it out of impulse . | |
4 | 不是一时的感情冲动,也不是玩弄手法,完全是从实际出发的,是充分照顾到香港的历史和现实情况的。 | We are not acting on impulse or playing tricks but are proceeding from reality and taking into full account the past and present circumstances of Hong Kong. | |
5 | 成年之后,我从来没有过可以勉强说得上宗教冲动的感受。 | Neveer in my adult life have I experienced anything that could be plausibly called a religious impulse | |
6 | 冲动产生一个电冲。用于神经细胞 | To generate an electrical impulse .Used of a neuron. | |
7 | 冲动一种强烈的动机或冲动 | A powerful motivation or impulse . | |
8 | 此电压值为设定冲击电流流过避雷器时的电压,再加上避雷器与该点间距离所相关的附加电压。 | This voltage has some assumed value of impulse current through it, plus an additional voltage related to the distance between the arrester and that point. | |
9 | 促进工业的扩展. | Give an impulse to industrial expansion | |
10 | 促进合乎道义的投资是值得赞赏的,但我怀疑这种“一刀切”的做法能否行得通。 | The impulse to invest ethically is praiseworthy, but I’m skeptical of "one size fits all" approaches to it | |
11 | 存在着一个思想的世界和一个行动的世界;法国人通常赞成压制前一个世界,而英国人则赞成压制后一个;但是两者都不会被压制住的(马修·阿诺德)。Stifle就是好像闷熄般抑制住某物,如冲动或情感 | There is the world of ideas and the world of practice;the French are often for suppressing the one and the English the other;but neither is to be suppressed(Matthew Arnold.To stifle is to keep back something,such as an impulse or an emotion,as if by smothering it | |
12 | 当那年轻的妇女--就是婴儿的母亲--全身伫立在人群面前时,她的第一个冲动似乎就是把孩子抱在胸前 | When the young woman-the mother of this child-stood fully revealed before the crowd, it seemed to be her first impulse to clasp the infant closely to her bosom; | |
13 | 当一个正当结婚妙龄的少女,敦促毫无挂碍的青年男子结婚的时候,非常清楚谁也不会认为她的行为纯粹出自利他主义的动机。 | When a marriageable young woman urges matrimony on an unencumbered young man the most obvious explanation of her conduct is not the altruistic impulse | |
14 | 党的头头们在某种程度上贬低过去的想法又抬头了。 | In part this impulse sprang from the feeling of inferiority toward the past that the party bigwigs had | |
15 | 到达一个神经元轴索终端的神经冲动刺激释放出神经介质,在几个毫秒的时间内,它跨越微小的间隙而到达相邻的神经元突触。 | A nerve impulse arriving at the axon terminal of one neuron stimulates release of a neurotransmitter, which crosses the microscopic gap (see synapse)in milliseconds to the adjoining neuron’s dendrite. | |
16 | 典型的神经元由树突(接受刺激并向内传导的纤维)、细胞体(接受树突所传来讯息的带核细胞体)和轴突(将神经冲动从细胞体传出至末端突触的纤维)。 | A typical neuron consists of dendrites (fibres that receive stimuli and conduct them inward), a cell body (a nucleated body that receives input from dendrites), and an axon (a fibre that relays the nerve impulse from the cell body outward to its terminals, the synaptic knobs). | |
17 | 电力变压器和电抗器的雷电冲击和操作冲击试验导则 | Guide to the lightning impulse and switching impulse testing of power transformers and reactors | |
18 | 电脉冲被送到表层细胞。 | An electrical impulse is sent to the exterior cells | |
19 | 电线电缆冲击电压试验方法 | Electric cables and wires--Method for impulse voltage test | |
20 | 动机一种能作为诱导物而激发行为的情绪、愿望、心理需要或者类似的心理推动力 | An emotion,desire,physiological need,or similar impulse that acts as an incitement to action. | |
21 | 钒化学分析方法脉冲熔融-气相色谱法测定氧量 | Vanadium--Determination of oxygen content--Impulse fusion-gas chromatographic method | |
22 | 反射:生物学中对刺激的一种机械性的天生反应,包括通过神经细胞传向肌肉或腺体的非意识性神经反应。 | Reflex: In biology, an automatic and inborn response to a stimulus that involves a nerve impulse passing from a sensory nerve cell to a muscle or gland without reaching the level of consciousness. | |
23 | 放火狂一种想要放火的不能控制的冲动 | An uncontrollable impulse to start fires. | |
24 | 弗兰兹对于意大利人的措辞虽然早已习惯了,但他的第一个冲动还是环顾一下四周。 | Accustomed as Franz was to the Italian phraseology, his first impulse was to look round him, but these words were addressed to him | |
25 | 高松年在镇上应酬回来,醉饱逍遥,忽然动念,折到汪家去。 | Kao Sung-nien was returning from an engagement in town, strolling along drunk and sated, when on a sudden impulse he decided to detour around to the Wangs | |
26 | 海丝特的第一个动作就是想用合着的双手来捂住胸膛。可是,不知是出于自尊自豪还是出于容忍顺从,抑或是感到她只有靠这种难言的痛苦才能最好地完成自己赎罪的苦行,她压抑下了这一冲动 | Hester’s first motion had been to cover her bosom with her clasped hands. But, whether from pride or resignation, or a feeling that her penance might best be wrought out by this unutterable pain, she resisted the impulse , | |
27 | 基本冲击绝缘水平是以不长于1.2;50gs的标准波形冲击峰值电压表示的基准水平。 | These are known as ″basic impulse insulation levels″ (BIL). Basic Impulse Insulation Level is expressed in impulse crest (peak)voltage with a standard wave not longer than a 1.2\50s wave. | |
28 | 即兴的购物者;即兴购物 | an impulse shopper;impulse buying. | |
29 | 高电压冲击试验用数字记录仪第一部分:对数字记录仪的要求 | Digital recorders for measurements in high--Voltage impulse tests--Part 1: Requirements for digital recorders |